"Eagra\u00EDocht Phoblacht\u00E1nach \u00C9ireannach do mhn\u00E1 ab ea Cumann na mBan a buna\u00EDodh i m\u00ED Aibre\u00E1in 1914 le c\u00FAnamh agus taca\u00EDocht \u00D3glaigh na h\u00C9ireann. In \u00C9irinn amh\u00E1in a th\u00E1inig airm na mban ar an bhf\u00F3d. D\u00FAcheist staire a bh\u00ED ann; n\u00EDor tharla a leith\u00E9id i dt\u00EDortha eile san Eoraip ag an am, le linn r\u00E9abhl\u00F3id\u00ED C\u00E9 gur eagra\u00EDocht neamhsple\u00E1ch a bh\u00ED ann, bh\u00ED a Choiste Feidhmi\u00FAch\u00E1in faoi r\u00E9ir Choiste na n\u00D3glach."@ga . . . "Cumann na mBan"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . "Cumann na mBan"@pt . . "250"^^ . "Cumann na mBan (em portugu\u00EAs: Liga das Mulheres) \u00E9 uma oraganiza\u00E7\u00E3o paramilitar feminina irlandesa formada em Dublin, em 5 de abril de 1914 que auxiliaram os Volunt\u00E1rios Irlandeses. Embora fosse uma outra organiza\u00E7\u00E3o independente, o seu executivo foi subordinado ao dos Volunt\u00E1rios. Participou na Revolta da P\u00E1scoa em 1916."@pt . . . . "Cumann na mBan"@en . . . . . . . "Cumann na mBan (Irish pronunciation: [\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 \u02C8m\u02E0an\u02E0]; literally \"The Women's Council\" but calling themselves The Irishwomen's Council in English), abbreviated C na mB, is an Irish republican women's paramilitary organisation formed in Dublin on 2 April 1914, merging with and dissolving Inghinidhe na h\u00C9ireann, and in 1916, it became an auxiliary of the Irish Volunteers. Although it was otherwise an independent organisation, its executive was subordinate to that of the Irish Volunteers, and later, the Irish Republican Army. They were active in the War of Independence and took the anti-Treaty side in the Civil War. Cumann na mBan were declared an illegal organisation by the government of the Irish Free State in 1923. This was reversed when Fianna F\u00E1il came to power in 1932. During the splits in the Republican movement of the later part of the 20th century, Fianna \u00C9ireann and Cumann na mBan supported Provisional Sinn F\u00E9in in 1969 and Republican Sinn F\u00E9in in 1986."@en . . . . . . . "Eagra\u00EDocht Phoblacht\u00E1nach \u00C9ireannach do mhn\u00E1 ab ea Cumann na mBan a buna\u00EDodh i m\u00ED Aibre\u00E1in 1914 le c\u00FAnamh agus taca\u00EDocht \u00D3glaigh na h\u00C9ireann. In \u00C9irinn amh\u00E1in a th\u00E1inig airm na mban ar an bhf\u00F3d. D\u00FAcheist staire a bh\u00ED ann; n\u00EDor tharla a leith\u00E9id i dt\u00EDortha eile san Eoraip ag an am, le linn r\u00E9abhl\u00F3id\u00ED C\u00E9 gur eagra\u00EDocht neamhsple\u00E1ch a bh\u00ED ann, bh\u00ED a Choiste Feidhmi\u00FAch\u00E1in faoi r\u00E9ir Choiste na n\u00D3glach. Ar na baill is c\u00E1ili\u00FAla den eagra\u00EDocht, bh\u00ED \u00DAna N\u00ED Fhaircheallaigh (n\u00F3 Agnes Farrelly agus \u00FAdar agus Ollamh le Gaeilge in Ollscoil na h\u00C9ireann), Elizabeth O\u2019Farrell, Sighle Humphreys, M\u00E1ire N\u00ED Chinn\u00E9ide, M\u00E1ire Nic Shuibhne (Mary MacSwiney agus c\u00E9im\u00ED de chuid UCD), L\u00FAise Gabh\u00E1nach N\u00ED Dhufaigh (ar an gc\u00E9ad choiste sealadach), Caitl\u00EDn Bean U\u00ED Chl\u00E9irigh (Kathleen Clarke), Eithne Inglis (Ada English), Helena Molony, Lily Kempson agus Constance Markievicz."