. . . . "1858"^^ . . . . . . "El Trono del Drag\u00F3n es el t\u00E9rmino en espa\u00F1ol usado para identificar el trono del Emperador de China. Ya que el drag\u00F3n era el emblema del poder divino imperial, el trono del Emperador, que era considerado un dios viviente, se conoc\u00EDa como el Trono del Drag\u00F3n.\u200B El t\u00E9rmino puede referirse a un asiento muy espec\u00EDfico, como los asientos especiales en varias estructuras de la Ciudad Prohibida de Beijing o en los palacios del Antiguo Palacio de Verano. En un sentido abstracto, el \"Trono del Drag\u00F3n\" tambi\u00E9n se refiere ret\u00F3ricamente al jefe de estado y a la monarqu\u00EDa misma.\u200B Se dice que el Emperador Daoguang se refer\u00EDa a su trono como \"el utensilio divino.\""@es . . . . . . . "1848"^^ . . "Il Trono del Dragone \u00E8 un'espressione occidentale usata per identificare il soglio cinese. Dato che il dragone era l'emblema della potenza imperiale della Cina, il trono dell'imperatore, che era considerato il tramite tra il Cielo e il popolo, fu letterariamente riconosciuto come \"il Trono del Dragone\". \u00C8 stato anche utilizzato per riferirsi a diversi altri seggi, come per le sedi di varie strutture della Citt\u00E0 Proibita di Pechino, o negli appartamenti dell'Antico Palazzo d'Estate. In senso astratto, il \"Trono del Drago\" si riferisce anche retoricamente al capo dello Stato e alla monarchia stessa. Daoguang si riferiva al suo trono come \"l'utensile divino\"."@it . . . . "Trono del Drag\u00F3n"@es . . . "Tr\u00F4ne du Dragon"@fr . . . . . . "Griffis, William Elliot"@en . . "In the Mikado's Service: A Story of Two Battle Summers in China"@en . . . . . "13948"^^ . . . . . . . . "The preceptor's assistant, or, Miscellaneous questions in general history, literature, and science"@en . "\u9F99\u6905"@en . . "l\u00F3ng y\u01D0"@en . . "The Dragon Throne (simplified Chinese: \u9F99\u6905; traditional Chinese: \u9F8D\u6905; pinyin: l\u00F3ng y\u01D0) was the throne of the Emperor of China. As the dragon was the emblem of divine imperial power, the throne of the Emperor was known as the Dragon Throne. The term can refer to very specific seating, as in the special seating in various structures in the Forbidden City of Beijing or in the palaces of the Old Summer Palace. Metonymically, \"the Dragon Throne\" can also refer to the Chinese sovereign and to the Chinese monarchy itself. The Daoguang Emperor is said to have referred to his throne as \"the divine utensil.\" \"My sacred and indulgent father had, in the year that he began to rule alone, silently settled that the divine utensil (the throne) should devolve on my contemptible person. I, knowing the feebleness of my virtue, at first felt much afraid I should not be competent to the office; but on reflecting that the sages, my ancestors, have left to posterity their plans; that his late majesty has laid the duty on me -\u2014 and heaven's throne should not be long vacant -\u2014 I have done violence to my feelings, and forced myself to intermit awhile my heartfelt grief, that I may with reverence obey the unalterable decree and on the 27th of the 8th moon (October 3rd), I purpose devoutly to announce the event to heaven, to earth, to my ancestors, and to the gods of the land and of the grain, and shall then sit down on the imperial throne.