"Fel d 1"@zh . . . "Fel d 1 \u00E9 uma glicoprote\u00EDna comumente presente na saliva dos gatos. Essa prote\u00EDna causa uma forte rea\u00E7\u00E3o al\u00E9rgica em alguns humanos, que podem variar desde irrita\u00E7\u00E3o no sistema respirat\u00F3rio at\u00E9 a presen\u00E7a de vermelhid\u00E3o, coceira e descama\u00E7\u00F5es da pele. Al\u00E9m de estar presente na saliva dos gatos, a glicoprote\u00EDna fel d1 tamb\u00E9m pode ser encontrada na composi\u00E7\u00E3o do veneno produzido pelos loris, \u00FAnica esp\u00E9cie de primata venenosa conhecida."@pt . . . . . . . . "Fel d 1 is a secretoglobin protein complex that, in cats, is encoded by the CH1 (chain 1/Fel d 1-A) and CH2 (chain 2/Fel d 1-B) genes. Among cats, Fel d 1 is produced largely in their saliva and by the sebaceous glands located in their skin. It is the primary allergen present on cats and kittens. The function of the protein for cats is unknown, but it causes an IgG or IgE reaction in sensitive humans (either as an allergic or asthmatic response)."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Fel d 1"@pt . "Feld-I_B" . . . . . . . . "Crystallographic structure of the Fel d 1 dimer, the primary allergen present in cat saliva"@en . . "Fel d 1\uFF08Felis domesticus allergen 1\uFF09\u662F\u732B\u7684\u4E00\u79CD\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\uFF0C\u7531CH2\u57FA\u56E0\u7F16\u7801\u3002Fel d 1\u4E3B\u8981\u5728\u732B\u7684\u553E\u6DB2\u817A\u548C\u76AE\u8102\u817A\u4E2D\u5206\u6CCC\uFF0C\u662F\u5B58\u5728\u4E8E\u732B\u8EAB\u4E0A\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u8FC7\u654F\u539F\u3002\u76EE\u524D\u5C1A\u672A\u6E05\u695A\u8FD9\u79CD\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\u5728\u52A8\u7269\u4F53\u5185\u7684\u4F5C\u7528\uFF0C\u4F46\u5B83\u80FD\u5F15\u8D77\u654F\u611F\u4EBA\u7FA4\u5BF9\u6216\u4F5C\u51FA\u8FC7\u654F\u53CD\u5E94\u6216\u54EE\u5598\u53CD\u5E94\u3002 \u964D\u4F4E\u5BB6\u5C45Fed d 1\u542B\u91CF\u7684\u53EF\u884C\u65B9\u6CD5\u6709\u79FB\u5F00\u67D4\u8F6F\u8868\u9762\uFF08\u5730\u6BEF\uFF09\u3001\u7ECF\u5E38\u6D17\u5E8A\u5355\u3001\u6D17\u9AD8\u6548\u6EE4\u7F51\u548C\u4E3A\u732B\u6D17\u6FA1\u3002Fel d 1\u662F\u4E00\u79CD\u7279\u522B\u7C98\u7684\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\uFF0C\u5DF2\u88AB\u8BC1\u660E\u80FD\u7C98\u5728\u8863\u7269\u548C\u4EBA\u7684\u6BDB\u53D1\u4E2D\uFF0C\u800C\u4E14\u5728\u732B\u4ECE\u672A\u51FA\u73B0\u8FC7\u7684\u5730\u65B9\u4E5F\u80FD\u68C0\u6D4B\u5F97\u5230\u3002 \u732B\u5E73\u5747\u6BCF\u5929\u4EA7\u751F2-7\u5FAE\u514B\u7684Fel d 1\u3002\u7814\u7A76\u4E5F\u53D1\u73B0\u672A\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u7684Fel d 1\u7684\u4EA7\u91CF\u8F83\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u591A\uFF0C\u8FD9\u4E5F\u5BFC\u81F4\u4E00\u4E2A\u5047\u8BBE\u7684\u4EA7\u751F\uFF0C\u5047\u8BBE\u8BA4\u4E3AFel d 