@ga . . . . . . . "1914-04-02"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "90"^^ . . . . . . "Le Cumann na mBan (prononciation en irlandais : [\u02C8K\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 m\u02E0an\u032A\u02E0]) abr\u00E9g\u00E9 C na mB, litt\u00E9ralement \"Le Conseil des femmes\", mais g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement appel\u00E9 \"The Irishwomen's Council\" en anglais (Le conseil des femmes irlandaises), est une organisation paramilitaire f\u00E9minine du r\u00E9publicanisme irlandais form\u00E9e \u00E0 Dublin le 2 avril 1914, qui est devenue en 1916, une organisation auxiliaire des Irish Volunteers. Bien qu'il s'agisse par ailleurs d'une organisation ind\u00E9pendante, son ex\u00E9cutif \u00E9tait subordonn\u00E9 \u00E0 celui des Volontaires. La p\u00E9riode durant laquelle le Cumann na mBan a eu le plus d'influence est celle de la \u00AB p\u00E9riode r\u00E9volutionnaire \u00BB (1916-1922) durant laquelle elle participe \u00E0 l'insurrection de P\u00E2ques, \u00E0 la guerre d'ind\u00E9pendance puis \u00E0 la guerre civile. L'organisation a ensuite perdue de"@fr . . . . "Northern Ireland"@en . . . . . "Green"@en . . . "1118204576"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Cumann na mBan"@fr . . . . . . "Cumann na mBan (en castellano: Liga de Mujeres) fue el nombre del ala femenina del IRA durante varios periodos. Cumann na mBan hab\u00EDa sido fundado en 1914 como un apoyo del \u00D3glaigh na h\u00C9ireann (Voluntarios de Irlanda, IV), uno de los precursores del IRA (y el nombre ga\u00E9lico del grupo). No obstante que el liderazgo de Cumann na mBan fue subordinado al de los Voluntarios, a partir de eso la liga fue totalmente independiente."@es . "Fianna \u00C9ireann"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "100"^^ . "Cumann na mBan (euskaraz: \u00ABEmakumeen Liga\u00BB) irlandar errepublikanismoaren emakumezko adar paramilitarra da. 1914ko apirilaren 5an Irlandar Boluntarioak erakundearen talde laguntzaile gisa sortu zuten. Nahiz eta erakunde independentea izan, bere buruzagitza Irlandar Boluntarioak erakundearen mende zegoen."@eu . . . . "10"^^ . . . . "120"^^ . "Cumann na mBan"@cs . . . . "0"^^ . "Cumann na mBan"@de . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "24508"^^ . . "20"^^ . . "\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC5EC\uC131\uD3C9\uC758\uD68C(\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC\uC5B4: Cumann na mBan \uCFE0\uBA3C \uB108 \uBBC0\uC548[\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 m\u02E0an\u032A\u02E0], \uC601\uC5B4: Irishwomen's Council)\uB294 1914\uB144 4\uC6D4 2\uC77C \uB354\uBE14\uB9B0\uC5D0\uC11C \uACB0\uC131\uB41C \uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uACF5\uD654\uC8FC\uC758\uC790 \uC5EC\uC131\uB4E4\uC758 \uC900\uAD70\uC0AC\uC870\uC9C1\uC774\uB2E4. 1914\uB144 \uC744 \uD761\uC218\uD558\uACE0 1916\uB144 \uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC758\uC6A9\uAD70\uC758 \uBCF4\uC870\uC870\uC9C1\uC774 \uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . "Cumann na mBan"@en . "Cumann na mBan"@eu . "Cumann na mBan (irische Aussprache: [\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 \u02C8m\u02E0an\u02E0], deutsch: \u201EGesellschaft der Frauen\u201C, abgek\u00FCrzt: C na mB; englische Eigenbezeichnung: The Irishwomen\u2019s Council, deutsch: \u201ERat der Irinnen\u201C) ist eine paramilit\u00E4rische, irisch-republikanische Frauenorganisation, die zwischen 1916 und 1922 eine wesentliche Rolle im Kampf um die Unabh\u00E4ngigkeit Irlands spielte und heute der in Gro\u00DFbritannien als terroristisch eingestuften Republican Sinn F\u00E9in angeh\u00F6rt."@de . . . . . . . "Cumann na mBan (irische Aussprache: [\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 \u02C8m\u02E0an\u02E0], deutsch: \u201EGesellschaft der Frauen\u201C, abgek\u00FCrzt: C na mB; englische Eigenbezeichnung: The Irishwomen\u2019s Council, deutsch: \u201ERat der Irinnen\u201C) ist eine paramilit\u00E4rische, irisch-republikanische Frauenorganisation, die zwischen 1916 und 1922 eine wesentliche Rolle im Kampf um die Unabh\u00E4ngigkeit Irlands spielte und heute der in Gro\u00DFbritannien als terroristisch eingestuften Republican Sinn F\u00E9in angeh\u00F6rt."