. . . . . . "Eochaid Iarlaithe mac Lurgain"@fr . "Eochaid III Iarlaithe (\u201ECz\u0119\u015Bciowy Lord\u201D) (zm. 666 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l D\u00E1l nAraidi z ludu w Ulaidzie (Ulster) od 645 r. do swej \u015Bmierci, syn Fiachny II Lurgana mac B\u00E1et\u00E1in, kr\u00F3la D\u00E1l nAraidi i Ulaidu. Nale\u017Ca\u0142 do g\u0142\u00F3wnej panuj\u0105cej dynastii D\u00E1l nAraidi znanej jako U\u00ED Ch\u00F3elbad. Jej g\u0142\u00F3wn\u0105 siedzib\u0105 by\u0142 Mag Line, znajduj\u0105cy si\u0119 na wsch\u00F3d od miasta Antrim w ob. hrabstwie Antrim. W VI i VII w. kr\u00F3lestwo D\u00E1l nAraidi by\u0142o cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 konfederacji plemion Cruithni na terenie Ulaidu. Chronologia kr\u00F3l\u00F3w D\u00E1l nAraidi jest trudna do ustalenia mi\u0119dzy bitw\u0105 pod Mag Roth w 637 r. a plag\u0105 666 r. Wed\u0142ug Ksi\u0119gi z Leinsteru Eochaid by\u0142 nast\u0119pc\u0105 kr\u00F3la o imieniu L\u00F3ch\u00E9ni mac F\u00EDngin (zm. 645 r.). Jak wskazuje jego przydomek mia\u0142 cz\u0119\u015Bciow\u0105 w\u0142adz\u0119. Za jego panowania by\u0142o kilku innych kr\u00F3l\u00F3w , w tym jego brat Cathassach I mac Lurg"@pl . . . . . . "Eochaid Iarlaithe mac Lurgain (died 666) was a Dal nAraide king of the Cruithne in Ulaid (Ulster). He was the son of Fiachnae mac B\u00E1et\u00E1in (died 626) a king of all Ulaid and possible high king. He belonged to the main ruling dynasty of the Dal nAraide known as the U\u00ED Ch\u00F3elbad based in Mag Line, east of Antrim town in modern county Antrim. In the 6th and 7th centuries the Dal nAraide were part of a confederation of Cruithne tribes in Ulaid (Ulster) and were the dominant members. The chronology of the Kings of D\u00E1l nAraidi is difficult to ascertain between the Battle of Mag Roth in 637 and the plague of 666. He most likely ruled from 646 to 666. The Annals of Ulster give him the title King of the Cruithne at his death obit in 666 and he is listed in the king lists. A Middle Irish language verse tale of the 10th century, Fingal R\u00F3n\u00E1in (The Kinslaying of R\u00F3n\u00E1n), also known as Aided M\u00E1ele Fothartaig meic R\u00F3n\u00E1in (The Killing of M\u00E1el Fothartaig mac R\u00F3n\u00E1in) has details regarding Eochaid preserved in the Fragmentary Annals of Ireland. Eochaid's young daughter was married to the older R\u00F3n\u00E1n Crach mac \u00C1edo of the U\u00ED M\u00E1il in Leinster, however she fell in love with her stepson M\u00E1el Fothartaig and attempted to seduce him. He however refused her advances and so she framed him telling her husband that he had tried to force himself upon her. As a result, her husband killed his son. Later the foster brothers of M\u00E1el Fothartaig killed Eochaid Iarlaithe in revenge. Eochaid's son Lethlobar mac Echach (died 709) was also a king of Dal nAraide."