. . . "\u72C4\u5170\u00B7\u6258\u9A6C\u65AF\u5956\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AThe Dylan Thomas Prize \uFF09\u662F\u82F1\u56FD\u6700\u8D1F\u76DB\u540D\u7684\u6587\u5B66\u5956\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u7531\u5F7C\u5F97\u00B7\u65AF\u6CF0\u5FB7\u521B\u7ACB\uFF0C\u65E8\u5728\u8868\u5F70\u753139\u5C81\u6216\u4EE5\u4E0B\u7684\u4F5C\u5BB6\u64B0\u5199\u7684\u6700\u4F73\u82F1\u6587\u51FA\u7248\u6587\u5B66\u4F5C\u54C1\u3002"@zh . . . "\u72C4\u5170\u00B7\u6258\u9A6C\u65AF\u5956\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AThe Dylan Thomas Prize \uFF09\u662F\u82F1\u56FD\u6700\u8D1F\u76DB\u540D\u7684\u6587\u5B66\u5956\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u7531\u5F7C\u5F97\u00B7\u65AF\u6CF0\u5FB7\u521B\u7ACB\uFF0C\u65E8\u5728\u8868\u5F70\u753139\u5C81\u6216\u4EE5\u4E0B\u7684\u4F5C\u5BB6\u64B0\u5199\u7684\u6700\u4F73\u82F1\u6587\u51FA\u7248\u6587\u5B66\u4F5C\u54C1\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Dylan Thomas Prize"@de . . . . . . . "Der Swansea University International Dylan Thomas Prize ist ein britischer Literaturpreis, der seit 2006 an junge Autoren verliehen wird. Der mit 20.000 \u00A3 (Stand 2022) dotierte Preis wurde urspr\u00FCnglich zweij\u00E4hrlich und wird seit 2010 j\u00E4hrlich verliehen. Ausgezeichnet werden Autoren unter 40 Jahre f\u00FCr publizierte literarische Werke in englischer Sprache. Der Preis wird von der Swansea University finanziert und von einer Jury auf der Grundlage von Einsendungen seitens Autoren, Agenten und Verlagen verliehen. Sein Name erinnert an den im walisischen Swansea geborenen Dichter Dylan Thomas."@de . . . . . . . . . "Der Swansea University International Dylan Thomas Prize ist ein britischer Literaturpreis, der seit 2006 an junge Autoren verliehen wird. Der mit 20.000 \u00A3 (Stand 2022) dotierte Preis wurde urspr\u00FCnglich zweij\u00E4hrlich und wird seit 2010 j\u00E4hrlich verliehen. Ausgezeichnet werden Autoren unter 40 Jahre f\u00FCr publizierte literarische Werke in englischer Sprache. Der Preis wird von der Swansea University finanziert und von einer Jury auf der Grundlage von Einsendungen seitens Autoren, Agenten und Verlagen verliehen. Sein Name erinnert an den im walisischen Swansea geborenen Dichter Dylan Thomas."@de . . . . . . "1120818077"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "De Dylan Thomas Prize is een jaarlijkse literatuur prijs voor schrijver jonger dan 40 en is genoemd is naar de Britse schrijver en po\u00EBet Dylan Thomas."@nl . . "Dylan Thomas Prize \u00E4r ett av de st\u00F6rsta litteraturpriserna f\u00F6r unga f\u00F6rfattare, och delas ut \u00E5rligen. Priset, som \u00E4r namngivet till den walesiska f\u00F6rfattaren och poeten Dylan Thomas \u00E4ra, ger f\u00F6rfattarna internationell prestige och en prissumma p\u00E5 30 000 pund. Det ges till f\u00F6rfattare som publicerats p\u00E5 engelska under trettio \u00E5rs \u00E5lder. Fr\u00E5n b\u00F6rjan gavs det ut tv\u00E5 g\u00E5nger om \u00E5ret, men sedan 2010 ges det bara ut en g\u00E5ng. Priset b\u00F6rjade ges ut under 1980-talet, d\u00E5 k\u00E4nt som Dylan Thomas Award, efter att en kampanj hade h\u00E5llits om att s\u00E4tta upp ett plakat till minne av poeten i Westminster Abbey. \u00D6verskottsint\u00E4kter fr\u00E5n en konsert f\u00F6r att f\u00E5 in pengar som sponsrades av TV-bolaget donerades f\u00F6r att kunna ge ut ett pris p\u00E5 1000 pund \u00E5rligen. Pengarna r\u00E4ckte inte till, och priset hade d\u00E4rf\u00F6r ett uppeh\u00E5ll fram till 2004 d\u00E5 b\u00F6rjade sponsra priset. Priset delas ut inom de omr\u00E5den d\u00E4r Dylan Thomas verkade \u2013 poesi, prosa, drama, noveller, romaner, kortromaner, pj\u00E4ser och manus."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . "Dylan Thomas Prize \u00E4r ett av de st\u00F6rsta litteraturpriserna f\u00F6r unga f\u00F6rfattare, och delas ut \u00E5rligen. Priset, som \u00E4r namngivet till den walesiska f\u00F6rfattaren och poeten Dylan Thomas \u00E4ra, ger f\u00F6rfattarna internationell prestige och en prissumma p\u00E5 30 000 pund. Det ges till f\u00F6rfattare som publicerats p\u00E5 engelska under trettio \u00E5rs \u00E5lder. Fr\u00E5n b\u00F6rjan gavs det ut tv\u00E5 g\u00E5nger om \u00E5ret, men sedan 2010 ges det bara ut en g\u00E5ng. Priset delas ut inom de omr\u00E5den d\u00E4r Dylan Thomas verkade \u2013 poesi, prosa, drama, noveller, romaner, kortromaner, pj\u00E4ser och manus."