. "Dies Domini"@en . . . . "Dies Domini is an apostolic letter promulgated by Pope John Paul II on July 30, 1998. In this doctrine, Pope John Paul encourages the Catholic population to 'rediscover the meaning' behind keeping the Lord's Day holy. Pope John Paul II explains the meaning of the Sunday in the light of Christian tradition. To celebrate Sunday is to make present the graces of the Paschal mystery, which is the climax of the salvation history: \u2014\u2009Dies Domini, 18"@en . . "Dies Domini ( dt.: Tag des Herrn) ist ein Apostolisches Schreiben Papst Johannes Pauls II. Es tr\u00E4gt das Datum vom 30. Juli 1998 und verweist mit seinem Untertitel \u201E\u00DCber die Heiligung des Sonntags\u201C inhaltlich auf das Thema. Der Papst ermutigt darin die Katholiken, die Bedeutung des Sonntages wieder neu zu entdecken."@de . "Dies Domini is an apostolic letter promulgated by Pope John Paul II on July 30, 1998. In this doctrine, Pope John Paul encourages the Catholic population to 'rediscover the meaning' behind keeping the Lord's Day holy. Pope John Paul II explains the meaning of the Sunday in the light of Christian tradition. To celebrate Sunday is to make present the graces of the Paschal mystery, which is the climax of the salvation history: The Paschal Mystery of Christ is the full revelation of the mystery of the world's origin, the climax of the history of salvation and the anticipation of the eschatological fulfilment of the world. What God accomplished in Creation and wrought for his People in the Exodus has found its fullest expression in Christ's Death and Resurrection, though its definitive fulfilment will not come until the Parousia, when Christ returns in glory. In him, the \"spiritual\" meaning of the Sabbath is fully realized, as Saint Gregory the Great declares: \"For us, the true Sabbath is the person of our Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ.\" \u2014\u2009Dies Domini, 18 It is the day which recalls in grateful adoration the world\u2019s first day and looks forward in active hope to the \u2019last day,\u2019 when Christ will come in glory and all things will be made new.\u201D Sunday recalls the day of Christ's Resurrection. This is a tradition going back to the Apostles, taking its origin from the actual day of Christ\u2019s Resurrection\u2014a day thus appropriately designated \u201Cthe Lord\u2019s Day.\u201D Speaking of the various dimensions of the Christian celebration of Sunday, the document declares that it is Dies Domini with regard to the work of creation, Dies Christi as the day of the new creation and the Risen Lord\u2019s gift of the Holy Spirit, Dies Ecclesiae as the day on which the Christian community gathers for the celebration, and Dies Hominis as the day of joy, rest and fraternal charity."@en . "Dies Domini"@pl . . . . "3273"^^ . . . . . . . "Dies Domini"@pt . . . "Dies Domini \u00E9 uma carta apost\u00F3lica promulgada pelo papa Jo\u00E3o Paulo II em 30 de julho de 1998. Neste documento, o Papa Jo\u00E3o Paulo incentiva a popula\u00E7\u00E3o cat\u00F3lica a \"redescobrir o significado\" por tr\u00E1s da santifica\u00E7\u00E3o do Dia do Senhor. O papa Jo\u00E3o Paulo II explica o significado do domingo \u00E0 luz da tradi\u00E7\u00E3o crist\u00E3. Celebrar o domingo \u00E9 fazer presente as gra\u00E7as do mist\u00E9rio pascal, que \u00E9 o cl\u00EDmax da hist\u00F3ria da salva\u00E7\u00E3o: \"O mist\u00E9rio pascal de Cristo \u00E9 a revela\u00E7\u00E3o completa do mist\u00E9rio da origem do mundo, o cl\u00EDmax da hist\u00F3ria da salva\u00E7\u00E3o e a antecipa\u00E7\u00E3o da realiza\u00E7\u00E3o escatol\u00F3gica do mundo. O que Deus realizou na Cria\u00E7\u00E3o e fez para o seu povo no \u00CAxodo encontrou sua express\u00E3o mais completa na morte e ressurrei\u00E7\u00E3o de Cristo, embora seu cumprimento definitivo n\u00E3o venha at\u00E9 a Parusia, quando Cristo voltar em gl\u00F3ria. Nele, o significado \"espiritual\" do s\u00E1bado \u00E9 plenamente realizado, como S\u00E3o Greg\u00F3rio Magno declara: \"Para n\u00F3s, o verdadeiro s\u00E1bado \u00E9 a pessoa do nosso Redentor, nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.\"\u2014 Dies Domini, 18 \u00C9 o dia que recordamos em grata adora\u00E7\u00E3o o primeiro dia do mundo e aguardamos com expectativa a esperan\u00E7a do \"\u00FAltimo dia\", quando Cristo vir\u00E1 em gl\u00F3ria e todas as coisas ser\u00E3o renovadas. O domingo lembra o dia da ressurrei\u00E7\u00E3o de Cristo. Esta \u00E9 uma tradi\u00E7\u00E3o que remonta aos ap\u00F3stolos, tendo sua origem no dia real da ressurrei\u00E7\u00E3o de Cristo - designado apropriadamente como \u201Co dia do Senhor.\" Falando das v\u00E1rias dimens\u00F5es da celebra\u00E7\u00E3o crist\u00E3 do domingo, o documento declara que \u00E9: Dies Domini no que diz respeito \u00E0 obra da cria\u00E7\u00E3o, Dies Christi como o dia da nova cria\u00E7\u00E3o e o presente do Esp\u00EDrito Santo do Senhor ressuscitado, Dies Ecclesiae como o dia em que a comunidade crist\u00E3 se re\u00FAne para a celebra\u00E7\u00E3o e Dies Hominis como o dia de alegria, descanso e caridade fraterna."@pt . . . "Dies Domini \u2212 list apostolski papie\u017Ca Jana Paw\u0142a II z 31 maja 1998 o \u015Bwi\u0119towaniu niedzieli jako Dnia Pa\u0144skiego."@pl . . . "Dies Domini ( dt.: Tag des Herrn) ist ein Apostolisches Schreiben Papst Johannes Pauls II. Es tr\u00E4gt das Datum vom 30. Juli 1998 und verweist mit seinem Untertitel \u201E\u00DCber die Heiligung des Sonntags\u201C inhaltlich auf das Thema. Der Papst ermutigt darin die Katholiken, die Bedeutung des Sonntages wieder neu zu entdecken."@de . "Dies Domini \u2212 list apostolski papie\u017Ca Jana Paw\u0142a II z 31 maja 1998 o \u015Bwi\u0119towaniu niedzieli jako Dnia Pa\u0144skiego."@pl . . . . . . "1073454724"^^ . . . . . . . "Dies Domini \u00E9 uma carta apost\u00F3lica promulgada pelo papa Jo\u00E3o Paulo II em 30 de julho de 1998. Neste documento, o Papa Jo\u00E3o Paulo incentiva a popula\u00E7\u00E3o cat\u00F3lica a \"redescobrir o significado\" por tr\u00E1s da santifica\u00E7\u00E3o do Dia do Senhor. O papa Jo\u00E3o Paulo II explica o significado do domingo \u00E0 luz da tradi\u00E7\u00E3o crist\u00E3. Celebrar o domingo \u00E9 fazer presente as gra\u00E7as do mist\u00E9rio pascal, que \u00E9 o cl\u00EDmax da hist\u00F3ria da salva\u00E7\u00E3o:"@pt . . . . . . . . "Dies Domini"@de . "24222988"^^ . . . . .