"1124410484"^^ . . . . "43.69610977172852"^^ . . . . . "Cliff Island"@en . "1119144"^^ . . . "Cliff Island is an island in Casco Bay Maine. It is part of the city of Portland, Maine. As of the 2000 census, the island had a year-round population of approximately 60 people. In the summer, the island's population grows to about 200, despite the fact that it is the only year-round inhabited island in Casco Bay with no paved roads. The ZIP Code for Cliff Island is 04019."@en . "3685"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-70.107780456543 43.696109771729)"^^ . . . . "43.69611111111111 -70.10777777777778" . . . . "Cliff Island is an island in Casco Bay Maine. It is part of the city of Portland, Maine. As of the 2000 census, the island had a year-round population of approximately 60 people. In the summer, the island's population grows to about 200, despite the fact that it is the only year-round inhabited island in Casco Bay with no paved roads. The ZIP Code for Cliff Island is 04019. In the early 20th century the island's inns were a draw for summer tourists. There are no hotels any longer, but many homes are available for weekly rentals or longer. While there are no public services, residents enjoy a community hall, a tennis court, baseball field, and playground. The residents are served by a USPS Post Office, fire department, and one-room school for elementary grades. While the postal service has considered closing the office in the past, the islanders have managed to keep it in operation for six hours a day."@en . . . . . . . . "Cliff Island est une \u00EEle de la baie de Casco dans l'\u00C9tat du Maine aux \u00C9tats-Unis. Elle fait partie de la ville de Portland. Selon le recensement de 2000, l\u2019\u00EEle avait une population d\u2019environ 60 personnes \u00E0 l'ann\u00E9e. En \u00E9t\u00E9, la population de l\u2019\u00EEle atteint environ 200 habitants, malgr\u00E9 le fait qu\u2019il s\u2019agisse de la seule \u00EEle habit\u00E9e toute l\u2019ann\u00E9e de la baie de Casco sans aucune route pav\u00E9e."@fr . . . . . "Cliff Island est une \u00EEle de la baie de Casco dans l'\u00C9tat du Maine aux \u00C9tats-Unis. Elle fait partie de la ville de Portland. Selon le recensement de 2000, l\u2019\u00EEle avait une population d\u2019environ 60 personnes \u00E0 l'ann\u00E9e. En \u00E9t\u00E9, la population de l\u2019\u00EEle atteint environ 200 habitants, malgr\u00E9 le fait qu\u2019il s\u2019agisse de la seule \u00EEle habit\u00E9e toute l\u2019ann\u00E9e de la baie de Casco sans aucune route pav\u00E9e."@fr . . . "Cliff Island"@fr . "-70.10778045654297"^^ . . . . . . .