@en . . . "2877"^^ . . . . "R\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED na gCruithne, de chlann , ba ea Eochaidh Iarlaithe mac Lorgan (Sean-Ghaeilge Eochaid Iarlaithe mac Lurgain) (b\u00E1s 666). He was the son of Fiachna mac Baod\u00E1in (b\u00E1s 626), r\u00ED Ulad agus Ardr\u00ED na h\u00C9ireann, ba ea a athair. Sna 6\u00FA agus 7\u00FA haoiseanna, bh\u00ED D\u00E1l Ara\u00ED rannph\u00E1irteach mar phr\u00EDomhchlann i gc\u00F3naidhm na gCruithne. Is casta \u00ED croineola\u00EDocht r\u00EDthe Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED idir sa bhliain 637 agus an phl\u00E1 den bhliain 666. Is r\u00ED d\u00F3ich\u00ED \u00E9 go raibh s\u00E9 i r\u00E9im \u00F3n mbliain 646 go dt\u00ED 666. Tugtar an teideal r\u00ED na gCruithne d\u00F3 ina th\u00E1sc i nAnn\u00E1la Uladh D\u00FAin bhliain 666, agus feictear \u00E9 sna r\u00EDliosta\u00ED. Sa d\u00E1n Me\u00E1n-Ghaeilge den 10\u00FA haois, Fingal R\u00F3n\u00E1in, faightear sc\u00E9al maidir le hEochaid. Bh\u00ED in\u00EDon is \u00F3ige Eochadha p\u00F3sta le R\u00F3n\u00E1n Crach de chlann U\u00ED Dh\u00FAnlainge na Laigean. Thit s\u00ED i ngr\u00E1 \u00E1fach lena leasmhac, Maol Fothartaigh, agus rinne iarracht \u00E9 a mhealladh. Di\u00FAltaigh s\u00E9 \u00ED, agus d\u00E1 bharr chroch s\u00ED \u00E9, ag r\u00E1 lena c\u00E9ile gur bhr\u00FAigh s\u00E9 f\u00E9in uirthi. Mar thoradh, mharaigh a c\u00E9ile a mhac f\u00E9in. N\u00EDos deireana\u00ED, bhain dearth\u00E1ireacha altrama Mhaoil Fhothartaigh a nd\u00EDoltas agus mharaigh siad Eochaidh Iarlaithe. Rinneadh r\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED de mhac Eochadha, Leathlobhar (b\u00E1s 709)."@ga . "1082266031"^^ . . . . "Eochaid III Iarlaithe"@pl . . . . . "Eochaid III Iarlaithe (\u201ECz\u0119\u015Bciowy Lord\u201D) (zm. 666 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l D\u00E1l nAraidi z ludu w Ulaidzie (Ulster) od 645 r. do swej \u015Bmierci, syn Fiachny II Lurgana mac B\u00E1et\u00E1in, kr\u00F3la D\u00E1l nAraidi i Ulaidu. Nale\u017Ca\u0142 do g\u0142\u00F3wnej panuj\u0105cej dynastii D\u00E1l nAraidi znanej jako U\u00ED Ch\u00F3elbad. Jej g\u0142\u00F3wn\u0105 siedzib\u0105 by\u0142 Mag Line, znajduj\u0105cy si\u0119 na wsch\u00F3d od miasta Antrim w ob. hrabstwie Antrim. W VI i VII w. kr\u00F3lestwo D\u00E1l nAraidi by\u0142o cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 konfederacji plemion Cruithni na terenie Ulaidu. Chronologia kr\u00F3l\u00F3w D\u00E1l nAraidi jest trudna do ustalenia mi\u0119dzy bitw\u0105 pod Mag Roth w 637 r. a plag\u0105 666 r. Wed\u0142ug Ksi\u0119gi z Leinsteru Eochaid by\u0142 nast\u0119pc\u0105 kr\u00F3la o imieniu L\u00F3ch\u00E9ni mac F\u00EDngin (zm. 645 r.). Jak wskazuje jego przydomek mia\u0142 cz\u0119\u015Bciow\u0105 w\u0142adz\u0119. Za jego panowania by\u0142o kilku innych kr\u00F3l\u00F3w , w tym jego brat Cathassach I mac Lurgg\u00E9ne. Irlandzka saga Fingal R\u00F3n\u00E1in z X w., znana tak\u017Ce jako Aided M\u00E1ele Fothartaig meic R\u00F3n\u00E1in (\u201EZab\u00F3jstwo M\u00E1el Fothartaiga mac R\u00F3n\u00E1in\u201D), zawiera szczeg\u00F3\u0142y co do Eochaida. Zachowana we Fragmentarycznej Kronice Irlandii. Wed\u0142ug niej m\u0142oda c\u00F3rka Eochaida by\u0142a zam\u0119\u017Cna ze starszym od niej R\u00F3n\u00E1nem Crachem (zm. ok. 624), kr\u00F3lem Leinsteru. Zakochuj\u0105c si\u0119 w pasierbie M\u00E1el Fothartaigu, pr\u00F3bowa\u0142a go uwie\u015B\u0107. Ten jednak odrzuci\u0142 jej