. . . . "1108135405"^^ . . . . . "\u98D3\u98CE\u4F0A\u838E\u8D1D\u5C14\u5BF9\u7279\u62C9\u534E\u5DDE\u7684\u5F71\u54CD\u5BFC\u81F4\u7F8E\u56FD\u603B\u7EDF\u4E54\u6CBB\u00B7\u6C83\u514B\u00B7\u5E03\u4EC0\u5BA3\u5E03\u8BE5\u5DDE\u4E3A\u707E\u533A\u3002\u622A\u81F32014\u5E743\u6708\uFF0C\u8BE5\u5DDE\u4E00\u5171\u53EA\u670914\u6B21\u7ECF\u603B\u7EDF\u5BA3\u5E03\u6210\u4E3A\u8054\u90A6\u707E\u533A\u3002\u98D3\u98CE\u4F0A\u838E\u8D1D\u5C14\u4E8E2003\u5E749\u67086\u65E5\u5728\u5927\u897F\u6D0B\u70ED\u5E26\u6D77\u57DF\u7684\u4F5B\u5F97\u89D2\u9644\u8FD1\u7531\u4E00\u80A1\u4E1C\u98CE\u6CE2\u53D1\u5C55\u800C\u6210\u3002\u7CFB\u7EDF\u671D\u897F\u5317\u65B9\u5411\u524D\u8FDB\uFF0C\u8FDB\u5165\u4E00\u7247\u6C34\u6E29\u8F83\u9AD8\uFF0C\u98CE\u5207\u53D8\u5F88\u5F31\u7684\u73AF\u5883\u540E\u7A33\u6B65\u52A0\u5F3A\uFF0C\u4E8E9\u670811\u65E5\u8FBE\u5230\u98CE\u901F\u6BCF\u5C0F\u65F6270\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u6700\u9AD8\u5F3A\u5EA6\u3002\u7ECF\u8FC7\u56DB\u5929\u7684\u5F3A\u5EA6\u6CE2\u52A8\u540E\uFF0C\u98D3\u98CE\u9010\u6E10\u51CF\u5F31\uFF0C\u4E8E9\u670818\u65E5\u5728\u5317\u5361\u7F57\u83B1\u7EB3\u5DDE\u7684\u5916\u6EE9\u7FA4\u5C9B\u4EE5\u98CE\u901F\u6BCF\u5C0F\u65F6165\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u5F3A\u5EA6\u767B\u9646\u3002\u98CE\u66B4\u767B\u9646\u540E\u8FC5\u901F\u51CF\u5F31\uFF0C\u4E8E\u6B21\u65E5\u5728\u5BBE\u5915\u6CD5\u5C3C\u4E9A\u5DDE\u897F\u90E8\u8F6C\u53D8\u4E3A\u6E29\u5E26\u6C14\u65CB\u3002\u98CE\u66B4\u7684\u4E2D\u5FC3\u4ECD\u7136\u4FDD\u6301\u5728\u7279\u62C9\u534E\u5DDE\u7684\u5357\u9762\u548C\u897F\u9762\uFF0C\u6574\u4E2A\u98CE\u66B4\u8DDD\u8BE5\u5DDE\u6700\u8FD1\u65F6\u53EA\u6709\u7EA6280\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u5176\u65F6\u4F0A\u838E\u8D1D\u5C14\u4ECD\u7136\u62E5\u6709\u5F3A\u52B2\u70ED\u5E26\u98CE\u66B4\u6807\u51C6\u5E76\u4F4D\u4E8E\u5F17\u5409\u5C3C\u4E9A\u5DDE\u4E2D\u90E8\u3002 \u5728\u4F0A\u838E\u8C9D\u723E\u4F86\u8972\u5E7E\u5929\u524D\uFF0C\u70ED\u5E26\u98CE\u66B4\u4EA8\u5229\u525B\u5728\u7279\u62C9\u83EF\u5DDE\u5F15\u767C\u6D2A\u707D\uFF0C\u7ED3\u679C\u8FD9\u573A\u98D3\u98CE\u53C8\u8FDB\u4E00\u6B65\u52A0\u91CD\u4E86\u707E\u60C5\u3002\u65F6\u901F100\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u72C2\u98CE\u5728\u5DDE\u5185\u5404\u5730\u522E\u5012\u4E86\u5927\u91CF\u7684\u6811\u6728\u548C\u7535\u7EBF\u6746\uFF0C\u8FD8\u5439\u65AD\u4E86\u8BB8\u591A\u6811\u679D\uFF0C\u5BFC\u81F4\u81F3\u5C1115300\u4EBA\u5BB6\u4E2D\u505C\u7535\u3002\u5F3A\u70C8\u7684\u6D77\u6D6A\u548C\u98CE\u66B4\u6F6E\u4EE5\u53CA\u5185\u9646\u7684\u5F84\u6D41\u6CDB\u6EE5\u5BFC\u81F4\u8BB8\u591A\u4F4E\u6D3C\u5730\u533A\u88AB\u6DF9\uFF0C\u5168\u5DDE\u5171\u56E0\u8FD9\u573A\u98CE\u66B4\u800C\u906D\u53D7\u4E864000\u4E07\u7F8E\u5143\uFF082003\u5E74\u7F8E\u5143\uFF0C\u76F8\u5F53\u4E8E5892\u842C2023\u5E74\u7F8E\u5143\uFF09\u7684\u7ECF\u6D4E\u635F\u5931\uFF0C\u4E0D\u8FC7\u5E78\u8FD0\u7684\u662F\u5DDE\u5185\u6CA1\u6709\u4EBA\u5458\u4E27\u751F\u3002"@zh . . "Os efeitos do furac\u00E3o Isabel em Delaware resultaram em uma das treze declara\u00E7\u00F5es de desastre presidenciais para o estado de Delaware. O Furac\u00E3o Isabel se formou a partir de uma onda tropical em 6 de setembro de 2003 no Oceano Atl\u00E2ntico. Ele se moveu para o noroeste e em um ambiente de leve cisalhamento de ventos e \u00E1guas quentes, ele se fortaleceu continuamente para atingir o pico de ventos de 265 km/h em 11 de setembro. Depois de oscilar de intensidade por quatro dias, Isabel enfraqueceu gradualmente e se tornou tempestade em Outer Banks na Carolina do Norte, com ventos de 165 km/h em 18 de setembro. No dia seguinte, ele enfraqueceu rapidamente e se transformou em extratropical na Pensilv\u00E2nia. O centro da tempestade permaneceu ao sul e oeste de Delaware e ficou cerca de 280 km do estado mais pr\u00F3ximo. Naquela \u00E9poca, Isabel foi uma forte tempestade tropical localizada no centro de Virg\u00EDnia. Os efeitos do furac\u00E3o foram agravados pelas enchentes remanescentes da tempestade tropical Henri dias antes. Ventos moderados de at\u00E9 100 km/h derrubaram v\u00E1rias \u00E1rvores, galhos e linhas de energia em todo o estado, deixando pelo menos 15.300 sem energia. Regi\u00F5es de baixo relevo foram inundadas devido \u00E0s altas ondas, forte tempestade ou escoamento das inunda\u00E7\u00F5es nas nascentes. A passagem do furac\u00E3o Isabel resultou em danos de US $ 40 milh\u00F5es e sem v\u00EDtimas no estado. O furac\u00E3o Isabel foi a nona tempestade com nome na temporada de furac\u00F5es no Atl\u00E2ntico de 2003 em 6 de setembro de 2003."@pt . . "Os efeitos do furac\u00E3o Isabel em Delaware resultaram em uma das treze declara\u00E7\u00F5es de desastre presidenciais para o estado de Delaware. O Furac\u00E3o Isabel se formou a partir de uma onda tropical em 6 de setembro de 2003 no Oceano Atl\u00E2ntico. Ele se moveu para o noroeste e em um ambiente de leve cisalhamento de ventos e \u00E1guas quentes, ele se fortaleceu continuamente para atingir o pico de ventos de 265 km/h em 11 de setembro. Depois de oscilar de intensidade por quatro dias, Isabel enfraqueceu gradualmente e se tornou tempestade em Outer Banks na Carolina do Norte, com ventos de 165 km/h em 18 de setembro. No dia seguinte, ele enfraqueceu rapidamente e se transformou em extratropical na Pensilv\u00E2nia. O centro da tempestade permaneceu ao sul e oeste de Delaware e ficou cerca de 280 km do estado ma"@pt . . . . . . . . "Los efectos del Hurac\u00E1n Isabel en Delaware dieron paso a una de las doce declaraciones de desastres por parte del presidente