1\u662F\u7531\u777E\u916E\u6FC0\u7D20\u8C03\u63A7\u7684\u3002\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u7684Fed d 1\u4EA7\u91CF\u548C\u6BCD\u732B\u76F8\u8FD1\uFF0C\u800C\u672A\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u6BCD\u732B\u7684Fel d 1\u7684\u4EA7\u91CF\u4E5F\u4E0E\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u6BCD\u732B\u7684\u76F8\u8FD1\u3002\u5C3D\u7BA1\u6BCD\u732B\u548C\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u7684Fel d 1\u4EA7\u91CF\u4F4E\uFF0C\u4F46\u4E5F\u8DB3\u4EE5\u5F15\u53D1\u654F\u611F\u4EBA\u7FA4\u7684\u8FC7\u654F\u53CD\u5E94\u3002 Fel d 1\u662F\u4E00\u79CD\u5206\u5B50\u91CF\u670918 kDa\u7684\u5F02\u6E90\u4E8C\u805A\u4F53\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\u3002"@zh . . . . . . "Fel d 1"@fr . "1115663621"^^ . . . "IPR006178"@en . . "Fel d 1 est une prot\u00E9ine de (en) qui chez le chat est cod\u00E9e par les g\u00E8nes CH1 (cha\u00EEne 1 / Fel d 1-A) et CH2 (cha\u00EEne 2 / Fel d 1-B). Fel d 1 est le principal allerg\u00E8ne pr\u00E9sent sur les chats et les chatons. Il est produit en grande partie dans la salive et les glandes s\u00E9bac\u00E9es du chat, et aussi par sa peau elle-m\u00EAme."@fr . "1"^^ . . "Allergen Fel d 1, chain 1"@en . . . "Fel d 1\uFF08Felis domesticus allergen 1\uFF09\u662F\u732B\u7684\u4E00\u79CD\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\uFF0C\u7531CH2\u57FA\u56E0\u7F16\u7801\u3002Fel d 1\u4E3B\u8981\u5728\u732B\u7684\u553E\u6DB2\u817A\u548C\u76AE\u8102\u817A\u4E2D\u5206\u6CCC\uFF0C\u662F\u5B58\u5728\u4E8E\u732B\u8EAB\u4E0A\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u8FC7\u654F\u539F\u3002\u76EE\u524D\u5C1A\u672A\u6E05\u695A\u8FD9\u79CD\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\u5728\u52A8\u7269\u4F53\u5185\u7684\u4F5C\u7528\uFF0C\u4F46\u5B83\u80FD\u5F15\u8D77\u654F\u611F\u4EBA\u7FA4\u5BF9\u6216\u4F5C\u51FA\u8FC7\u654F\u53CD\u5E94\u6216\u54EE\u5598\u53CD\u5E94\u3002 \u964D\u4F4E\u5BB6\u5C45Fed d 1\u542B\u91CF\u7684\u53EF\u884C\u65B9\u6CD5\u6709\u79FB\u5F00\u67D4\u8F6F\u8868\u9762\uFF08\u5730\u6BEF\uFF09\u3001\u7ECF\u5E38\u6D17\u5E8A\u5355\u3001\u6D17\u9AD8\u6548\u6EE4\u7F51\u548C\u4E3A\u732B\u6D17\u6FA1\u3002Fel d 1\u662F\u4E00\u79CD\u7279\u522B\u7C98\u7684\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\uFF0C\u5DF2\u88AB\u8BC1\u660E\u80FD\u7C98\u5728\u8863\u7269\u548C\u4EBA\u7684\u6BDB\u53D1\u4E2D\uFF0C\u800C\u4E14\u5728\u732B\u4ECE\u672A\u51FA\u73B0\u8FC7\u7684\u5730\u65B9\u4E5F\u80FD\u68C0\u6D4B\u5F97\u5230\u3002 \u732B\u5E73\u5747\u6BCF\u5929\u4EA7\u751F2-7\u5FAE\u514B\u7684Fel d 1\u3002\u7814\u7A76\u4E5F\u53D1\u73B0\u672A\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u7684Fel d 1\u7684\u4EA7\u91CF\u8F83\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u591A\uFF0C\u8FD9\u4E5F\u5BFC\u81F4\u4E00\u4E2A\u5047\u8BBE\u7684\u4EA7\u751F\uFF0C\u5047\u8BBE\u8BA4\u4E3AFel d 