@sv . . . . . . . . . "6256087"^^ . . . . . "The Dylan Thomas Prize is a leading prize for young writers presented annually. The prize, named in honour of the Welsh writer and poet Dylan Thomas, brings international prestige and a remuneration of \u00A330,000 (~$46,000). It is open to published writers in the English language under the age of forty. The prize was originally awarded biennially, but became an annual award in 2010. Entries for the prize are submitted by the publisher, editor, or agent; for theatre plays and screenplays, by the producer."@en . . . . . . . "Dylan Thomas Prize"@en . . . . . . "Dylan Thomas Prize"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . "Premio Dylan Thomas"@it . "Il Premio Dylan Thomas (Swansea University Dylan Thomas Prize) \u00E8 un riconoscimento letterario attribuito annualmente al miglior autore di lingua inglese sotto i 39 anni. Istituito nel 2006 dall'Universit\u00E0 di Swansea in memoria del poeta gallese Dylan Thomas, morto a 39 anni, intende \"invocare la sua memoria per sostenere gli scrittori di oggi e coltivare i talenti di domani\" ed \u00E8 dedicato indistintamente a romanzi, racconti, raccolte di poesie e testi teatrali. Inizialmente attribuiva al vincitore 60000 sterline, passate alle attuali (edizione 2020) 30000."@it . . . . "Il Premio Dylan Thomas (Swansea University Dylan Thomas Prize) \u00E8 un riconoscimento letterario attribuito annualmente al miglior autore di lingua inglese sotto i 39 anni. Istituito nel 2006 dall'Universit\u00E0 di Swansea in memoria del poeta gallese Dylan Thomas, morto a 39 anni, intende \"invocare la sua memoria per sostenere gli scrittori di oggi e coltivare i talenti di domani\" ed \u00E8 dedicato indistintamente a romanzi, racconti, raccolte di poesie e testi teatrali. Inizialmente attribuiva al vincitore 60000 sterline, passate alle attuali (edizione 2020) 30000."@it . . . "22749"^^ . . "De Dylan Thomas Prize is een jaarlijkse literatuur prijs voor schrijver jonger dan 40 en is genoemd is naar de Britse schrijver en po\u00EBet Dylan Thomas."@nl . . . . . . . . "\u72C4\u5170\u00B7\u6258\u9A6C\u65AF\u5956"@zh . . . . . . . "Dylan Thomas Prize"@sv . . . "The Dylan Thomas Prize is a leading prize for young writers presented annually. The prize, named in honour of the Welsh writer and poet Dylan Thomas, brings international prestige and a remuneration of \u00A330,000 (~$46,000). It is open to published writers in the English language under the age of forty. The prize was originally awarded biennially, but became an annual award in 2010. Entries for the prize are submitted by the publisher, editor, or agent; for theatre plays and screenplays, by the producer. A Dylan Thomas literary prize was first awarded during the 1980s, known as the Dylan Thomas Award, following the campaign to have a plaque in the poet's memory placed in Westminster Abbey. Surplus income from a fund-raising concert sponsored by the television company HTV were donated to allow a prize of \u00A31000 to be awarded annually. After several years, the prize was discontinued for lack of finance. It was revived, in a different form, in 2004, sponsored by Electronic Data Systems, at that time one of Swansea's largest employers. The Prize honours its shortlist finalists and annual winner for published work in the broad range of literary forms in which Dylan Thomas excelled, including poetry, prose, fictional drama, short story collections, novels, novellas, stage plays and screenplays. \u201CWe want the world to be aware of the Welsh interest in promoting new writing. Our Prize provides an inspiration for a whole new generation of writers throughout the English-speaking world,\u201D said Peter Stead, Chair of The Dylan Thomas Prize."@en . . . . .