. . . . . . "De Landdag van Hongarije (Hongaars: Magyar Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s), vanaf 1867 Rijksdag van Hongarije, was de voorganger van het huidige Hongaars parlement en de wetgevende vergadering van het Koninkrijk Hongarije tot in 1918. De Rijksdag bestond sinds 1608 uit twee kamers: enerzijds een hogerhuis, dat Magnatenhuis heette, waarin de clerus en de magnaten zetelden, en anderzijds een lagerhuis, het Huis van Afgevaardigden, waarin vertegenwoordigers van de comitaten, vrije districten en steden zetelden. Het vorstendom Zevenburgen had tot 1865 een eigen landdag."@nl . . "\u0413\u043E\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0441\u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u0412\u0435\u043D\u0433\u0440\u0438\u0438"@ru . . . . . . "Der Ungarische Landtag, ab 1867 Ungarischer Reichstag, ungarisch Magyar Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s, war als Vorg\u00E4nger des heutigen ungarischen Parlaments die gesetzgebende Versammlung des K\u00F6nigreichs Ungarn bis 1918. Der Reichstag bestand aus zwei Kammern, der Magnatentafel, in der die Magnaten und der hohe Klerus sa\u00DFen, und der Repr\u00E4sentantentafel (Ablegatentafel), dem Abgeordnetenhaus, zu dem die Komitate, freien Distrikte und St\u00E4dte Deputierte entsandten. Das Zweikammernsystem setzte sich ab 1608 dauerhaft durch. Das F\u00FCrstentum Siebenb\u00FCrgen verf\u00FCgte bis 1865 \u00FCber einen eigenen Landtag; der kroatische Landtag, der Sabor, tagte bis 1918."@de . . . . . . "Reichstag (Ungarn)"@de . . . . . . . . "Uhersk\u00FD sn\u011Bm"@cs . . . . . . . . . . "Der Ungarische Landtag, ab 1867 Ungarischer Reichstag, ungarisch Magyar Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s, war als Vorg\u00E4nger des heutigen ungarischen Parlaments die gesetzgebende Versammlung des K\u00F6nigreichs Ungarn bis 1918. Der Reichstag bestand aus zwei Kammern, der Magnatentafel, in der die Magnaten und der hohe Klerus sa\u00DFen, und der Repr\u00E4sentantentafel (Ablegatentafel), dem Abgeordnetenhaus, zu dem die Komitate, freien Distrikte und St\u00E4dte Deputierte entsandten. Das Zweikammernsystem setzte sich ab 1608 dauerhaft durch. Das F\u00FCrstentum Siebenb\u00FCrgen verf\u00FCgte bis 1865 \u00FCber einen eigenen Landtag; der kroatische Landtag, der Sabor, tagte bis 1918."@de . . . . . . . "Rijksdag (Hongarije)"@nl . . . "25016167"^^ . "The Diet of Hungary or originally: Parlamentum Publicum / Parlamentum Generale (Hungarian: Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s) became the supreme legislative institution in the medieval kingdom of Hungary from the 1290s, and in its successor states, Royal Hungary and the Habsburg kingdom of Hungary throughout the Early Modern period until the end of World War II. The name of the legislative body was originally \"Parlamentum\" during the Middle Ages, the \"Diet\" expression gained mostly in the Early Modern period. It convened at regular intervals with interruptions from the 12th century to 1918, and again until 1946."@en . . . . . . . . "1117834038"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Uhersk\u00FD sn\u011Bm nebo zemsk\u00FD sn\u011Bm nebo zemsk\u00E9 shrom\u00E1\u017Ed\u011Bn\u00ED Kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED uhersk\u00E9ho (ma\u010Farsky Magyarorsz\u00E1gi orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s, slovensky lidov\u011B zastarale R\u00E1ko\u0161, n\u011Bmecky Ungarischer Landtag) bylo nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED shrom\u00E1\u017Ed\u011Bn\u00ED privilegovan\u00FDch stav\u016F a \u200B\u200Bvrstev Uherska v letech 1298 a\u017E 1918. Zhruba od roku 1860 jej lze ozna\u010Dit jako parlament."@cs . . "A Dieta da Hungria ou originalmente: Parlamentum Publicum/Parlamentum Generale (em h\u00FAngaro: Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s) tornou-se a institui\u00E7\u00E3o legislativa suprema no reino medieval da Hungria a partir da d\u00E9cada de 1290, e em seus estados sucessores, a Hungria Real e o reino Habsburgo da Hungria durante o per\u00EDodo da Era Moderna . O nome do corpo legislativo era originalmente \"Parlamentum\" durante a Idade M\u00E9dia, por\u00E9m a express\u00E3o \"Dieta\" torna-se mais comum principalmente no per\u00EDodo moderno. Convocou-se em intervalos regulares com interrup\u00E7\u00F5es durante o per\u00EDodo de 1527 a 1918 e novamente at\u00E9 1946. Os artigos da dieta de 1790 estipulavam que a dieta deveria atender pelo menos uma vez a cada tr\u00EAs anos, mas, como a dieta era chamada pela Monarquia dos Habsburgos, essa promessa n\u00E3o foi cumprida em v\u00E1rias ocasi\u00F5es a partir de ent\u00E3o. Como resultado do Compromisso Austro-H\u00FAngaro, foi reconstitu\u00EDdo em 1867. O termo latino Natio Hungarica (\"na\u00E7\u00E3o h\u00FAngara\") foi usado para designar a elite pol\u00EDtica que teve participa\u00E7\u00E3o nos parlamentos da era medieval e do in\u00EDcio da era moderna (composta pelo 1/Clero Cat\u00F3lico Romano, 2/a , 3/os enviados de cidades que foram eleitas pelo povo das ) e pelos membros das assembleias municipais do reino, independentemente da l\u00EDngua materna ou etnia da pessoa. Natio Hungarica era uma categoria geogr\u00E1fica, institucional e jur\u00EDdico-pol\u00EDtica."