\""@en . . "Ricalton, James"@en . "1822"^^ . . "\u9F8D\u6905"@en . . . . . "East India Company"@en . . . . "1920"^^ . . "1921"^^ . . . . "Trono del Dragone"@it . . . . . . . . . "Arnold, Julean Herbert"@en . . . . . . . . . "Il Trono del Dragone \u00E8 un'espressione occidentale usata per identificare il soglio cinese. Dato che il dragone era l'emblema della potenza imperiale della Cina, il trono dell'imperatore, che era considerato il tramite tra il Cielo e il popolo, fu letterariamente riconosciuto come \"il Trono del Dragone\". \u00C8 stato anche utilizzato per riferirsi a diversi altri seggi, come per le sedi di varie strutture della Citt\u00E0 Proibita di Pechino, o negli appartamenti dell'Antico Palazzo d'Estate. In senso astratto, il \"Trono del Drago\" si riferisce anche retoricamente al capo dello Stato e alla monarchia stessa. Daoguang si riferiva al suo trono come \"l'utensile divino\"."@it . . . . . . "1911"^^ . "Dragon Throne"@en . "Le Tr\u00F4ne du Dragon (chinois simplifi\u00E9 : \u9F99\u6905 ; chinois traditionnel : \u9F8D\u6905 ; pinyin : l\u00F3ng y\u01D0) est le tr\u00F4ne de l'empereur de Chine. Comme le dragon est l'embl\u00E8me de la puissance imp\u00E9riale divine, le tr\u00F4ne de l'empereur, qui est consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme un dieu vivant, est connu sous le nom de \u00AB Tr\u00F4ne du Dragon \u00BB. Ce terme peut d\u00E9signer des si\u00E8ges/tr\u00F4nes tr\u00E8s sp\u00E9cifiques, comme ceux install\u00E9s dans diverses structures de la Cit\u00E9 interdite de P\u00E9kin ou dans les palais de l'Ancien Palais d'\u00C9t\u00E9. M\u00E9tonymement, \u00AB le Tr\u00F4ne du Dragon \u00BB peut \u00E9galement faire r\u00E9f\u00E9rence au chef de l'\u00C9tat et \u00E0 la monarchie elle-m\u00EAme. L'empereur Daoguang aurait d\u00E9sign\u00E9 son tr\u00F4ne comme \u00E9tant \u00AB l'ustensile divin \u00BB."@fr . . . . . . . . . "The Dragon Throne (simplified Chinese: \u9F99\u6905; traditional Chinese: \u9F8D\u6905; pinyin: l\u00F3ng y\u01D0) was the throne of the Emperor of China. As the dragon was the emblem of divine imperial power, the throne of the Emperor was known as the Dragon Throne. The term can refer to very specific seating, as in the special seating in various structures in the Forbidden City of Beijing or in the palaces of the Old Summer Palace. Metonymically, \"the Dragon Throne\" can also refer to the Chinese sovereign and to the Chinese monarchy itself. The Daoguang Emperor is said to have referred to his throne as \"the divine utensil.\""@en . . . . "1901"^^ . . . . . . . "El Trono del Drag\u00F3n es el t\u00E9rmino en espa\u00F1ol usado para identificar el trono del Emperador de China. Ya que el drag\u00F3n era el emblema del poder divino imperial, el trono del Emperador, que era considerado un dios viviente, se conoc\u00EDa como el Trono del Drag\u00F3n.\u200B El t\u00E9rmino puede referirse a un asiento muy espec\u00EDfico, como los asientos especiales en varias estructuras de la Ciudad Prohibida de Beijing o en los palacios del Antiguo Palacio de Verano. En un sentido abstracto, el \"Trono del Drag\u00F3n\" tambi\u00E9n se refiere ret\u00F3ricamente al jefe de estado y a la monarqu\u00EDa misma.\u200B Se dice que el Emperador Daoguang se refer\u00EDa a su trono como \"el utensilio divino.\" My sacred and indulgent father had, in the year that he began to rule alone, silently settled that the divine utensil (the throne) should devolve on my contemptible person. I, knowing the feebleness of my virtue, at first felt much afraid I should not be competent to the office; but on reflecting that the sages, my ancestors, have left to posterity their plans; that his late majesty has laid the duty on me -\u2014 and heaven's throne should not be long vacant -\u2014 I have done violence to my feelings, and forced myself to intermit awhile my heartfelt grief, that I may with reverence obey the unalterable decree and on the 27th of the 8th moon (October 