. . . . . . "Elicura Chihuailaf"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Elicura Chihuailaf"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelp\u00E1n (Spanish pronunciation: [eli\u02C8ku\u027Ea t\u0283iwaj\u02C8laf nawel\u02C8pan], 1952 in Quechurehue, Caut\u00EDn Province) is a Mapuche Chilean poet and author whose works are written both in Mapudungun and in Spanish, and have been translated into many other languages as well. He has also translated the works of other poets, such as Pablo Neruda, into Mapudungun. He is the recipient of the 2020 National Prize for Literature, the first Mapuche writer to receive this award."@en . . . . . . . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelp\u00E1n (* 1952 in Cunco, Chile) ist ein chilenischer Dichter, Erz\u00E4hler, Geschichtenerz\u00E4hler, Essayist und Mitglied der chilenischen Sprachakademie. Er z\u00E4hlt zu den renommiertesten Dichtern aus dem Volk der Mapuche und schreibt neben Spanisch auch auf Mapudungun. Im Alter von 68 Jahren erhielt der Dichter die wichtigste literarische Auszeichnung Chiles, den Nationalen Literaturpreis 2020, f\u00FCr ein zweisprachiges Werk, das die Welt der Mapuche, ihre Epistemologie und \u00C4sthetik, in Versform vermittelt."@de . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelp\u00E1n (* 1952 in Cunco, Chile) ist ein chilenischer Dichter, Erz\u00E4hler, Geschichtenerz\u00E4hler, Essayist und Mitglied der chilenischen Sprachakademie. Er z\u00E4hlt zu den renommiertesten Dichtern aus dem Volk der Mapuche und schreibt neben Spanisch auch auf Mapudungun. Im Alter von 68 Jahren erhielt der Dichter die wichtigste literarische Auszeichnung Chiles, den Nationalen Literaturpreis 2020, f\u00FCr ein zweisprachiges Werk, das die Welt der Mapuche, ihre Epistemologie und \u00C4sthetik, in Versform vermittelt."@de . . . . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelpan (Quechurehue, province de Caut\u00EDn, Chili, 1952) est un \u00E9crivain, po\u00E8te et orateur mapuche, consid\u00E9r\u00E9 aujourd'hui comme l'un des po\u00E8tes les plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bres du Chili. Il a remport\u00E9 le prix national de litt\u00E9rature du Chili en 2020."@fr . "InternetArchiveBot"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelp\u00E1n (Spanish pronunciation: [eli\u02C8ku\u027Ea t\u0283iwaj\u02C8laf nawel\u02C8pan], 1952 in Quechurehue, Caut\u00EDn Province) is a Mapuche Chilean poet and author whose works are written both in Mapudungun and in Spanish, and have been translated into many other languages as well. He has also translated the works of other poets, such as Pablo Neruda, into Mapudungun. He is the recipient of the 2020 National Prize for Literature, the first Mapuche writer to receive this award. He has been referred to as the lonco, or chieftain, of Mapudungun poetry, and works at recording and preserving the oral tradition of his people. \"Elicura\" is from the Mapudungun phrase for \"transparent stone\", \"Chihuailaf\" means \"fog spread on the lake\", and \"Nahuelp\u00E1n\" is \"tiger/cougar\". In his book Recado Confidencial a los Chilenos, he talks about a childhood around the bonfire, in which he learnt the art of conversation (\"nvtram\") and the advice of the elderly (\"gulam\"). Similarly, nature with its diversity taught him the cosmic vitality hid from those unwary. This need to express his cultural richness, diverse in itself, made him become an Oralitor, that is, carrier of the oral expression of the Mapuche elderly, this destiny being told by means of \"Blue Dreams\" (Kallfv Pewma): This will be a singer, you said / giving me the Blue Horse of the Word. In Recado Confidencial a los Chilenos, the poet presents a deeply felt defense of Mother Nature, whom the Mapuche consider threatened by the dominant culture: post-modern capitalism. Considering the current environmental crisis, his message should be listened not only by Chileans but by everybody. The English translation of Recado Confidencial a los Chilenos (Message to Chileans; translated by Celso Cambiazo) is now in print published by Trafford Publishing in 2009."@en . . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelpan (Quechurehue, Cunco, provincia de Caut\u00EDn, Chile, 1952) es un escritor, poeta y oralitor chileno de origen mapuche, considerado uno de los m\u00E1s connotados poetas del Chile actual.[cita requerida] Obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Literatura de Chile en 2020. Su obra es principalmente biling\u00FCe, en mapudungun y espa\u00F1ol. Su trabajo ha sido ampliamente premiado y reconocido. El car\u00E1cter fundacional de su obra abri\u00F3 las puertas para la eclosi\u00F3n de la poes\u00EDa mapuche en clave moderna, escrita y biling\u00FCe. De profesi\u00F3n obstetra y dedicado desde 1977 a la labor literaria y cultural, es considerado el m\u00E1s importante escritor y poeta mapuche. Su labor ha sido reconocida tanto en Chile como en el extranjero, por tender puentes interculturales entre los pueblos, las lenguas y las culturas ind\u00EDgenas y no ind\u00EDgenas de todo el mundo.[cita requerida]"@es . . . "3870"^^ . . . . . . "Elicura Chihuailaf"@de . . . "2653622"^^ . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelpan (Quechurehue, province de Caut\u00EDn, Chili, 1952) est un \u00E9crivain, po\u00E8te et orateur mapuche, consid\u00E9r\u00E9 aujourd'hui comme l'un des po\u00E8tes les plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bres du Chili. Il a remport\u00E9 le prix national de litt\u00E9rature du Chili en 2020. Son travail est principalement bilingue, en mapudungun et en espagnol. Son travail a \u00E9t\u00E9 largement distingu\u00E9. Le caract\u00E8re fondateur de son \u0153uvre a ouvert les portes \u00E0 l'\u00E9mergence de la po\u00E9sie mapuche dans une mani\u00E8re moderne, \u00E9crite et bilingue. Son m\u00E9tier est l'obst\u00E9trique et il travaille dans le domaine de la litt\u00E9rature et de la culture depuis 1977. Il est consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme le plus important \u00E9crivain et po\u00E8te mapuche. Son travail a \u00E9t\u00E9 reconnu tant au Chili qu'\u00E0 l'\u00E9tranger, pour avoir construit des ponts interculturels entre les peuples, les langues et les cultures autochtones et non autochtones dans le monde entier."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "January 2018"@en . "Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelpan (Quechurehue, Cunco, provincia de Caut\u00EDn, Chile, 1952) es un escritor, poeta y oralitor chileno de origen mapuche, considerado uno de los m\u00E1s connotados poetas del Chile actual.[cita requerida] Obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Literatura de Chile en 2020. Su obra es principalmente biling\u00FCe, en mapudungun y espa\u00F1ol. Su trabajo ha sido ampliamente premiado y reconocido. El car\u00E1cter fundacional de su obra abri\u00F3 las puertas para la eclosi\u00F3n de la poes\u00EDa mapuche en clave moderna, escrita y biling\u00FCe."@es . . . . "986518841"^^ . "Elicura Chihuailaf"@es . . . . . "yes"@en . . .