. . . "1021289"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Faro del Comercio is a monument designed by the accomplished Mexican architect Luis Barrag\u00E1n and constructed in 1984 by architect . It is a recognizable sight in Monterrey among many other modern manmade landmarks, such as Neptune's Fountain, the Monterrey City Hall, the Papal Bridge (El Puente del Papa), and the Bridge of Unity (Puente de la Unidad) in San Pedro, connecting that municipality to Monterrey. These sites are intended on one hand to complement the city's few remaining traditional landmarks, such as, the Bishopric Palace (Palacio del Obispado) and Museum, the City's Cathedral, the Central Post Office (old Monterrey City Hall), and the State of Nuevo Le\u00F3n Government building, on the north end of the Macroplaza. On the other hand, they are also intended to project an image "@en . . . . . . . "25.66619491577148"^^ . . . "25.666194444444443 -100.31002777777778" . . "Faro del Comercio is a monument designed by the accomplished Mexican architect Luis Barrag\u00E1n and constructed in 1984 by architect . It is a recognizable sight in Monterrey among many other modern manmade landmarks, such as Neptune's Fountain, the Monterrey City Hall, the Papal Bridge (El Puente del Papa), and the Bridge of Unity (Puente de la Unidad) in San Pedro, connecting that municipality to Monterrey. These sites are intended on one hand to complement the city's few remaining traditional landmarks, such as, the Bishopric Palace (Palacio del Obispado) and Museum, the City's Cathedral, the Central Post Office (old Monterrey City Hall), and the State of Nuevo Le\u00F3n Government building, on the north end of the Macroplaza. On the other hand, they are also intended to project an image of a city that prides itself as being the most progressive large industrial city of Mexico. El Faro del Comercio was built in commemoration of the founding of the Chamber of Commerce of Monterrey's on its 100-year anniversary. It is located near the south end of the Macroplaza facing the City's Cathedral and behind the new Monterrey City Hall. El Faro del Comercio is 69.80 meters tall and 12.33 meters wide. Its bright reddish-orange color attracts attention when visiting the Macroplaza, Monterrey's central park. At nights, the landmark frequently projects a rotating green spotlight which interrupts the city's night sky with its beam in a somewhat random cycle in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey. Recently (2007), many large reflecting white spotlights from the nearby Museum of Mexican History and Santa Lucia Riverwalk, and around the where in 2005 the largest Mexican flag was installed (Banderas monumentales) and flown at night, as well as from high-power reflectors of many commercial establishments, clash randomly in the sky, visible from most locations in Monterrey and the surrounding areas. After failing or being \"out of commission\" for several years due to an impractical technical laser mechanism which intended to have three colored lasers and a much greater visual impact on the dark skies of the surrounding areas, some of the original mechanism was salvaged and partially replaced and redesigned to have some operational ability with the green color. The redesign has some success since green is the color for which the eye is most sensitive and allows the perception of more light for the power limitations. However, the new design falls far short of the original claims for the construction. The structure was repainted after the laser renovation and reinaugurated at the 196th Independence Day Anniversary celebration on September 16, 2006."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Faro del Comercio is de naam van een monument in het centrum van Monterrey. Het is een rode zuil van 69,80 meter hoog en 12,33 meter breed, die zich bevindt op het , het centrale plein van de stad, te midden van enkele bomen en banken, en vlak voor de kathedraal. 's Nachts en 's avonds zendt het groene laserstralen uit over Monterrey en zijn voorsteden."@nl . . "-100.3100280761719"^^ . . "El Faro del Comercio es un monumento emblem\u00E1tico de la ciudad mexicana de Monterrey, situado en la Macroplaza frente a la Catedral de Monterrey y detr\u00E1s de las Oficinas Municipales. Su dise\u00F1o se atribuye al famoso arquitecto Luis Barrag\u00E1n (quien hasta su muerte nunca reconoci\u00F3 la autor\u00EDa) y fue construido por el arquitecto con motivo de la celebraci\u00F3n del primer centenario de la C\u00E1mara de Comercio de Monterrey. Sus dimensiones son de 69.80 metros de altura y 12.33 de anchura, siendo uno de los puntos m\u00E1s visitados en la Macroplaza. Por las noches se enciende un l\u00E1ser verde que se puede ver desde muchos puntos de la ciudad y su \u00E1rea metropolitana. Este proyecto fue originalmente nombrado Placa Roja cuando CYDSA, mediante una presentaci\u00F3n el 15 de diciembre de 1981, lo adquiri\u00F3 con el objeto de escoger un modelo para la realizaci\u00F3n de una escultura. El 2 de septiembre de 1982 se le denomin\u00F3 Faro del Comercio, cuando CYDSA lo cedi\u00F3 a la CANACO de Monterrey, siendo uno de los principales promotores del proyecto el Sr. Rub\u00E9n Alan\u00EDs Albuerne, presidente de la misma organizaci\u00F3n en ese periodo."@es . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-100.31002807617 25.666194915771)"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1067396906"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faro del Comercio"@es . "El Faro del Comercio es un monumento emblem\u00E1tico de la ciudad mexicana de Monterrey, situado en la Macroplaza frente a la Catedral de Monterrey y detr\u00E1s de las Oficinas Municipales. Su dise\u00F1o se atribuye al famoso arquitecto Luis Barrag\u00E1n (quien hasta su muerte nunca reconoci\u00F3 la autor\u00EDa) y fue construido por el arquitecto con motivo de la celebraci\u00F3n del primer centenario de la C\u00E1mara de Comercio de Monterrey."@es . . . . . "Faro del Comercio is de naam van een monument in het centrum van Monterrey. Het is een rode zuil van 69,80 meter hoog en 12,33 meter breed, die zich bevindt op het , het centrale plein van de stad, te midden van enkele bomen en banken, en vlak voor de kathedraal. 's Nachts en 's avonds zendt het groene laserstralen uit over Monterrey en zijn voorsteden. Dit monument werd in 1984 ontworpen door de beroemde Mexicaanse architect Luis Barrag\u00E1n ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarige bestaan van de Kamer van Koophandel van Monterrey. Het bouwen ervan werd uitgevoerd door de architect Raul Ferrara. Faro del Comercio betekent in het Spaans \"Vuurtoren van de Handel\"."@nl . . "3628"^^ . . . . . . . "Faro del Comercio"@nl . "Faro del Comercio"@en .