3rd), I purpose devoutly to announce the event to heaven, to earth, to my ancestors, and to the gods of the land and of the grain, and shall then sit down on the imperial throne. Mi sagrado e indulgente padre, en el a\u00F1o en que comenz\u00F3 a reinar solo, estableci\u00F3 silenciosamente que el utensilio divino (el trono) deb\u00EDa delegarse a mi despreciable persona. Yo, conociendo la debilidad de mi virtud, al principio me sent\u00ED muy preocupado de no ser competente para el oficio; pero al reflexionar que los sabios, mis ancestros, han dejado sus planes a la posteridad; que su difunta majestad ha dejado esta tarea en m\u00ED\u2014 y el trono del cielo no debe estar vacante por mucho tiempo\u2014 yo he violentado mis sentimientos, y me forc\u00E9 a intermitir por un tiempo mi cordial pena, que yo pueda con reverencia obedecer el decreto inalterable y en el 27\u00BA de la 8\u00AA luna (3 de octubre), yo me propongo devotamente anunciar el evento al cielo, a la tierra, a mis ancestros, y a los dioses de la tierra y del grano, y entonces me sentar\u00E9 en el trono imperial\u200B"@es . . . . . "Bland, John"@en . "Williams, David"@en . . . . . . . . . "7117707"^^ . "Samuel Wells Williams"@en . . . "China, Japan and Korea"@en . "Asiatic journal and monthly miscellany, Volume 13"@en . . "Commercial Handbook of China"@en . . "China Through the Stereoscope: A Journey Through the Dragon Empire at the Time of the Boxer Uprising"@en . "Le Tr\u00F4ne du Dragon (chinois simplifi\u00E9 : \u9F99\u6905 ; chinois traditionnel : \u9F8D\u6905 ; pinyin : l\u00F3ng y\u01D0) est le tr\u00F4ne de l'empereur de Chine. Comme le dragon est l'embl\u00E8me de la puissance imp\u00E9riale divine, le tr\u00F4ne de l'empereur, qui est consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme un dieu vivant, est connu sous le nom de \u00AB Tr\u00F4ne du Dragon \u00BB. Ce terme peut d\u00E9signer des si\u00E8ges/tr\u00F4nes tr\u00E8s sp\u00E9cifiques, comme ceux install\u00E9s dans diverses structures de la Cit\u00E9 interdite de P\u00E9kin ou dans les palais de l'Ancien Palais d'\u00C9t\u00E9. M\u00E9tonymement, \u00AB le Tr\u00F4ne du Dragon \u00BB peut \u00E9galement faire r\u00E9f\u00E9rence au chef de l'\u00C9tat et \u00E0 la monarchie elle-m\u00EAme. L'empereur Daoguang aurait d\u00E9sign\u00E9 son tr\u00F4ne comme \u00E9tant \u00AB l'ustensile divin \u00BB. \u00AB Mon p\u00E8re sacr\u00E9 et indulgent avait, l'ann\u00E9e o\u00F9 il commen\u00E7a \u00E0 r\u00E9gner seul, d\u00E9cid\u00E9 en silence que l'ustensile divin (le tr\u00F4ne) devait \u00EAtre d\u00E9volu \u00E0 ma m\u00E9prisable personne. Connaissant la faiblesse de ma vertu, j'ai d'abord eu tr\u00E8s peur de ne pas \u00EAtre assez comp\u00E9tent pour cette fonction; mais en r\u00E9fl\u00E9chissant au fait que les sages, mes anc\u00EAtres, ont laiss\u00E9 leurs plans \u00E0 la post\u00E9rit\u00E9 ; que sa d\u00E9funte majest\u00E9 m'a impos\u00E9 ce devoir - et le tr\u00F4ne du ciel ne devrait pas \u00EAtre vacant trop longtemps - j'ai fait violence \u00E0 mes sentiments, et je me suis forc\u00E9 \u00E0 suspendre un moment mon chagrin sinc\u00E8re, afin d'ob\u00E9ir avec r\u00E9v\u00E9rence au d\u00E9cret inalt\u00E9rable et le 27 de la 8e lune (3 octobre), j'ai l'intention d'annoncer avec d\u00E9votion l'\u00E9v\u00E9nement au ciel, \u00E0 la terre, \u00E0 mes anc\u00EAtres, et aux dieux de la terre et du grain, et je m'assi\u00E9rai ensuite sur le tr\u00F4ne imp\u00E9rial. \u00BB"@fr . . "1109299481"^^ . . "The Middle kingdom: a survey of the ... Chinese empire and its inhabitants ..."@en . "China's Story in Myth, Legend, Art and Annals"@en . . .