. . . . . . "Declan Ganley, f\u00F6dd 23 juli 1968 i Watford, Hertfordshire (Storbritannien), \u00E4r grundare av folkr\u00F6relsen Libertas, som drev en kampanj mot Lissabonf\u00F6rdraget i folkomr\u00F6stningen p\u00E5 Irland i juni 2008. Ganley \u00E4r i grunden aff\u00E4rsman och driver en rad f\u00F6retag. Med hj\u00E4lp av sin f\u00F6rm\u00F6genhet kunde han finansiera Libertas verksamhet. I Europaparlamentsvalet 2009 st\u00E4llde han upp som kandidat, men misslyckades med att ta mandat. Han avgick f\u00F6ljaktligen som ledare f\u00F6r Libertas och l\u00E4mnade den politiska scenen."@sv . . . . . . . "Declan Ganley"@en . . . . . . "Declan Ganley"@en . . . "28236"^^ . . . . . . "Declan James Ganley (nacido el 23 de julio de 1968, Watford, Hertfordshines, Reino Unido) es un empresario y activista pol\u00EDtico proveniente de una familia irlandesa emigrada al Reino Unido. Regresaron a Galway, Irlanda -donde Declan a\u00FAn reside- cuando este contaba con 12 a\u00F1os de edad."@es . . . . . . . . . . "Declan Ganley"@ga . "Declan Ganley"@pt . . . "Declan James Ganley \u00E9 um homem de neg\u00F3cios e um activista pol\u00EDtico. Nascido a 23 de julho de 1968 em Watford, Hertfordshire, no Reino Unido, filho de pais irlandeses, Ganley possui dupla nacionalidade \u2013 nacionalidade brit\u00E2nica e nacionalidade irlandesa.Ganley \u00E9 o actual Presidente da Direc\u00E7\u00E3o da , uma empresa da \u00E1rea dos sistemas de telecomunica\u00E7\u00F5es. \u00C9 tamb\u00E9m o fundador e Presidente do movimento pol\u00EDtico Libertas, um movimento pol\u00EDtico pan-europeu que fez companha pelo N\u00E3o no ao Tratado de Lisboa, e que se prepara para fazer uma campanha pan-europeia para as elei\u00E7\u00F5es de 2009 para o Parlamento Europeu."@pt . . . . . . . . . "Declan James Ganley"@en . . "2010-09-12"^^ . . . . "Declan James Ganley (born 23 July 1968) is an English-born Irish entrepreneur, businessman, and political activist. He was the founder and leader of the Irish branch of the Libertas Party. Primarily a telecommunications entrepreneur, Ganley has built businesses across the European Union, Russia and latterly, the United States. Notably, he co-founded Broadnet, a company which rolled out internet and telecoms services across the European Union in the late 1990s. In 1999, after the award of 42 German licences to Broadnet, the Irish Independent valued Broadnet at $875m. Ganley later sold his shares to Comcast for an undisclosed sum. As of 2022, he is the chairman and CEO of Rivada Networks, a telecommunications company specialising in the use and arbitrage of wireless spectrum. Rivada has patented technologies in the field of . In 2013, Ganley testified that Rivada's patents had the potential to \"save the taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars\". He founded and sold companies in forestry and the online sector. During the 2008 Irish referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, Ganley and the Libertas Institute successfully campaigned for a \"No\" vote, which was overturned in a second referendum. He campaigned for a \"No\" vote in the 2012 Irish European Fiscal Compact referendum. He has guest-presented Tonight with Vincent Browne. In 2009, Ganley founded and became chairman of Libertas, a political party with pan-European ambitions. The party was unsuccessful in the 2009 European Parliament Election, succeeding in getting only one candidate elected, in France. Ganley was upbeat after the defeat, describing the venture as a failed experiment."