@de . . . . . "Cumann na mBan"@en . "Continuity Irish Republican Army"@en . . . "2579172"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Cumann na mBan (Irish pronunciation: [\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 \u02C8m\u02E0an\u02E0]; literally \"The Women's Council\" but calling themselves The Irishwomen's Council in English), abbreviated C na mB, is an Irish republican women's paramilitary organisation formed in Dublin on 2 April 1914, merging with and dissolving Inghinidhe na h\u00C9ireann, and in 1916, it became an auxiliary of the Irish Volunteers. Although it was otherwise an independent organisation, its executive was subordinate to that of the Irish Volunteers, and later, the Irish Republican Army."@en . "Cumann na mBan (euskaraz: \u00ABEmakumeen Liga\u00BB) irlandar errepublikanismoaren emakumezko adar paramilitarra da. 1914ko apirilaren 5an Irlandar Boluntarioak erakundearen talde laguntzaile gisa sortu zuten. Nahiz eta erakunde independentea izan, bere buruzagitza Irlandar Boluntarioak erakundearen mende zegoen."@eu . . . . . . . "Cumann na mBan"@ga . . . . . . . . . "El Cumann na mBan (en irland\u00E8s \"Consell de les dones irlandeses\") fou una organitzaci\u00F3 armada femenina del republicanisme irland\u00E8s depenent dels Voluntaris Irlandesos."@ca . "1914-04-02"^^ . "El Cumann na mBan (en irland\u00E8s \"Consell de les dones irlandeses\") fou una organitzaci\u00F3 armada femenina del republicanisme irland\u00E8s depenent dels Voluntaris Irlandesos."@ca . "Cumann na mBan (doslovn\u00FD p\u0159eklad \u017Densk\u00E1 rada, v angli\u010Dtin\u011B obvykle uv\u00E1d\u011Bno jako The Irishwomen's Council) byla irsk\u00E1 republik\u00E1nsk\u00E1 \u017Eensk\u00E1 polovojensk\u00E1 organizace, kter\u00E1 vznikla v Dublinu 2. dubna 1914. V roce 1916 se stala pomocnou organizac\u00ED Irsk\u00FDch dobrovoln\u00EDk\u016F, pozd\u011Bji byla pod\u0159\u00EDzena Irsk\u00E9 republik\u00E1nsk\u00E9 arm\u00E1d\u011B. Organizace sehr\u00E1la d\u016Fle\u017Eitou roli ve velikono\u010Dn\u00EDm povst\u00E1n\u00ED roku 1916 a v irsk\u00E9 v\u00E1lce za nez\u00E1vislost, je\u017E vypukla roku 1919. Posl\u00E9ze se postavila proti m\u00EDrov\u00E9 smlouv\u011B z roku 1921, tak\u017Ee byla v roce 1923 prohl\u00E1\u0161ena vl\u00E1dou irsk\u00E9ho svobodn\u00E9ho st\u00E1tu za ileg\u00E1ln\u00ED organizaci. To se zm\u011Bnilo a\u017E v roce 1932, kdy se dostala k moci strana Fianna F\u00E1il. B\u011Bhem pozd\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch rozkol\u016F v republik\u00E1nsk\u00E9m hnut\u00ED podporovala Cumann na mBan v roce 1969 prozat\u00EDmn\u00ED Sinn F\u00E9in a v roce 1986 republik\u00E1nskou Sinn F"@cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1914"^^ . . . . . . . . . "\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC5EC\uC131\uD3C9\uC758\uD68C(\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC\uC5B4: Cumann na mBan \uCFE0\uBA3C \uB108 \uBBC0\uC548[\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 m\u02E0an\u032A\u02E0], \uC601\uC5B4: Irishwomen's Council)\uB294 1914\uB144 4\uC6D4 2\uC77C \uB354\uBE14\uB9B0\uC5D0\uC11C \uACB0\uC131\uB41C \uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uACF5\uD654\uC8FC\uC758\uC790 \uC5EC\uC131\uB4E4\uC758 \uC900\uAD70\uC0AC\uC870\uC9C1\uC774\uB2E4. 1914\uB144 \uC744 \uD761\uC218\uD558\uACE0 1916\uB144 \uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC758\uC6A9\uAD70\uC758 \uBCF4\uC870\uC870\uC9C1\uC774 \uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . . . . "Cumann na mBan (em portugu\u00EAs: Liga das Mulheres) \u00E9 uma oraganiza\u00E7\u00E3o paramilitar feminina irlandesa formada em Dublin, em 5 de abril de 1914 que auxiliaram os Volunt\u00E1rios Irlandeses. Embora fosse uma outra organiza\u00E7\u00E3o independente, o seu executivo foi subordinado ao dos Volunt\u00E1rios. Participou na Revolta da P\u00E1scoa em 1916."