. . "64575159"^^ . . . "Chrystul Kizer"@en . . . . "Chrystul Kizer was arrested at age 17 for the murder of child sex trafficker, Randall Phillip Volar III. On June 5, 2018, she shot him twice in the head while he was trying to pin her down on the floor and then, set his house on fire. Kizer was arrested and incarcerated at Kenosha County Detention Facility to await trial. Kenosha County prosecutors charged her with first degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon, and four other felonies. They contend the murder was pre-meditated. If convicted, she would face a mandatory life sentence in prison. Kizer's lawyer claims she was a child trafficking victim acting in self-defense against her sex trafficker. Her case received renewed notoriety in December 2019 after The Washington Post interviewed her, and after the George Floyd protests. Community activists posted her $400,000 bond, and she was released in June 2020. A trial date is not set. Renewed interest in her case followed the Kyle Rittenhouse case (which also took place in Kenosha) where the defense claimed self-defense and the jury delivered a not guilty verdict."@en . . "Chrystul Kizer"@en . . . . . "Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA"@en . . . . . . "Randall Phillip Volar III"@en . . . "2018-06-05"^^ . . . . . "15733"^^ . "TBD"@en . . . . "Chrystul Kizer case"@en . . . . "first degree intentional homicide"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1121538169"^^ . . . . . . . . "Chrystul Kizer was arrested at age 17 for the murder of child sex trafficker, Randall Phillip Volar III. On June 5, 2018, she shot him twice in the head while he was trying to pin her down on the floor and then, set his house on fire. Kizer was arrested and incarcerated at Kenosha County Detention Facility to await trial. Kenosha County prosecutors charged her with first degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon, and four other felonies. They contend the murder was pre-meditated. If convicted, she would face a mandatory life sentence in prison."@en . . . . .