"La esperite \u00E8 un minerale."@it . . . . . . . "La esperita es un mineral de la clase de los nesosilicatos. Es un raro mineral descubierto en 1928 en una mina de Nueva Jersey (EE. UU.), siendo el nombre en honor de Esper F. Larsen Jr., petr\u00F3logo y profesor de geolog\u00EDa en la universidad de Harvard. No tiene ninguna utilidad industrial."@es . . . . . "L'esperita \u00E9s un mineral de plom, calci, zinc, silici i oxigen, qu\u00EDmicament \u00E9s un silicat de plom (II), calci i zinc, de f\u00F3rmula PbCa\u2083Zn\u2084(SiO\u2084)\u2084, de color blanc, una duresa de 5-5,5, una densitat de 4,25-4,42 g/cm\u00B3, cristal\u00B7litza en el sistema monocl\u00EDnic. Es caracteritza per la seva fluoresc\u00E8ncia groga en il\u00B7luminar-se amb llum ultraviolada. El seu nom fa honor a Esper Signius Larsen, Jr. (1879-1961), mineralogista i petrologista nord-americ\u00E0, de la Universitat Harvard, a Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fou descoberta a Franklin, , Nova Jersey, EUA, on s'han descobert gran quantitat de minerals fluorescents."@ca . . "P21/m"@en . . "Esperita"@ca . . . . . "La esperite \u00E8 un minerale."@it . . . "n\u03B1 = 1.762 n\u03B2 = 1.770 n\u03B3 = 1.774"@en . . . . . . . . "Esperiet"@nl . . . "Vitreous"@en . . . . . "Prismatic"@en . "Esperite is a rare complex calcium lead zinc silicate (PbCa3Zn4(SiO4)4) related to beryllonite and that used to be called calcium larsenite. It was named in honor of (1879\u20131961), petrologist of Harvard University. Esperite has a white, greasy appearance in daylight and is much prized for its brilliant yellow green fluorescence under shortwave ultraviolet light. It is found in association with calcite, franklinite, willemite, hardystonite and clinohedrite. It has also been found as prismatic crystals up to 1 mm in length at the , Potosi, Bolivia in association with allophane, , and barite."@en . "Esperita (PbCa3Zn4(SiO4)4) berun, kaltzio eta zink silikato bat da. Zuria da, 5-5,5 gogortasunekoa Mohs eskalan eta 4,25-4,42 g/cm3ko dentsitatearekin. Sistema monoklinikoan kristaltzen du. Fluoreszentzia erakusten du argi ultramorearekin ikusten denean. Bere izena oemenzkoa da, Harvardeko Unibertsitateko mineralogo eta petrologoa. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Franklin herrian aurkitu zen, beste mineral fluoreszente batzuekin batera."@eu . . . . . "Esperite"@en . "Het mineraal esperiet is een lood-calcium-zink-silicaat met de chemische formule PbCa3Zn4(SiO4)4. Het mineraal behoort tot de nesosilicaten."@nl . "Conchoidal, brittle"@en . . "1591941"^^ . "Epr"@en . "Distinct on [010] and [100] - poor on [101]"@en . . "Esperita"@es . "Esperita"@eu . . "1123240621"^^ . . "La esperita es un mineral de la clase de los nesosilicatos. Es un raro mineral descubierto en 1928 en una mina de Nueva Jersey (EE. UU.), siendo el nombre en honor de Esper F. Larsen Jr., petr\u00F3logo y profesor de geolog\u00EDa en la universidad de Harvard. No tiene ninguna utilidad industrial."@es . . . . . . "Typically massive"@en . "White"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Esperite under ultraviolet light"@en . "Het mineraal esperiet is een lood-calcium-zink-silicaat met de chemische formule PbCa3Zn4(SiO4)4. Het mineraal behoort tot de nesosilicaten."@nl . "Brilliant yellow fluorescence under SW UV; kelly green cathodoluminescence."@en . . . . "Biaxial , 2V measured: 5\u00B0 to 40\u00B0"@en . . "Is his middle initial F or S? In some other mineralogy articles it is S. Once verified, please correct in all incorrect articles and create a stub under the correct name plus a redirect from the incorrect name to the correct one. Also please consider adding the etymology of the mineral names related to him either in the appropriate Wiktionary articles"@en . "3997"^^ . "Esperite is a rare complex calcium lead zinc silicate (PbCa3Zn4(SiO4)4) related to beryllonite and that used to be called calcium larsenite. It was named in honor of (1879\u20131961), petrologist of Harvard University. Esperite has a white, greasy appearance in daylight and is much prized for its brilliant yellow green fluorescence under shortwave ultraviolet light. It is found in association with calcite, franklinite, willemite, hardystonite and clinohedrite. It has also been found as prismatic crystals up to 1 mm in length at the , Potosi, Bolivia in association with allophane, , and barite."@en . . . "Esperite"@it . . . "Subtranslucent to opaque"@en . . "Max \u03B4 = 0.012"@en . "Esperite"@en . . . . . . . . "4.28"^^ . . "9"^^ . . "PbCa3Zn44"@en . "It was named in honor of Esper F. Larsen Jr. , petrologist of Harvard University."@en . "Esperita (PbCa3Zn4(SiO4)4) berun, kaltzio eta zink silikato bat da. Zuria da, 5-5,5 gogortasunekoa Mohs eskalan eta 4,25-4,42 g/cm3ko dentsitatearekin. Sistema monoklinikoan kristaltzen du. Fluoreszentzia erakusten du argi ultramorearekin ikusten denean. Bere izena oemenzkoa da, Harvardeko Unibertsitateko mineralogo eta petrologoa. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Franklin herrian aurkitu zen, beste mineral fluoreszente batzuekin batera."@eu . . "5"^^ . . . "February 2018"@en . "White"@en . . "L'esperita \u00E9s un mineral de plom, calci, zinc, silici i oxigen, qu\u00EDmicament \u00E9s un silicat de plom (II), calci i zinc, de f\u00F3rmula PbCa\u2083Zn\u2084(SiO\u2084)\u2084, de color blanc, una duresa de 5-5,5, una densitat de 4,25-4,42 g/cm\u00B3, cristal\u00B7litza en el sistema monocl\u00EDnic. Es caracteritza per la seva fluoresc\u00E8ncia groga en il\u00B7luminar-se amb llum ultraviolada. El seu nom fa honor a Esper Signius Larsen, Jr. (1879-1961), mineralogista i petrologista nord-americ\u00E0, de la Universitat Harvard, a Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fou descoberta a Franklin, , Nova Jersey, EUA, on s'han descobert gran quantitat de minerals fluorescents."@ca . "Esperite"@en . . . .