@pt . "Cumann na mBan (doslovn\u00FD p\u0159eklad \u017Densk\u00E1 rada, v angli\u010Dtin\u011B obvykle uv\u00E1d\u011Bno jako The Irishwomen's Council) byla irsk\u00E1 republik\u00E1nsk\u00E1 \u017Eensk\u00E1 polovojensk\u00E1 organizace, kter\u00E1 vznikla v Dublinu 2. dubna 1914. V roce 1916 se stala pomocnou organizac\u00ED Irsk\u00FDch dobrovoln\u00EDk\u016F, pozd\u011Bji byla pod\u0159\u00EDzena Irsk\u00E9 republik\u00E1nsk\u00E9 arm\u00E1d\u011B. Organizace sehr\u00E1la d\u016Fle\u017Eitou roli ve velikono\u010Dn\u00EDm povst\u00E1n\u00ED roku 1916 a v irsk\u00E9 v\u00E1lce za nez\u00E1vislost, je\u017E vypukla roku 1919. Posl\u00E9ze se postavila proti m\u00EDrov\u00E9 smlouv\u011B z roku 1921, tak\u017Ee byla v roce 1923 prohl\u00E1\u0161ena vl\u00E1dou irsk\u00E9ho svobodn\u00E9ho st\u00E1tu za ileg\u00E1ln\u00ED organizaci. To se zm\u011Bnilo a\u017E v roce 1932, kdy se dostala k moci strana Fianna F\u00E1il. B\u011Bhem pozd\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch rozkol\u016F v republik\u00E1nsk\u00E9m hnut\u00ED podporovala Cumann na mBan v roce 1969 prozat\u00EDmn\u00ED Sinn F\u00E9in a v roce 1986 republik\u00E1nskou Sinn F\u00E9in. Ke hlavn\u00EDm osobnostem ran\u00E9 f\u00E1ze v\u00FDvoje organizace pat\u0159ila Constance Markieviczov\u00E1."@cs . "Cumann na mBan (\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 m\u02E0an\u032A\u02E0; letterlijk \"De Vrouwenraad\") is een Iers Republikeinse paramilitaire vrouwenorganisatie die op 2 april 1914 in Dublin werd gevormd door een fusie met de vrouwenorganisatie Inghinidhe na h\u00C9ireann. In 1916 werd zij een hulporganisatie van de Irish Volunteers."@nl . "Cumann na mBan"@es . . . "\uC544\uC77C\uB79C\uB4DC \uC5EC\uC131\uD3C9\uC758\uD68C"@ko . . . . . . . . . "Republican Sinn F\u00E9in"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "#006633"@en . . . "0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "the Republic of Ireland"@en . "Cumann na mBan (\u02C8k\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 m\u02E0an\u032A\u02E0; letterlijk \"De Vrouwenraad\") is een Iers Republikeinse paramilitaire vrouwenorganisatie die op 2 april 1914 in Dublin werd gevormd door een fusie met de vrouwenorganisatie Inghinidhe na h\u00C9ireann. In 1916 werd zij een hulporganisatie van de Irish Volunteers."@nl . "Le Cumann na mBan (prononciation en irlandais : [\u02C8K\u028Am\u02E0\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 n\u032A\u02E0\u0259 m\u02E0an\u032A\u02E0]) abr\u00E9g\u00E9 C na mB, litt\u00E9ralement \"Le Conseil des femmes\", mais g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement appel\u00E9 \"The Irishwomen's Council\" en anglais (Le conseil des femmes irlandaises), est une organisation paramilitaire f\u00E9minine du r\u00E9publicanisme irlandais form\u00E9e \u00E0 Dublin le 2 avril 1914, qui est devenue en 1916, une organisation auxiliaire des Irish Volunteers. Bien qu'il s'agisse par ailleurs d'une organisation ind\u00E9pendante, son ex\u00E9cutif \u00E9tait subordonn\u00E9 \u00E0 celui des Volontaires. La p\u00E9riode durant laquelle le Cumann na mBan a eu le plus d'influence est celle de la \u00AB p\u00E9riode r\u00E9volutionnaire \u00BB (1916-1922) durant laquelle elle participe \u00E0 l'insurrection de P\u00E2ques, \u00E0 la guerre d'ind\u00E9pendance puis \u00E0 la guerre civile. L'organisation a ensuite perdue de son importance. Elle a cependant maintenu une activit\u00E9 permanente et a particip\u00E9 \u00E0 la vie politique irlandaise jusqu'\u00E0 aujourd'hui."@fr . . . "Cumann na mBan (en castellano: Liga de Mujeres) fue el nombre del ala femenina del IRA durante varios periodos. Cumann na mBan hab\u00EDa sido fundado en 1914 como un apoyo del \u00D3glaigh na h\u00C9ireann (Voluntarios de Irlanda, IV), uno de los precursores del IRA (y el nombre ga\u00E9lico del grupo). No obstante que el liderazgo de Cumann na mBan fue subordinado al de los Voluntarios, a partir de eso la liga fue totalmente independiente."@es . "130"^^ . . . . . "Cumann na mBan"@nl . .