"881780175"^^ . "16.6461 -15.0675" . . "POINT(-15.067500114441 16.646099090576)"^^ . "Der Dou\u00E9 ist ein linker s\u00FCdlicher Seitenarm des Senegal in der senegalesischen Region Saint-Louis."@de . . "46324959"^^ . . . . "16.64609909057617"^^ . . . . "Dou\u00E9 River is a left branch of the Senegal River in Senegal roughly between the cities of Ka\u00E9di and Podor. The Dou\u00E9 is about 68 kilometers long, and it runs parallel to the Senegal River on its southern side. The long land strip between the branches is called Morfil. The Ndioum Bridge spans the Dou\u00E9 River to connect the town of Ndioum to Morphil Island. Prior to the bridge being built, people drowned frequently due to canoes and ferries being capsized."@en . . . . "Dou\u00E9 \u00E9s una petita poblaci\u00F3 del nord del Senegal que designa tamb\u00E9 un bra\u00E7 secundari del riu Senegal que corre paral\u00B7lel al sud del bra\u00E7 principal durant m\u00E9s de 100 km; a l'inici d'aquest bra\u00E7 es forma una mena d'estuari que els francesos anomenen \"marigot\", i que \u00E9s conegut com a marigot de Dou\u00E9. El bra\u00E7 de Doue formava antigament l'illa delimitada al nord i al sud pels dos bra\u00E7os del riu Senegal."@ca . "Dou\u00E9 (Senegal)"@ca . . "-15.06750011444092"^^ . "Dou\u00E9 River"@en . . "Dou\u00E9 (Senegal)"@de . "Dou\u00E9 River is a left branch of the Senegal River in Senegal roughly between the cities of Ka\u00E9di and Podor. The Dou\u00E9 is about 68 kilometers long, and it runs parallel to the Senegal River on its southern side. The long land strip between the branches is called Morfil. The Ndioum Bridge spans the Dou\u00E9 River to connect the town of Ndioum to Morphil Island. Prior to the bridge being built, people drowned frequently due to canoes and ferries being capsized."@en . "Der Dou\u00E9 ist ein linker s\u00FCdlicher Seitenarm des Senegal in der senegalesischen Region Saint-Louis."@de . . . . . "950"^^ . . . . . . "Dou\u00E9 \u00E9s una petita poblaci\u00F3 del nord del Senegal que designa tamb\u00E9 un bra\u00E7 secundari del riu Senegal que corre paral\u00B7lel al sud del bra\u00E7 principal durant m\u00E9s de 100 km; a l'inici d'aquest bra\u00E7 es forma una mena d'estuari que els francesos anomenen \"marigot\", i que \u00E9s conegut com a marigot de Dou\u00E9. El bra\u00E7 de Doue formava antigament l'illa delimitada al nord i al sud pels dos bra\u00E7os del riu Senegal."@ca .