. . . . "14639297"^^ . . "D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "D\u00FAngal Eilni (zm. 681 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l ludu na terenie irlandzkiego Ulaidu (Ulster) od ok. 668 r. do swej \u015Bmierci. Syn Scandala (Scannala) mac B\u00E9cce (zm. 646 r.), kr\u00F3la . W VI i VII w. kr\u00F3lestwo D\u00E1l nAraidi by\u0142o cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 konfederacji plemion Cruithni na terenie krainy Ulaid. By\u0142o wielu kr\u00F3l\u00F3w ludu . D\u00FAngal zapewne nale\u017Ca\u0142 do bocznej ga\u0142\u0119zi panuj\u0105cej dynastii zamieszka\u0142ej w Mag nEinli lub Eilne (\u201ER\u00F3wnina Nieczysta\u201D), r\u00F3wninie mi\u0119dzy rzekami Bann a Bush w hr. Antrim, jak wskazuje noszony przez niego przydomek \u201EEilni\u201D. Niekt\u00F3rzy uczeni b\u0142\u0119dnie uwa\u017Caj\u0105 go za kr\u00F3la D\u00E1l nAraidi, bowiem nie zosta\u0142 zamieszczony na li\u015Bcie kr\u00F3l\u00F3w w Ksi\u0119dze z Leinsteru. W tym czasie by\u0142 nim jego bratanek, Cathassach II mac M\u00E1ele C\u00E1ich. D\u00FAngal prawdopodobnie obj\u0105\u0142 w\u0142adz\u0119 w 668 r., po \u015Bmierci Cathassacha I mac Lurgg\u00E9ne. Na pocz\u0105tku lata 681 r. wraz z Cennem F\u00E1eladem mac Suibne, wodzem Ciannachta z Glenn Geimin (Keenaght, hr. Londonderry) zosta\u0142 pokonany przez , kr\u00F3la Ailechu. \u0179r\u00F3d\u0142a nazwa\u0142y to wydarzenie spaleniem kr\u00F3l\u00F3w w D\u00FAn Ceithirnn (\u201ELichtarzyk Olbrzyma\u201D w parafii Dunboe na p\u00F3\u0142nocy hr. Londonderry). Pozostawi\u0142 po sobie syn\u00F3w Aililla mac D\u00FAngaile (zm. 690 r.) i C\u00FA Chuar\u00E1na (zm. 708 r.), przysz\u0142ych kr\u00F3l\u00F3w D\u00E1l nAraidi (drugi zosta\u0142 tak\u017Ce kr\u00F3lem Ulaidu). Prawdopodobnie jego trzecim synem by\u0142 Fiachra Cossalach (zm. 710 r.), kr\u00F3l D\u00E1l nAraidi."@pl . . "D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail (died 681) was a D\u00E1l nAraidi king of the Cruthin. He ascended to this position some time after 668. He was the son of Scandal mac B\u00E9cce (died 646), a previous king. In the 6th and 7th centuries the D\u00E1l nAraidi were part of a confederation of Cruthin tribes in Ulaid, an over-kingdom in Ireland, and were the dominant dynasty. Dungal belonged to a branch of this family settled in Eilne, a plain between the Bann and Bush rivers in modern-day County Antrim, Northern Ireland. He is styled \"King of the Cruithne\" in the annals."@en . "D\u00FAngal Eilni (zm. 681 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l ludu na terenie irlandzkiego Ulaidu (Ulster) od ok. 668 r. do swej \u015Bmierci. Syn Scandala (Scannala) mac B\u00E9cce (zm. 646 r.), kr\u00F3la . W VI i VII w. kr\u00F3lestwo D\u00E1l nAraidi by\u0142o cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 konfederacji plemion Cruithni na terenie krainy Ulaid. By\u0142o wielu kr\u00F3l\u00F3w ludu . D\u00FAngal zapewne nale\u017Ca\u0142 do bocznej ga\u0142\u0119zi panuj\u0105cej dynastii zamieszka\u0142ej w Mag nEinli lub Eilne (\u201ER\u00F3wnina Nieczysta\u201D), r\u00F3wninie mi\u0119dzy rzekami Bann a Bush w hr. Antrim, jak wskazuje noszony przez niego przydomek \u201EEilni\u201D."@pl . . . . . . . "2588"^^ . . . . . . . . "1082255920"^^ . . "R\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED na gCruithne, de chlann , ba ea D\u00FAnghal Eilne mac Scannail (Sean-Ghaeilge D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail) (b\u00E1s 681). Scandal mac B\u00E9cce (b\u00E1s 646), iar-r\u00ED, ba ea a athair. Th\u00E1inig s\u00E9 i gcor\u00F3in an \u00E9igin i ndiaidh 668. Sna 6\u00FA agus 7\u00FA haoiseanna, bh\u00ED D\u00E1l Ara\u00ED rannph\u00E1irteach mar phr\u00EDomhchlann i gc\u00F3naidhm na gCruithne. Tugtar an teideal r\u00ED Cruithne do Dh\u00FAnghal sna hann\u00E1la. I measc a mhac, bh\u00ED a leanas: \n* Ailill (b\u00E1s 690), r\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED \n* Cu\u00ED Chuar\u00E1n (b\u00E1s 708) r\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED agus Ulad \n* Fiachra Cosalach (b\u00E1s 710), r\u00ED Cruithne, i r\u00E9im 709-710."