@en . . . . . . "Declan Ganley"@es . "Delia Mary Paterek"@en . . . . . "Declan James Ganley (* 23. \u010Dervence 1968, Lond\u00FDn, Spojen\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED) je irsk\u00FD podnikatel a politick\u00FD aktivista. Za\u010D\u00EDnal v Lond\u00FDn\u011B jako posl\u00ED\u010Dek u poji\u0161\u0165ovac\u00ED firmy, ale po\u010D\u00E1tkem 90. let 20. stolet\u00ED se n\u00E1hle stal v\u00FDznamn\u00FDm podnikalem v lesnictv\u00ED v b\u00FDval\u00E9m Sov\u011Btsk\u00E9m svazu. P\u016Fsobil \u00FAdajn\u011B tak\u00E9 jako poradce administrativ\u011B Vologodsk\u00E9 oblasti. Vyd\u011Blal tak\u00E9 zna\u010Dnou sumu na obchodech s hlin\u00EDkem v Rusk\u00E9 federaci. Zkrachoval jeho z\u00E1m\u011Br na vyu\u017Eit\u00ED sov\u011Btsk\u00FDch raketov\u00FDch nosi\u010D\u016F pro komer\u010Dn\u00ED vyn\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED telekomunika\u010Dn\u00EDch satelit\u016F do vesm\u00EDru. Je \u017Eenat\u00FD a s man\u017Eelkou Deliou m\u00E1 \u010Dty\u0159i d\u011Bti."@cs . . . . . . . "Declan James Ganley \u00E9 um homem de neg\u00F3cios e um activista pol\u00EDtico. Nascido a 23 de julho de 1968 em Watford, Hertfordshire, no Reino Unido, filho de pais irlandeses, Ganley possui dupla nacionalidade \u2013 nacionalidade brit\u00E2nica e nacionalidade irlandesa.Ganley \u00E9 o actual Presidente da Direc\u00E7\u00E3o da , uma empresa da \u00E1rea dos sistemas de telecomunica\u00E7\u00F5es. \u00C9 tamb\u00E9m o fundador e Presidente do movimento pol\u00EDtico Libertas, um movimento pol\u00EDtico pan-europeu que fez companha pelo N\u00E3o no ao Tratado de Lisboa, e que se prepara para fazer uma campanha pan-europeia para as elei\u00E7\u00F5es de 2009 para o Parlamento Europeu."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Leader of Libertas"@en . . . . . . . . . "Is fear gn\u00F3 Sasanach agus polaiteoir in \u00C9irinn \u00E9 Declan James Ganley, a rugadh ar 23 I\u00FAil 1968. Sa bhliain 2008 rinne s\u00E9 f\u00E9in agus an gr\u00FApa a raibh s\u00E9 ann, Libertas, stocaireacht i gcoinne Chonradh Liosp\u00F3ine. Cathaoirleach agus pr\u00EDomhoifigeach feidhmi\u00FAch\u00E1in Riveda Networks at\u00E1 ann. T\u00E1 Ganley p\u00F3sta agus t\u00E1 ceathrar p\u00E1ist\u00ED aige, ina gc\u00F3na\u00ED i gContae na Gaillimhe."@ga . "Declan Ganley"@cs . . "Declan James Ganley"@en . "1968-07-23"^^ . "Declan Ganley"@de . "Declan James Ganley (ur. 23 lipca 1968 w Watford) \u2013 irlandzki przedsi\u0119biorca i aktywista polityczny."@pl . . . . . "Declan James Ganley (* 23. Juli 1968 in London) ist ein britischst\u00E4mmiger Unternehmer und Politaktivist. Seit sp\u00E4testens 2006 ist Ganley irischer Staatsb\u00FCrger; er lebt in , County Galway in der Republik Irland. Ganley war Gr\u00FCnder und Vorsitzender der europ\u00E4ischen Partei Libertas. Mit der Vorl\u00E4uferorganisation gleichen Namens spielte er eine wichtige Rolle bei der Ablehnung des Vertrags von Lissabon durch die irischen W\u00E4hler in der Volksabstimmung 2008."@de . "Declan James Ganley (* 23. \u010Dervence 1968, Lond\u00FDn, Spojen\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED) je irsk\u00FD podnikatel a politick\u00FD aktivista. Za\u010D\u00EDnal v Lond\u00FDn\u011B jako posl\u00ED\u010Dek u poji\u0161\u0165ovac\u00ED firmy, ale po\u010D\u00E1tkem 90. let 20. stolet\u00ED se n\u00E1hle stal v\u00FDznamn\u00FDm podnikalem v lesnictv\u00ED v b\u00FDval\u00E9m Sov\u011Btsk\u00E9m svazu. P\u016Fsobil \u00FAdajn\u011B tak\u00E9 jako poradce administrativ\u011B Vologodsk\u00E9 oblasti. Vyd\u011Blal tak\u00E9 zna\u010Dnou sumu na obchodech s hlin\u00EDkem v Rusk\u00E9 federaci. Zkrachoval jeho z\u00E1m\u011Br na vyu\u017Eit\u00ED sov\u011Btsk\u00FDch raketov\u00FDch nosi\u010D\u016F pro komer\u010Dn\u00ED vyn\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED telekomunika\u010Dn\u00EDch satelit\u016F do vesm\u00EDru. Do \u0161ir\u0161\u00EDho pov\u011Bdom\u00ED se dostal d\u00EDky zalo\u017Een\u00ED politick\u00E9ho hnut\u00ED , kter\u00E9 dodnes vede. Investoval zna\u010Dnou sumu vlastn\u00EDch pen\u011Bz do kampan\u011B, kterou p\u0159ed referendem v Irsku vedlo hnut\u00ED Libertas proti schv\u00E1len\u00ED Lisabonsk\u00E9 smlouvy. Prohl\u00E1sil, \u017Ee jeho odpor nesm\u011B\u0159uje proti Evropsk\u00E9 unii, n\u00FDbr\u017E v\u00FDhradn\u011B proti Lisabonsk\u00E9 smlouv\u011B. Za svou politickou kampa\u0148 dostal cenu od \u010Desk\u00E9ho sdru\u017Een\u00ED eStat.cz bl\u00EDzk\u00E9ho ODS, V \u010Dervnu 2009 utrp\u011Bl jednozna\u010Dnou por\u00E1\u017Eku ve volb\u00E1ch do Evropsk\u00E9ho parlamentu jako on s\u00E1m, tak i jeho politick\u00E1 strana. Pote uvedl, \u017Ee nepovede kampa\u0148 proti Lisabonsk\u00E9 smlouv\u011B p\u0159ed druh\u00FDm irsk\u00FDm referendem. Je \u017Eenat\u00FD a s man\u017Eelkou Deliou m\u00E1 \u010Dty\u0159i d\u011Bti."