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "Uhersk\u00FD sn\u011Bm nebo zemsk\u00FD sn\u011Bm nebo zemsk\u00E9 shrom\u00E1\u017Ed\u011Bn\u00ED Kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED uhersk\u00E9ho (ma\u010Farsky Magyarorsz\u00E1gi orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s, slovensky lidov\u011B zastarale R\u00E1ko\u0161, n\u011Bmecky Ungarischer Landtag) bylo nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED shrom\u00E1\u017Ed\u011Bn\u00ED privilegovan\u00FDch stav\u016F a \u200B\u200Bvrstev Uherska v letech 1298 a\u017E 1918. Zhruba od roku 1860 jej lze ozna\u010Dit jako parlament."@cs . . . "Dewan Hongaria"@in . "Diet of Hungary"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Dieta da Hungria ou originalmente: Parlamentum Publicum/Parlamentum Generale (em h\u00FAngaro: Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s) tornou-se a institui\u00E7\u00E3o legislativa suprema no reino medieval da Hungria a partir da d\u00E9cada de 1290, e em seus estados sucessores, a Hungria Real e o reino Habsburgo da Hungria durante o per\u00EDodo da Era Moderna . O nome do corpo legislativo era originalmente \"Parlamentum\" durante a Idade M\u00E9dia, por\u00E9m a express\u00E3o \"Dieta\" torna-se mais comum principalmente no per\u00EDodo moderno. Convocou-se em intervalos regulares com interrup\u00E7\u00F5es durante o per\u00EDodo de 1527 a 1918 e novamente at\u00E9 1946."@pt . . . . . . . . "Dewan Hongaria, atau awalnya disebut Parlamentum Publicum / Parlamentum Generale (bahasa Hongaria: Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s), adalah dewan legislatif tertinggi di Kerajaan Hongaria semenjak tahun 1290-an hingga periode modern awal ketika Hongaria dikuasai oleh Wangsa Habsburg. Awalnya badan legislatif ini diberi nama \"Parlamentum\" pada abad pertengahan, dan istilah \"dewan\" baru diberikan pada periode modern awal. Pasal-pasal Dewan 1790 menyatakan bahwa dewan ini sebaiknya berkumpul paling tidak tiga tahun sekali, tetapi pertemuan dewan ini harus dihimpunkan oleh Monarki Habsburg, sehingga komitmen ini tidak selalu ditepati. Dewan ini pada akhirnya direformasi pada tahun 1867 setelah ditetapkannya Kompromi Austria-Hongaria."@in . . . . "De Landdag van Hongarije (Hongaars: Magyar Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s), vanaf 1867 Rijksdag van Hongarije, was de voorganger van het huidige Hongaars parlement en de wetgevende vergadering van het Koninkrijk Hongarije tot in 1918. De Rijksdag bestond sinds 1608 uit twee kamers: enerzijds een hogerhuis, dat Magnatenhuis heette, waarin de clerus en de magnaten zetelden, en anderzijds een lagerhuis, het Huis van Afgevaardigden, waarin vertegenwoordigers van de comitaten, vrije districten en steden zetelden. Het vorstendom Zevenburgen had tot 1865 een eigen landdag."@nl . . . "Dieta da Hungria"@pt . . . . . . . . . . "Dewan Hongaria, atau awalnya disebut Parlamentum Publicum / Parlamentum Generale (bahasa Hongaria: Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s), adalah dewan legislatif tertinggi di Kerajaan Hongaria semenjak tahun 1290-an hingga periode modern awal ketika Hongaria dikuasai oleh Wangsa Habsburg. Awalnya badan legislatif ini diberi nama \"Parlamentum\" pada abad pertengahan, dan istilah \"dewan\" baru diberikan pada periode modern awal."@in . . . . . . . . "The Diet of Hungary or originally: Parlamentum Publicum / Parlamentum Generale (Hungarian: Orsz\u00E1ggy\u0171l\u00E9s) became the supreme legislative institution in the medieval kingdom of Hungary from the 1290s, and in its successor states, Royal Hungary and the Habsburg kingdom of Hungary throughout the Early Modern period until the end of World War II. The name of the legislative body was originally \"Parlamentum\" during the Middle Ages, the \"Diet\" expression gained mostly in the Early Modern period. It convened at regular intervals with interruptions from the 12th century to 1918, and again until 1946. The articles of the 1790 diet set out that the diet should meet at least once every 3 years, but, since the diet was called by the Habsburg monarchy, this promise was not kept on several occasions thereafter. As a result of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise, it was reconstituted in 1867. The Latin term Natio Hungarica (\"Hungarian nation\") was used to designate the elite which had participation in the medieval and early modern era political life of Hungary (at local level as members of the assemblies of the counties, or nation-wide level as members of the Parliaments). The members of the parliament consisted the envoys of the Roman Catholic Clergy, the elected envoys of the nobility from the county assemblies of the Kingdom, and the envoys of cities who were elected by the people of the Royal Free Cities) regardless of mother tongue or ethnicity of the person. Natio Hungarica was a geographic, institutional and juridico-political category."@en . . . . . . . . . "22880"^^ . . . .