"2.0"^^ . . . "* Difamus (G\u00E4bel 1914)" . "Chilomastix"@fr . . . . "* Cyathomastix (Prowazek & Werner 1915)" . . . "* Macrostoma (Al\u00E9x\u00E9ieff 1909 non Risso 1826 non Hedwig 1806 non Latreille 1825 non Griffith 1836 non Agassiz 1839)" . . "Al\u00E9x\u00E9ieff, 1910"@en . . "Chilomastix is a genus of pyriform excavates within the family Retortamonadidae All species within this genus are flagellated, structured with three flagella pointing anteriorly and a fourth contained within the feeding groove. Chilomastix also lacks Golgi apparatus and mitochondria but does possess a single nucleus. The genus parasitizes a wide range of vertebrate hosts, but is known to be typically non-pathogenic, and is therefore classified as harmless. The life cycle of Chilomastix lacks an intermediate host or vector. Chilomastix has a resistant cyst stage responsible for transmission and a trophozoite stage, which is recognized as the feeding stage. Chilomastix mesnili is one of the more studied species in this genus due to the fact it is a human parasite. Therefore, much of the info"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "* Tetrachilomastix (da Fonseca 1915) da Fonseca 1920)" . "Chilomastix est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme un des deux genres de Retortamonadidae avec Retortamonas. Mais il pourrait s'agir une lign\u00E9e ant\u00E9rieure \u00E0 celle des Retortamonas dans le clade des ."@fr . "* Macrostoma (Al\u00E9x\u00E9ieff 1909 non Risso 1826 non Hedwig 1806 non Latreille 1825 non Griffith 1836 non Agassiz 1839)\n* Cyathomastix (Prowazek & Werner 1915)\n* Tetrachilomastix ( da Fonseca 1920)\n* Chilomastix (da Fonseca 1915)\n* Fanapepea (Prowazek 1911)\n* Difamus (G\u00E4bel 1914)"@en . . . . . . . . . . "* Fanapepea (Prowazek 1911)" . "16572"^^ . "52644332"^^ . "Chilomastix"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chilomastix is a genus of pyriform excavates within the family Retortamonadidae All species within this genus are flagellated, structured with three flagella pointing anteriorly and a fourth contained within the feeding groove. Chilomastix also lacks Golgi apparatus and mitochondria but does possess a single nucleus. The genus parasitizes a wide range of vertebrate hosts, but is known to be typically non-pathogenic, and is therefore classified as harmless. The life cycle of Chilomastix lacks an intermediate host or vector. Chilomastix has a resistant cyst stage responsible for transmission and a trophozoite stage, which is recognized as the feeding stage. Chilomastix mesnili is one of the more studied species in this genus due to the fact it is a human parasite. Therefore, much of the information on this genus is based on what is known about this one species."@en . . . . . . . "* Chilomastix (Tetrachilomastix) (da Fonseca 1915)" . "Chilomastix"@en . . . "Chilomastix est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme un des deux genres de Retortamonadidae avec Retortamonas. Mais il pourrait s'agir une lign\u00E9e ant\u00E9rieure \u00E0 celle des Retortamonas dans le clade des ."@fr . . . . . . . "2.0"^^ . . . . "Species"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "* C. aulostomi (B\u011Bla\u0159 1921)\n* C. bandicooti (Todd 1963)\n* C. bettencourti (da Fonseca 1915)\n* C. bocis (Al\u00E9x\u00E9ieff 1912)\n* C. bursa (Moskowitz 1951)\n* C. caprae (da Fonseca 1915)\n* C. caulleryi ( Al\u00E9x\u00E9ieff 1910)\n* C. cuniculi (da Fonseca 1916)\n* C. cuspidata ( Bernard et al. 1997)\n* C. echinorum (Powers 1936)\n* C. equi (Abraham 1961)\n* C. gadrii (Krishnamurthy 1970)\n* C. gallinarum (Martin & Robertson 1911)\n* C. giganta (Nie 1948)\n* C. graecae (Navarathnam 1971)\n* C. granatensis (Rodr\u00EDguez L\u00F3pez-Neyra & Su\u00E1rez-Peregr\u00EDn 1932)\n* C. hemidactyli (Madre 1979)\n* C. hyderabadensis (Todd 1963)\n* C. intestinalis (Kuczynski 1914)\n* C. instabilis (Crouch 1936)\n* C. kudoi \n* C. magna (Becker 1926)\n* C. megamorpha (Abraham 1961)\n* C. mesnili \n* C. motellae \n* C. muris\n* C. navasi (da Fonseca 1940)\n* C. nigricollisi (Todd 1963)\n* C. olympioi\n* C. osmaniae (Navarathnam 1971)\n* C. palmari (Todd 1963)\n* C. peccarii\n* C. quadrii \n* C. rosenbuschi (da Fonseca 1916)\n* C. simiae\n* C. suis\n* C. tarsii (Porter 1952)\n* C. undulata (Skuja 1956)\n* C. wenrichi (Nie 1948)"@en . . "1023572980"^^ . .