zaloty. Ona postanowi\u0142a zem\u015Bci\u0107 si\u0119 na nim, m\u00F3wi\u0105c swemu m\u0119\u017Cowi, \u017Ce M\u00E1el Fothartaig pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 j\u0105 zgwa\u0142ci\u0107. M\u0105\u017C z tego powodu zabi\u0142 swego syna. P\u00F3\u017Aniej bracia mleczni M\u00E1el Fothartaiga zabili Eochaida Iarlaithe w zem\u015Bcie. Eochaid pozostawi\u0142 po sobie syna Lethlobara mac Echach (zm. 709 r.), przysz\u0142ego kr\u00F3la D\u00E1l nAraidi. Wed\u0142ug Ksi\u0119gi z Leinsteru po Eochaidzie kr\u00F3lem D\u00E1l nAraidi by\u0142 M\u00E1el C\u00E1ich mac Scannail (zm. 666 r.), kr\u00F3l Cruithni zapewne od 646 r. Jednak \u017Ar\u00F3d\u0142a podaj\u0105 jego \u015Bmier\u0107 przed \u015Bmierci\u0105 Eochaida. Niewykluczone, \u017Ce bracia wsp\u00F3lnie rz\u0105dzili kr\u00F3lestwem D\u00E1l nAraidi."@pl . . "18453629"^^ . "Eochaidh Iarlaithe"@ga . . . . . . . . "R\u00ED Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED na gCruithne, de chlann , ba ea Eochaidh Iarlaithe mac Lorgan (Sean-Ghaeilge Eochaid Iarlaithe mac Lurgain) (b\u00E1s 666). He was the son of Fiachna mac Baod\u00E1in (b\u00E1s 626), r\u00ED Ulad agus Ardr\u00ED na h\u00C9ireann, ba ea a athair. Sna 6\u00FA agus 7\u00FA haoiseanna, bh\u00ED D\u00E1l Ara\u00ED rannph\u00E1irteach mar phr\u00EDomhchlann i gc\u00F3naidhm na gCruithne. Is casta \u00ED croineola\u00EDocht r\u00EDthe Dh\u00E1l Ara\u00ED idir sa bhliain 637 agus an phl\u00E1 den bhliain 666. Is r\u00ED d\u00F3ich\u00ED \u00E9 go raibh s\u00E9 i r\u00E9im \u00F3n mbliain 646 go dt\u00ED 666. Tugtar an teideal r\u00ED na gCruithne d\u00F3 ina th\u00E1sc i nAnn\u00E1la Uladh D\u00FAin bhliain 666, agus feictear \u00E9 sna r\u00EDliosta\u00ED."@ga . "Eochaid Iarlaithe"@en . "Eochaid Iarlaithe mac Lurgain (died 666) was a Dal nAraide king of the Cruithne in Ulaid (Ulster). He was the son of Fiachnae mac B\u00E1et\u00E1in (died 626) a king of all Ulaid and possible high king. He belonged to the main ruling dynasty of the Dal nAraide known as the U\u00ED Ch\u00F3elbad based in Mag Line, east of Antrim town in modern county Antrim. Eochaid's son Lethlobar mac Echach (died 709) was also a king of Dal nAraide."@en . . . . . "Eochaid Iarlaithe mac Lurgain (mort en 666) est le 10e roi du D\u00E1l nAraidi des Cruithnes en Ulaid (Ulster). Il est le fils de Fiachnae mac B\u00E1et\u00E1in (\u2020 626) un roi r\u00E9gional d'Ulaid et potentiel Ard ri Erenn. Il est issu de la principale dynastie r\u00E9gnant du D\u00E1l nAraidi connue sous le nom de U\u00ED Ch\u00F3elbad implant\u00E9e en Mag Line, \u00E0 l'est de la cit\u00E9 d'Antrim dans l'actuel comt\u00E9 d'Antrim."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Eochaid Iarlaithe mac Lurgain (mort en 666) est le 10e roi du D\u00E1l nAraidi des Cruithnes en Ulaid (Ulster). Il est le fils de Fiachnae mac B\u00E1et\u00E1in (\u2020 626) un roi r\u00E9gional d'Ulaid et potentiel Ard ri Erenn. Il est issu de la principale dynastie r\u00E9gnant du D\u00E1l nAraidi connue sous le nom de U\u00ED Ch\u00F3elbad implant\u00E9e en Mag Line, \u00E0 l'est de la cit\u00E9 d'Antrim dans l'actuel comt\u00E9 d'Antrim."@fr . . . . . . . . .