. . . . . "1121430400"^^ . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald"@es . . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald (4 de enero de 1814 - 8 de julio de 1891), pol\u00EDtico noruego."@es . "6786"^^ . . . . . . . "1855"^^ . . . . . . . "1846"^^ . "1847"^^ . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald, f\u00F6dd 4 januari 1814 och d\u00F6d 8 juli 1891, var en norsk politiker, far till Peter Birch-Reichenwald. Birch-Reichenwald blev byr\u00E5chef i kyrkodepartementet 1839, expeditionssekreterare d\u00E4r 1841. 1847 blev han amtman i Smaalenene, 1855 i Akershus och var 1858-61 statsr\u00E5d. 1869-89 var Birch-Reichenwald sorenskriver i Aker. Han invaldes i Stortinget 1848 och 1854 men n\u00E5dde sitt verkliga inflytande f\u00F6rst sedan kronprins Karl 1856 \u00F6vertagit ledningen av den norska regeringen."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald (* 4. Januar 1814 in Blaker (seit 1. Januar 1962 Ortsteil von S\u00F8rum), Akershus; \u2020 8. Juli 1891 in Christiania) war ein norwegischer Politiker."@de . . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald (* 4. Januar 1814 in Blaker (seit 1. Januar 1962 Ortsteil von S\u00F8rum), Akershus; \u2020 8. Juli 1891 in Christiania) war ein norwegischer Politiker."@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald (4 January 1814 \u2013 8 July 1891) was a Norwegian jurist and politician who served as mayor of Oslo, Norway. He was born at Blaker in Akershus, Norway. He was the son of to Paul Hansen Birch and Anna Catharina Hoffmand Stenersen. He married Jacobine Ida Sophie Motzfeldt, daughter of Peter Motzfeldt and niece of his own mother. The couple had two children; Anna Ernesta (born 1839) and Peter (born 1843). He studied at the University of Christiania (now University of Oslo), completing his law degree in 1834. During his university studies, he had been chairman in the Norwegian Students' Society. He was a member of the social circle , and befriended such notable figures as Anton Martin Schweigaard, Bernhard Dunker and Johan Sebastian Welhaven there. He served as mayor of Christiania (now Oslo) in 1846. In 1847 he was appointed County Governor of Smaalenene (today named \u00D8stfold). While stationed here he was elected to the Norwegian Parliament in 1848 and 1854, representing the constituency of Moss og Dr\u00F8bak. In 1855 he was appointed County Governor in the more central county of Akershus. In 1858 he was appointed Minister of Auditing. The road had been opened for Christian Birch-Reichenwald and his supporters, as Crown Prince Carl of Sweden and Norway, who was viceroy of Norway at that time, had requested first minister and head of government J\u00F8rgen Herman Vogt to \"tender his resignation\". According to historians, Birch-Reichenwald and his friend \"used\" Crown Prince Carl to their own gains. Birch-Reichenwald was Minister of Auditing for one year, then became a member of the Council of State Division in Stockholm from 1859 to 1860, and then served as Minister of Justice and the Police from 1860 to 1861. In 1861, the governor-general position was discussed. Carl, who in the meantime had been crowned King, was unwilling to abolish this position, provoking Christian Birch-Reichenwald (and Ketil Motzfeldt) to resign. The governor-general office was not abolished until 1873. In 1862 Birch-Reichenwald was elected mayor of Christiania for the second time, serving through that year. He was also elected to a third parliamentary term, representing the constituency of Christiania, H\u00F8nefoss og Kongsvinger. From 1864 to 1865 he was mayor of Christiania for the third time, and in 1865 he was again elected to parliament. From 1869 to 1889 he served as district stipendiary magistrate (sorenskriver). He died in 1891 and was buried at V\u00E5r Frelsers gravlund."@en . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald (4 de enero de 1814 - 8 de julio de 1891), pol\u00EDtico noruego."@es . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald (4 January 1814 \u2013 8 July 1891) was a Norwegian jurist and politician who served as mayor of Oslo, Norway. He was born at Blaker in Akershus, Norway. He was the son of to Paul Hansen Birch and Anna Catharina Hoffmand Stenersen. He married Jacobine Ida Sophie Motzfeldt, daughter of Peter Motzfeldt and niece of his own mother. The couple had two children; Anna Ernesta (born 1839) and Peter (born 1843)."@en . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald, f\u00F6dd 4 januari 1814 och d\u00F6d 8 juli 1891, var en norsk politiker, far till Peter Birch-Reichenwald. Birch-Reichenwald blev byr\u00E5chef i kyrkodepartementet 1839, expeditionssekreterare d\u00E4r 1841. 1847 blev han amtman i Smaalenene, 1855 i Akershus och var 1858-61 statsr\u00E5d. 1869-89 var Birch-Reichenwald sorenskriver i Aker. Han invaldes i Stortinget 1848 och 1854 men n\u00E5dde sitt verkliga inflytande f\u00F6rst sedan kronprins Karl 1856 \u00F6vertagit ledningen av den norska regeringen. Karl tog g\u00E4rna r\u00E5d av Birch-Reichenwald i norska angel\u00E4genheter och utn\u00E4mnde honom 1858 till statsr\u00E5d och chef f\u00F6r justitiedepartementet. Birch-Reichenwald blev trots att han inte formellt var chef f\u00F6r regeringen, dess ledande man. Birch-Reichenwald misst\u00E4nktes vid sitt tilltr\u00E4de av m\u00E5nga norrm\u00E4n ha f\u00F6r avsikt att f\u00F6ra en reaktion\u00E4r politik, men han visade sig vara mycket lyh\u00F6rd f\u00F6r Stortingets \u00E5sikter. Han tillh\u00F6rde det andra \"amalgamistiska partiet\" av norska \u00E4mbetsm\u00E4n som st\u00F6dde norsk-svenska unionen, men f\u00F6rde genom sin lyh\u00F6rdhet mot Stortinget blev hans inst\u00E4llning av mycket liten betydelse. Kungens veto mot Stortingets beslut att avskaffa st\u00E5th\u00E5llar\u00E4mbetet i Norge f\u00F6rsvagade avsev\u00E4rt hans st\u00E4llning. D\u00E5 fr\u00E5gan om en revision av unionen kort d\u00E4refter blev aktuell, \u00E5stadkom detta 1861 oenighet mellan Birch-Reichenwald och den norske statsministern i Stockholm Georg Sibbern r\u00F6rande n\u00E5gra uttryck i en norsk svarsnot i fr\u00E5gan. Sibbern ingav sin avskedsans\u00F6kan, varefter Karl XV begav sig till Kristiania f\u00F6r att l\u00F6sa krisen. I ett statsr\u00E5d 11 december visade det sig, att Brich-Reichenwald \u00E4ven i statsr\u00E5dsavdelningen i Kristiania endast hade ett minoritet p\u00E5 sin sida, och han valde samma dag att avg\u00E5 med sina meningsfr\u00E4nder. Efter sin avg\u00E5ng var Birch-Reichenwald 1862-64 och 1865-66 ledamot av stortinget, men hade ett mycket begr\u00E4nsat politiskt inflytande."@sv . . . . "1864"^^ . "1862"^^ . . "1860"^^ . . "1858"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3977470"^^ . . . . . . . . "Christian Birch-Reichenwald"@sv . . . . . . . . . .