@ga . . . . . . . . . "R\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED na gCruithne, de chlann , ba ea D\u00FAnghal Eilne mac Scannail (Sean-Ghaeilge D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail) (b\u00E1s 681). Scandal mac B\u00E9cce (b\u00E1s 646), iar-r\u00ED, ba ea a athair. Th\u00E1inig s\u00E9 i gcor\u00F3in an \u00E9igin i ndiaidh 668. Sna 6\u00FA agus 7\u00FA haoiseanna, bh\u00ED D\u00E1l Ara\u00ED rannph\u00E1irteach mar phr\u00EDomhchlann i gc\u00F3naidhm na gCruithne. Tugtar an teideal r\u00ED Cruithne do Dh\u00FAnghal sna hann\u00E1la. Sa bhliain 681, clo\u00EDodh D\u00FAnghal agus Ceann Faoladh mac Suibhne (Cenn F\u00E1elad mac Suibne), taoiseach Chiannachta Ghleann Gheimhin ag Maol D\u00FAin mac Maoil Fhithrigh (b\u00E1s 681) de in \"combustio regum\" (d\u00F3 na r\u00EDthe) ag D\u00FAn Ceithirn (i mbar\u00FAntacht Cj\u00FAil Raithin, Contae Dhoire). I measc a mhac, bh\u00ED a leanas: \n* Ailill (b\u00E1s 690), r\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED \n* Cu\u00ED Chuar\u00E1n (b\u00E1s 708) r\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED agus Ulad \n* Fiachra Cosalach (b\u00E1s 710), r\u00ED Cruithne, i r\u00E9im 709-710."@ga . "D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail (mort en 681) est le 13e roi du D\u00E1l nAraidi des Cruithnes en Ulaid (Ulster) royaume r\u00E9gional d'Irlande]. Il acc\u00E8de \u00E0 cette fonction peu avant 668. Il est le fils de Scandal mac B\u00E9cce (646), un pr\u00E9c\u00E9dent souverain."@fr . . "D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail (died 681) was a D\u00E1l nAraidi king of the Cruthin. He ascended to this position some time after 668. He was the son of Scandal mac B\u00E9cce (died 646), a previous king. In the 6th and 7th centuries the D\u00E1l nAraidi were part of a confederation of Cruthin tribes in Ulaid, an over-kingdom in Ireland, and were the dominant dynasty. Dungal belonged to a branch of this family settled in Eilne, a plain between the Bann and Bush rivers in modern-day County Antrim, Northern Ireland. He is styled \"King of the Cruithne\" in the annals. In 681 he and Cenn F\u00E1elad mac Suibne, chief of Cianachta Glenn Geimin were defeated by M\u00E1el D\u00FAin mac M\u00E1ele Fithrich (died 681) of the Cen\u00E9l nE\u00F3gan at what was called the burning of the kings at D\u00FAn Ceithirn (in barony of Coleraine, in modern County Londonderry). His sons Ailill mac D\u00FAngaile Eilni (died 690) and C\u00FA Chuar\u00E1n mac D\u00FAngail Eilni (died 708) would also become chiefs of the D\u00E1l nAraidi. C\u00FA Chuar\u00E1n was king of all Ulaid as well. D\u00FAngal also had another son, Fiachra Cossalach (died 710), who was a D\u00E1l nAraidi king of the Cruthin, who ruled from 709-710."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "D\u00FAngal Eilni"@pl . . . . . "D\u00FAnghal Eilne mac Scannail"@ga . . "D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail"@en . . . . . . . . . . "D\u00FAngal Eilni mac Scandail (mort en 681) est le 13e roi du D\u00E1l nAraidi des Cruithnes en Ulaid (Ulster) royaume r\u00E9gional d'Irlande]. Il acc\u00E8de \u00E0 cette fonction peu avant 668. Il est le fils de Scandal mac B\u00E9cce (646), un pr\u00E9c\u00E9dent souverain."@fr . . .