. . . . . . . . "This article is about the fauna of Metropolitan France, including Corsica. For the animal life in the French Overseas territories, see : , , , Fauna of R\u00E9union, , and . Animals include: \n* Birds : see List of birds of Metropolitan France \n* Mammals : see List of mammals of Metropolitan France \n* Fishes : see List of fish of Metropolitan France \n* Reptiles : see List of reptiles of Metropolitan France \n* Amphibians : see List of amphibians of Metropolitan France \n* Insects : : see List of insects of Metropolitan France \n* Mollusks : see List of non-marine molluscs of Metropolitan France"@en . "Faune en France"@fr . . . . . . . "781131112"^^ . . . . . . . . "This article is about the fauna of Metropolitan France, including Corsica. For the animal life in the French Overseas territories, see : , , , Fauna of R\u00E9union, , and . Animals include: \n* Birds : see List of birds of Metropolitan France \n* Mammals : see List of mammals of Metropolitan France \n* Fishes : see List of fish of Metropolitan France \n* Reptiles : see List of reptiles of Metropolitan France \n* Amphibians : see List of amphibians of Metropolitan France \n* Insects : : see List of insects of Metropolitan France \n* Mollusks : see List of non-marine molluscs of Metropolitan France"@en . . . . "Fauna of Metropolitan France"@en . . . "1057"^^ . "Position g\u00E9ographique et climats (oc\u00E9anique, continental, m\u00E9diterran\u00E9en et montagnard) expliquent en grande partie que la faune de France soit tr\u00E8s diversifi\u00E9e. En effet, une grande vari\u00E9t\u00E9 de milieux existe sur une superficie relativement restreinte : bocages, milieux agricoles, for\u00EAts temp\u00E9r\u00E9es, for\u00EAts m\u00E9diterran\u00E9ennes, zones humides int\u00E9rieures, cours d'eau, littoraux sableux, littoraux rocheux et falaises, collines, moyennes montagnes, hautes montagnes, villages et villes."@fr . "Position g\u00E9ographique et climats (oc\u00E9anique, continental, m\u00E9diterran\u00E9en et montagnard) expliquent en grande partie que la faune de France soit tr\u00E8s diversifi\u00E9e. En effet, une grande vari\u00E9t\u00E9 de milieux existe sur une superficie relativement restreinte : bocages, milieux agricoles, for\u00EAts temp\u00E9r\u00E9es, for\u00EAts m\u00E9diterran\u00E9ennes, zones humides int\u00E9rieures, cours d'eau, littoraux sableux, littoraux rocheux et falaises, collines, moyennes montagnes, hautes montagnes, villages et villes."@fr . . . . . . . . "38625380"^^ .