. "Laudioko Nazioarteko Krosa"@eu . "9.699999999999999"^^ . . "Il Cross Internacional Valle de Llodio \u00E8 una corsa campestre organizzata annualmente alla fine di novembre a Llodio, nei Paesi Baschi, in Spagna."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "1985"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Cross Internacional Valle de Llodio is an annual cross country running competition that takes place in Llodio in the Basque Country, Spain, around late November. The event was first held in February 1985 and changed to an end-of-year competition soon after, holding its second edition in December 1985. The competition is hosted by the Club de Atletismo de Laudio. The day's events comprise ten races \u2013 there are separate international, elite races for men and women over 9760 metres and 7640 m, respectively. Two further races over the same distances are held for amateur runners and there are also three types of age-group races for both male and female runners. The races take place on grassy circuits around the and wet weather often makes the ground muddy, making the competition more difficult for runners. Around 1000 runners took part in the event in 2009. The top-finishing runners in the elite races are mainly from Europe (particularly the host country, Spain) and East Africa. Past winners of the competition include double Olympic champion Derartu Tulu, former World Cross Country Champion Gebregziabher Gebremariam and track World Champions Charles Kamathi and Sally Barsosio. Among the Spanish winners of the race are 1995 World Marathon Champion Mart\u00EDn Fiz and Olympian Alessandra Aguilar. Jon Brown's win in 1996 preceded his victory at that year's European Cross Country Championships. The elite races currently hold permit status from the European Athletics Association and they are used as a selection meeting for the Spanish national team at the European Cross Country Championships, which is held in December. The competition previously held IAAF status from 2004 to 2006. While the men's race has been continuously held over roughly 9\u201310 km, the women's race has gradually been extended since its inception. Women competed over 4.3 km throughout the 1990s until it was adjusted to a 5.6 km race from 2001 to 2005. Since 2006, the women's course has varied around the 7.5 km mark. The 2012 edition of the race was not held due to financial constraints."@en . "The Cross Internacional Valle de Llodio is an annual cross country running competition that takes place in Llodio in the Basque Country, Spain, around late November. The event was first held in February 1985 and changed to an end-of-year competition soon after, holding its second edition in December 1985. The 2012 edition of the race was not held due to financial constraints."@en . . . "180"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The competition is held near the Estadio Ellakuri"@en . . . "#BEF781"@en . . . . . . . "Cross Internacional Valle de Llodio"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "9613"^^ . . . . "Cross Internacional Valle de Llodio"@en . . . . . . . . "29874866"^^ . "7.6"^^ . . . . . . . "1056058955"^^ . . . . . . "Il Cross Internacional Valle de Llodio \u00E8 una corsa campestre organizzata annualmente alla fine di novembre a Llodio, nei Paesi Baschi, in Spagna."@it . . "Laudioko Nazioarteko Krosa urtero azaroaren bukaeran Arabako herri horretan egindako kros-lehiaketa da. Lehendabizikoz 1985ean antolatu zuten, hasieran otsailean eta gero abenduan. Antolatzailea Laudioko Atletismo Kluba da. Ellakuri udal estadioan hamar lasterketa egiten dituzte (elite mailan gizonek 9760 metro eta emakumeek 7640 metro, hurrenez hurren, korrika egiten dute). Bertan munduko atletarik nagusienetariko batzuk hartu dute parte, tartean , , , , Martin Fizek, edo . 2004 eta 2006 artean, IAAF estatusa zuen."@eu . . . . . . . . . "Laudioko Nazioarteko Krosa urtero azaroaren bukaeran Arabako herri horretan egindako kros-lehiaketa da. Lehendabizikoz 1985ean antolatu zuten, hasieran otsailean eta gero abenduan. Antolatzailea Laudioko Atletismo Kluba da. Ellakuri udal estadioan hamar lasterketa egiten dituzte (elite mailan gizonek 9760 metro eta emakumeek 7640 metro, hurrenez hurren, korrika egiten dute). Bertan munduko atletarik nagusienetariko batzuk hartu dute parte, tartean , , , , Martin Fizek, edo . 2004 eta 2006 artean, IAAF estatusa zuen. 2012an babesle faltagatik diru arazoak izan zituen eta bertan behera utzi zen Nazioarteko Krosa. Ordutik aurrera herri lasterketa antolatzen da."@eu . . . . . . "Late November"@en .