@cs . . "2008-10-30"^^ . "Declan Ganley"@pl . "Declan Ganley, f\u00F6dd 23 juli 1968 i Watford, Hertfordshire (Storbritannien), \u00E4r grundare av folkr\u00F6relsen Libertas, som drev en kampanj mot Lissabonf\u00F6rdraget i folkomr\u00F6stningen p\u00E5 Irland i juni 2008. Ganley \u00E4r i grunden aff\u00E4rsman och driver en rad f\u00F6retag. Med hj\u00E4lp av sin f\u00F6rm\u00F6genhet kunde han finansiera Libertas verksamhet. I Europaparlamentsvalet 2009 st\u00E4llde han upp som kandidat, men misslyckades med att ta mandat. Han avgick f\u00F6ljaktligen som ledare f\u00F6r Libertas och l\u00E4mnade den politiska scenen."@sv . . . . . . . "Declan Ganley est un homme d'affaires et homme politique irlandais n\u00E9 le 23 juillet 1968, \u00E0 Watford, (Hertfordshire, Royaume-Uni), fondateur du mouvement \u00E0 vocation europ\u00E9enne Libertas."@fr . . . . . . . "Declan Ganley"@sv . . . . . . . . . "Declan James Ganley (born 23 July 1968) is an English-born Irish entrepreneur, businessman, and political activist. He was the founder and leader of the Irish branch of the Libertas Party. Primarily a telecommunications entrepreneur, Ganley has built businesses across the European Union, Russia and latterly, the United States. Notably, he co-founded Broadnet, a company which rolled out internet and telecoms services across the European Union in the late 1990s. In 1999, after the award of 42 German licences to Broadnet, the Irish Independent valued Broadnet at $875m. Ganley later sold his shares to Comcast for an undisclosed sum."@en . . . . . . "Declan James Ganley (nacido el 23 de julio de 1968, Watford, Hertfordshines, Reino Unido) es un empresario y activista pol\u00EDtico proveniente de una familia irlandesa emigrada al Reino Unido. Regresaron a Galway, Irlanda -donde Declan a\u00FAn reside- cuando este contaba con 12 a\u00F1os de edad."@es . . . . "1117085488"^^ . . "Declan Ganley"@en . . "Watford, United Kingdom"@en . . . "Declan James Ganley (ur. 23 lipca 1968 w Watford) \u2013 irlandzki przedsi\u0119biorca i aktywista polityczny."@pl . "New office"@en . . "4"^^ . . "Declan Ganley est un homme d'affaires et homme politique irlandais n\u00E9 le 23 juillet 1968, \u00E0 Watford, (Hertfordshire, Royaume-Uni), fondateur du mouvement \u00E0 vocation europ\u00E9enne Libertas."@fr . . . "17120198"^^ . . . "Declan Ganley"@fr . . . "25"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Declan James Ganley (* 23. Juli 1968 in London) ist ein britischst\u00E4mmiger Unternehmer und Politaktivist. Seit sp\u00E4testens 2006 ist Ganley irischer Staatsb\u00FCrger; er lebt in , County Galway in der Republik Irland. Ganley war Gr\u00FCnder und Vorsitzender der europ\u00E4ischen Partei Libertas. Mit der Vorl\u00E4uferorganisation gleichen Namens spielte er eine wichtige Rolle bei der Ablehnung des Vertrags von Lissabon durch die irischen W\u00E4hler in der Volksabstimmung 2008."@de . . . . . "1968-07-23"^^ . . . . "Is fear gn\u00F3 Sasanach agus polaiteoir in \u00C9irinn \u00E9 Declan James Ganley, a rugadh ar 23 I\u00FAil 1968. Sa bhliain 2008 rinne s\u00E9 f\u00E9in agus an gr\u00FApa a raibh s\u00E9 ann, Libertas, stocaireacht i gcoinne Chonradh Liosp\u00F3ine. Cathaoirleach agus pr\u00EDomhoifigeach feidhmi\u00FAch\u00E1in Riveda Networks at\u00E1 ann. T\u00E1 Ganley p\u00F3sta agus t\u00E1 ceathrar p\u00E1ist\u00ED aige, ina gc\u00F3na\u00ED i gContae na Gaillimhe."@ga . . . "Office abolished"@en . . . . . . .