1\u662F\u7531\u777E\u916E\u6FC0\u7D20\u8C03\u63A7\u7684\u3002\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u7684Fed d 1\u4EA7\u91CF\u548C\u6BCD\u732B\u76F8\u8FD1\uFF0C\u800C\u672A\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u6BCD\u732B\u7684Fel d 1\u7684\u4EA7\u91CF\u4E5F\u4E0E\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u6BCD\u732B\u7684\u76F8\u8FD1\u3002\u5C3D\u7BA1\u6BCD\u732B\u548C\u88AB\u9609\u5272\u7684\u516C\u732B\u7684Fel d 1\u4EA7\u91CF\u4F4E\uFF0C\u4F46\u4E5F\u8DB3\u4EE5\u5F15\u53D1\u654F\u611F\u4EBA\u7FA4\u7684\u8FC7\u654F\u53CD\u5E94\u3002 Fel d 1\u662F\u4E00\u79CD\u5206\u5B50\u91CF\u670918 kDa\u7684\u5F02\u6E90\u4E8C\u805A\u4F53\u86CB\u767D\u8D28\u3002"@zh . . "Fel d 1 est une prot\u00E9ine de (en) qui chez le chat est cod\u00E9e par les g\u00E8nes CH1 (cha\u00EEne 1 / Fel d 1-A) et CH2 (cha\u00EEne 2 / Fel d 1-B). Fel d 1 est le principal allerg\u00E8ne pr\u00E9sent sur les chats et les chatons. Il est produit en grande partie dans la salive et les glandes s\u00E9bac\u00E9es du chat, et aussi par sa peau elle-m\u00EAme."@fr . "IPR015332"@en . . . . . . "PF09252"@en . . . "Allergen_Fel_d_I_chain1" . . "Fel d 1 \u00E9 uma glicoprote\u00EDna comumente presente na saliva dos gatos. Essa prote\u00EDna causa uma forte rea\u00E7\u00E3o al\u00E9rgica em alguns humanos, que podem variar desde irrita\u00E7\u00E3o no sistema respirat\u00F3rio at\u00E9 a presen\u00E7a de vermelhid\u00E3o, coceira e descama\u00E7\u00F5es da pele. Estima-se que um gato adulto produza, em m\u00E9dia, entre 2 a 7 \u00B5g de Fel d 1 por dia. Estudos mostram que machos f\u00E9rteis produzem essa prote\u00EDna em quantidades superiores aos indiv\u00EDduos castrados, levando a presumir que a sua produ\u00E7\u00E3o seja, de algum modo, regulada pelo horm\u00F4nio testosterona. Embora fem\u00EAas e animais castrados produzam a Fel d 1 em menores quantidades, ainda assim esses animais s\u00E3o capazes de causar alergias nas pessoas mais sens\u00EDveis. Al\u00E9m de estar presente na saliva dos gatos, a glicoprote\u00EDna fel d1 tamb\u00E9m pode ser encontrada na composi\u00E7\u00E3o do veneno produzido pelos loris, \u00FAnica esp\u00E9cie de primata venenosa conhecida."@pt . . . . . . "8995"^^ . . . . . . . "Allergen_Fel_d_I_chain1"@en . . . . "7321359"^^ . . "Feld-I_B"@en . . . . "Fel d 1"@en . . . . . "CL0370"@en . . "Allergen Fel d 1, chain 2"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Fel d 1 is a secretoglobin protein complex that, in cats, is encoded by the CH1 (chain 1/Fel d 1-A) and CH2 (chain 2/Fel d 1-B) genes. Among cats, Fel d 1 is produced largely in their saliva and by the sebaceous glands located in their skin. It is the primary allergen present on cats and kittens. The function of the protein for cats is unknown, but it causes an IgG or IgE reaction in sensitive humans (either as an allergic or asthmatic response)."@en . . . .