. . . "Dugda"@fr . . "POINT(38.833332061768 8.1666669845581)"^^ . . "Dugda (Aanaa)"@en . . . . . . "Dugda is a district in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former district of Dugda Bora before being divided into Bora and Dugda. Part of the East Shewa Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Dugda is bordered on the southeast by Hora-Dambal, on the south by Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha, on the west by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the northwest by the Southwest Shewa Zone, on the north by the Awash River which separates it from Ada'a Chukala, on the northeast by Koka Reservoir which separates it from Adama, and on the east by the Arsi Zone. The administrative center of Dugda is Meki."@en . . . "6231"^^ . . . "8722664"^^ . "Dugda est un woreda de la zone Misraq Shewa de la r\u00E9gion Oromia, en \u00C9thiopie.Le woreda est situ\u00E9 dans la vall\u00E9e du Grand Rift, il atteint l'Awash en amont du lac Koka au nord et le lac Ziway au sud-est.Il a 144 910 habitants en 2007.Son centre administratif est Meki. Avant leur s\u00E9paration [Quand ?], Dugda et son voisin septentrional, le woreda Bora, formaient un unique woreda appel\u00E9 Dugda Bora qui avait une superficie de 1 460 km2 [r\u00E9f. souhait\u00E9e]. Les terres arables repr\u00E9sentent 37 % du territoire du woreda Dugda tandis que 44 % des terres sont consid\u00E9r\u00E9es comme d\u00E9grad\u00E9es ou inutilisables, 9 % sont des p\u00E2turages et 10 % des for\u00EAts[r\u00E9f. souhait\u00E9e]. D'apr\u00E8s le recensement national de 2007 r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par l'Agence centrale de statistique d'\u00C9thiopie, Dugda compte 144 910 habitants et 25 % de sa population est urbaine, la population urbaine (36 252 habitants) \u00E9tant celle de Meki. En 2020, la population du woreda est estim\u00E9e, par projection des taux de 2007, \u00E0 178 259 personnes."@fr . . "8.166666666666666 38.833333333333336" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1063946397"^^ . . . . . . . "Dugda is a district in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former district of Dugda Bora before being divided into Bora and Dugda. Part of the East Shewa Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Dugda is bordered on the southeast by Hora-Dambal, on the south by Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha, on the west by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the northwest by the Southwest Shewa Zone, on the north by the Awash River which separates it from Ada'a Chukala, on the northeast by Koka Reservoir which separates it from Adama, and on the east by the Arsi Zone. The administrative center of Dugda is Meki."@en . . . . "8.166666984558105"^^ . . . . . . . "38.83333206176758"^^ . "Dugda est un woreda de la zone Misraq Shewa de la r\u00E9gion Oromia, en \u00C9thiopie.Le woreda est situ\u00E9 dans la vall\u00E9e du Grand Rift, il atteint l'Awash en amont du lac Koka au nord et le lac Ziway au sud-est.Il a 144 910 habitants en 2007.Son centre administratif est Meki. Avant leur s\u00E9paration [Quand ?], Dugda et son voisin septentrional, le woreda Bora, formaient un unique woreda appel\u00E9 Dugda Bora qui avait une superficie de 1 460 km2 [r\u00E9f. souhait\u00E9e]. En 2020, la population du woreda est estim\u00E9e, par projection des taux de 2007, \u00E0 178 259 personnes."@fr . .