de Estados Unidos para el estado de Delaware. El Hurac\u00E1n Isabel se form\u00F3 desde una onda tropical el 6 de septiembre de 2003 en el Oc\u00E9ano Atl\u00E1ntico. Su movimiento fue en sentido noroeste, y con un entorno de vientos suaves con aguas c\u00E1lidas, aumentaron su potencia hasta alcanzar vientos, el d\u00EDa 11 de septiembre, de 256 km/h (165 mph). Tras fluctuar su intensidad por cuatro d\u00EDas, Isabel fue gradualmente disminuyendo su potencia y toc\u00F3 tierra en Outer Banks, Carolina del Norte, con vientos de 165 km/h (105 mph) el 18 de septiembre. Tras alcanzar tierra, disminuy\u00F3 su fuerza siendo catalogado, al d\u00EDa siguiente, como un cicl\u00F3n extratropical en el estado de Pennsylvania. El"@es . . "17017"^^ . . . "2003"^^ . "\u98D3\u98CE\u4F0A\u838E\u8D1D\u5C14\u5BF9\u7279\u62C9\u534E\u5DDE\u7684\u5F71\u54CD\u5BFC\u81F4\u7F8E\u56FD\u603B\u7EDF\u4E54\u6CBB\u00B7\u6C83\u514B\u00B7\u5E03\u4EC0\u5BA3\u5E03\u8BE5\u5DDE\u4E3A\u707E\u533A\u3002\u622A\u81F32014\u5E743\u6708\uFF0C\u8BE5\u5DDE\u4E00\u5171\u53EA\u670914\u6B21\u7ECF\u603B\u7EDF\u5BA3\u5E03\u6210\u4E3A\u8054\u90A6\u707E\u533A\u3002\u98D3\u98CE\u4F0A\u838E\u8D1D\u5C14\u4E8E2003\u5E749\u67086\u65E5\u5728\u5927\u897F\u6D0B\u70ED\u5E26\u6D77\u57DF\u7684\u4F5B\u5F97\u89D2\u9644\u8FD1\u7531\u4E00\u80A1\u4E1C\u98CE\u6CE2\u53D1\u5C55\u800C\u6210\u3002\u7CFB\u7EDF\u671D\u897F\u5317\u65B9\u5411\u524D\u8FDB\uFF0C\u8FDB\u5165\u4E00\u7247\u6C34\u6E29\u8F83\u9AD8\uFF0C\u98CE\u5207\u53D8\u5F88\u5F31\u7684\u73AF\u5883\u540E\u7A33\u6B65\u52A0\u5F3A\uFF0C\u4E8E9\u670811\u65E5\u8FBE\u5230\u98CE\u901F\u6BCF\u5C0F\u65F6270\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u6700\u9AD8\u5F3A\u5EA6\u3002\u7ECF\u8FC7\u56DB\u5929\u7684\u5F3A\u5EA6\u6CE2\u52A8\u540E\uFF0C\u98D3\u98CE\u9010\u6E10\u51CF\u5F31\uFF0C\u4E8E9\u670818\u65E5\u5728\u5317\u5361\u7F57\u83B1\u7EB3\u5DDE\u7684\u5916\u6EE9\u7FA4\u5C9B\u4EE5\u98CE\u901F\u6BCF\u5C0F\u65F6165\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u5F3A\u5EA6\u767B\u9646\u3002\u98CE\u66B4\u767B\u9646\u540E\u8FC5\u901F\u51CF\u5F31\uFF0C\u4E8E\u6B21\u65E5\u5728\u5BBE\u5915\u6CD5\u5C3C\u4E9A\u5DDE\u897F\u90E8\u8F6C\u53D8\u4E3A\u6E29\u5E26\u6C14\u65CB\u3002\u98CE\u66B4\u7684\u4E2D\u5FC3\u4ECD\u7136\u4FDD\u6301\u5728\u7279\u62C9\u534E\u5DDE\u7684\u5357\u9762\u548C\u897F\u9762\uFF0C\u6574\u4E2A\u98CE\u66B4\u8DDD\u8BE5\u5DDE\u6700\u8FD1\u65F6\u53EA\u6709\u7EA6280\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u5176\u65F6\u4F0A\u838E\u8D1D\u5C14\u4ECD\u7136\u62E5\u6709\u5F3A\u52B2\u70ED\u5E26\u98CE\u66B4\u6807\u51C6\u5E76\u4F4D\u4E8E\u5F17\u5409\u5C3C\u4E9A\u5DDE\u4E2D\u90E8\u3002 \u5728\u4F0A\u838E\u8C9D\u723E\u4F86\u8972\u5E7E\u5929\u524D\uFF0C\u70ED\u5E26\u98CE\u66B4\u4EA8\u5229\u525B\u5728\u7279\u62C9\u83EF\u5DDE\u5F15\u767C\u6D2A\u707D\uFF0C\u7ED3\u679C\u8FD9\u573A\u98D3\u98CE\u53C8\u8FDB\u4E00\u6B65\u52A0\u91CD\u4E86\u707E\u60C5\u3002\u65F6\u901F100\u516C\u91CC\u7684\u72C2\u98CE\u5728\u5DDE\u5185\u5404\u5730\u522E\u5012\u4E86\u5927\u91CF\u7684\u6811\u6728\u548C\u7535\u7EBF\u6746\uFF0C\u8FD8\u5439\u65AD\u4E86\u8BB8\u591A\u6811\u679D\uFF0C\u5BFC\u81F4\u81F3\u5C1115300\u4EBA\u5BB6\u4E2D\u505C\u7535\u3002\u5F3A\u70C8\u7684\u6D77\u6D6A\u548C\u98CE\u66B4\u6F6E\u4EE5\u53CA\u5185\u9646\u7684\u5F84\u6D41\u6CDB\u6EE5\u5BFC\u81F4\u8BB8\u591A\u4F4E\u6D3C\u5730\u533A\u88AB\u6DF9\uFF0C\u5168\u5DDE\u5171\u56E0\u8FD9\u573A\u98CE\u66B4\u800C\u906D\u53D7\u4E864000\u4E07\u7F8E\u5143\uFF082003\u5E74\u7F8E\u5143\uFF0C\u76F8\u5F53\u4E8E5892\u842C2023\u5E74\u7F8E\u5143\uFF09\u7684\u7ECF\u6D4E\u635F\u5931\uFF0C\u4E0D\u8FC7\u5E78\u8FD0\u7684\u662F\u5DDE\u5185\u6CA1\u6709\u4EBA\u5458\u4E27\u751F\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Effects of Hurricane Isabel in Delaware"@en . . "Tropical storm"@en . "8394508"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hurricane Isabel"@en . . . . "\u98D3\u98CE\u4F0A\u838E\u8D1D\u5C14\u5BF9\u7279\u62C9\u534E\u5DDE\u7684\u5F71\u54CD"@zh . . . . . . . "The effects of Hurricane Isabel in Delaware resulted in one of only thirteen presidential disaster declarations for the state of Delaware. Hurricane Isabel formed from a tropical wave on September 6, 2003 in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. It moved northwestward, and within an environment of light wind shear and warm waters it steadily strengthened to reach peak winds of 165 mph (265 km/h) on September 11. After fluctuating in intensity for four days, Isabel gradually weakened and made landfall on the Outer Banks of North Carolina with winds of 105 mph (165 km/h) on September 18. It quickly weakened over land and became extratropical over Pennsylvania the next day. The storm's center remained to the south and west of Delaware, and was about 175 miles (280 km) from the state at its closest app"@en . . . . "50"^^ . "Hurricane Isabel"@en . . . . "Efeitos do furac\u00E3o Isabel em Delaware"@pt . . . "Los efectos del Hurac\u00E1n Isabel en Delaware dieron paso a una de las doce declaraciones de desastres por parte del presidente de Estados Unidos para el estado de Delaware. El Hurac\u00E1n Isabel se form\u00F3 desde una onda tropical el 6 de septiembre de 2003 en el Oc\u00E9ano Atl\u00E1ntico. Su movimiento fue en sentido noroeste, y con un entorno de vientos suaves con aguas c\u00E1lidas, aumentaron su potencia hasta alcanzar vientos, el d\u00EDa 11 de septiembre, de 256 km/h (165 mph). Tras fluctuar su intensidad por cuatro d\u00EDas, Isabel fue gradualmente disminuyendo su potencia y toc\u00F3 tierra en Outer Banks, Carolina del Norte, con vientos de 165 km/h (105 mph) el 18 de septiembre. Tras alcanzar tierra, disminuy\u00F3 su fuerza siendo catalogado, al d\u00EDa siguiente, como un cicl\u00F3n extratropical en el estado de Pennsylvania. El centro de la tormenta se mantuvo al sur y oeste de Delaware, y estuvo a 280 km (175 millas) de Delaware en su aproximaci\u00F3n m\u00E1s cercana, cuando se encontr\u00F3 sobre Virginia.