"Die Europ\u00E4ische Charta f\u00FCr Forscher, auch Charta der Wissenschaft genannt, ist ein von der Europ\u00E4ischen Kommission herausgegebener Kodex f\u00FCr Forscher und ihre Arbeitgeber bzw. F\u00F6rderer. Die Charta f\u00FCr Forscher umrei\u00DFt Rechte und Pflichten der Forscher und ihrer F\u00F6rderungsinstitutionen, der anschlie\u00DFende Verhaltenskodex f\u00FCr die Einstellung von Forschern formuliert Prinzipien f\u00FCr die Vergabe von Forscherstellen und F\u00F6rderungen."@de . . . . "La charte europ\u00E9enne du chercheur est un document de la commission europ\u00E9enne du 11 mars 2005 visant \u00E0 \u00E9tablir des principes minimaux entre chercheurs et institutions employant des chercheurs ou les finan\u00E7ant dans l'Union europ\u00E9enne et les \u00C9tats qui lui sont associ\u00E9s dans le cadre de programmes de recherche."@fr . . "998448285"^^ . . . . . "Carta europea dei ricercatori"@it . . . . . "La charte europ\u00E9enne du chercheur est un document de la commission europ\u00E9enne du 11 mars 2005 visant \u00E0 \u00E9tablir des principes minimaux entre chercheurs et institutions employant des chercheurs ou les finan\u00E7ant dans l'Union europ\u00E9enne et les \u00C9tats qui lui sont associ\u00E9s dans le cadre de programmes de recherche."@fr . "Die Europ\u00E4ische Charta f\u00FCr Forscher, auch Charta der Wissenschaft genannt, ist ein von der Europ\u00E4ischen Kommission herausgegebener Kodex f\u00FCr Forscher und ihre Arbeitgeber bzw. F\u00F6rderer. Die Charta f\u00FCr Forscher umrei\u00DFt Rechte und Pflichten der Forscher und ihrer F\u00F6rderungsinstitutionen, der anschlie\u00DFende Verhaltenskodex f\u00FCr die Einstellung von Forschern formuliert Prinzipien f\u00FCr die Vergabe von Forscherstellen und F\u00F6rderungen. Am 11. M\u00E4rz 2005 hat die Europ\u00E4ische Kommission die Charta im Rahmen einer Empfehlung ver\u00F6ffentlicht. An dem Papier haben Wissenschaftler mitgearbeitet. Die Kommission will mit dieser Empfehlung zur Entwicklung eines attraktiven, offenen und best\u00E4ndigen europ\u00E4ischen Arbeitsmarktes f\u00FCr Forscher beitragen."@de . . . . . "Europ\u00E4ische Charta f\u00FCr Forscher"@de . . . . "The European Charter for Researchers is a recommendation of good practice for researchers and employers and/or funders of researchers issued by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research. It sketches rights and duties of researchers and their funding institutions. It was published together with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers which outlines principles for hiring and appointing researchers. The document was compiled relying on extensive advice of researchers and research policy stakeholders. The European Commission described the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers as 'key elements in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career, which is a vital feature of its strategy to stimulate economic and employment growth'. As of July 2020, 1000 European institutions had formally endorsed the charter, with little evidence for practical implementation."@en . . . "Charte europ\u00E9enne du chercheur"@fr . "5151295"^^ . . . "La Carta europea dei ricercatori \u00E8 una raccomandazione della Commissione europea l'11 marzo 2005 che elenca un insieme di principi generali e requisiti che specificano il ruolo, le responsabilit\u00E0 e i diritti dei ricercatori scientifici e delle persone che li assumono e/o finanziano."@it . . . "The European Charter for Researchers is a recommendation of good practice for researchers and employers and/or funders of researchers issued by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research. It sketches rights and duties of researchers and their funding institutions. It was published together with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers which outlines principles for hiring and appointing researchers. The document was compiled relying on extensive advice of researchers and research policy stakeholders. The European Commission described the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers as 'key elements in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career, which is a vital feature of its strategy to stimul"@en . . . "European Charter for Researchers"@en . . . . . . "La Carta europea dei ricercatori \u00E8 una raccomandazione della Commissione europea l'11 marzo 2005 che elenca un insieme di principi generali e requisiti che specificano il ruolo, le responsabilit\u00E0 e i diritti dei ricercatori scientifici e delle persone che li assumono e/o finanziano."@it . "5645"^^ . . . .