\u200B Los efectos del hurac\u00E1n se not\u00F3 principalmente por las inundaciones, debido a los \u00FAltimos efectos de la tormenta tropical Henri que hab\u00EDa azotado al estado en los d\u00EDas previos. El viento de 100 km/h (62 mph) bot\u00F3 varios \u00E1rboles y l\u00EDneas de electricidad a trav\u00E9s del estado, dejando al menos 15 mil personas sin energ\u00EDa el\u00E9ctrica. Varias casas que se encontraban en llanos o en las proximidades a r\u00EDos resultaron inundadas. El paso del Hurac\u00E1n Isabel result\u00F3 con US$ 40 millones de p\u00E9rdidas materiales y sin v\u00EDctimas fatales."@es . "TRC4isabel261 G12.jpg"@en . . . "Hurricane Isabel shortly after landfall"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . . "Atl"@en . . . "988"^^ . . . . . . "2003"^^ . . "40"^^ . . . "Efectos del Hurac\u00E1n Isabel en Delaware"@es . . . . "The effects of Hurricane Isabel in Delaware resulted in one of only thirteen presidential disaster declarations for the state of Delaware. Hurricane Isabel formed from a tropical wave on September 6, 2003 in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. It moved northwestward, and within an environment of light wind shear and warm waters it steadily strengthened to reach peak winds of 165 mph (265 km/h) on September 11. After fluctuating in intensity for four days, Isabel gradually weakened and made landfall on the Outer Banks of North Carolina with winds of 105 mph (165 km/h) on September 18. It quickly weakened over land and became extratropical over Pennsylvania the next day. The storm's center remained to the south and west of Delaware, and was about 175 miles (280 km) from the state at its closest approach. At that time, Isabel was a strong tropical storm located in central Virginia. The effects of the hurricane were compounded by flooding caused by the remnants of Tropical Storm Henri days before. Moderate winds of up to 62 mph (100 km/h) downed numerous trees, tree limbs, and power lines across the state, leaving at least 15,300 without power. Numerous low-lying areas were flooded due to high surf, strong storm surge, or run-off from flooding further inland. The passage of Hurricane Isabel resulted in $40 million in damage (2003 USD, ($58.9 million 2022 USD)) and no casualties in the state. Hurricane Isabel was the ninth named storm of the 2003 Atlantic hurricane season on September 6, 2003."@en . . . .