. . . . . . . . "55870.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "*73 guns:\n*Lower gundeck: 28 \u00D7 36-pounder long guns\n*Upper gundeck: 30 \u00D7 18-pounder long guns\n*Forecastle and Quarter deck:\n**16 \u00D7 8-pounder long guns\n**4 \u00D7 36-pounder carronades"@en . . "45"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "broken up in 1830" . . . . . "The Romulus was a T\u00E9m\u00E9raire class 74-gun ship of the line of the French Navy. In February 1814, under captain Rolland, she sailed from Toulon to Genoa, being part of a division under Julien Cosmao. On 13, she was engaged by three British ships of the line, notably HMS Boyne and HMS Caledonia, and managed to escape to Toulon by sailing close to the coast to avoid being surrounded. By 1821, she had been raz\u00E9ed into a frigate, and renamed Guerri\u00E8re. She was captained by Commander Jean-L\u00E9on \u00C9meric. She was eventually broken up in 1830. \n*"@en . "Le Romulus \u00E9tait un vaisseau de ligne de 74 canons de la classe T\u00E9m\u00E9raire de la Marine fran\u00E7aise. En f\u00E9vrier 1814, sous le commandement du capitaine Rolland, il navigue de Toulon \u00E0 G\u00EAnes, faisant partie d'une division sous les ordres de Julien Cosmao. Le 13, il est engag\u00E9 par trois navires de ligne britanniques, notamment le (en) et le HMS Caledonia, et parvient \u00E0 s'\u00E9chapper vers Toulon en naviguant pr\u00E8s de la c\u00F4te pour \u00E9viter d'\u00EAtre encercl\u00E9. En 1821, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 transform\u00E9 en fr\u00E9gate et rebaptis\u00E9 Guerri\u00E8re. Il \u00E9tait command\u00E9e par le commandant Jean-L\u00E9on \u00C9meric. Il est finalement d\u00E9mantel\u00E9e en 1840."@fr . . . "1123693599"^^ . "55.87"^^ . . . . "Up to of sails"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3386"^^ . "Guerri\u00E8re in 1821"@en . "Timber"@en . . . . . . "*2966 tonnes\n*5260 tonnes fully loaded"@en . "France"@en . . . . . "Romulus"@en . "broken up in 1830"@en . . "Romulus"@en . . . "The Romulus was a T\u00E9m\u00E9raire class 74-gun ship of the line of the French Navy. In February 1814, under captain Rolland, she sailed from Toulon to Genoa, being part of a division under Julien Cosmao. On 13, she was engaged by three British ships of the line, notably HMS Boyne and HMS Caledonia, and managed to escape to Toulon by sailing close to the coast to avoid being surrounded. By 1821, she had been raz\u00E9ed into a frigate, and renamed Guerri\u00E8re. She was captained by Commander Jean-L\u00E9on \u00C9meric. She was eventually broken up in 1830. \n* Painting of the action of 13 February 1814, by Pierre-Julien Gilbert"@en . "Romulus (vaisseau de 1812)"@fr . "Le Romulus \u00E9tait un vaisseau de ligne de 74 canons de la classe T\u00E9m\u00E9raire de la Marine fran\u00E7aise. En f\u00E9vrier 1814, sous le commandement du capitaine Rolland, il navigue de Toulon \u00E0 G\u00EAnes, faisant partie d'une division sous les ordres de Julien Cosmao. Le 13, il est engag\u00E9 par trois navires de ligne britanniques, notamment le (en) et le HMS Caledonia, et parvient \u00E0 s'\u00E9chapper vers Toulon en naviguant pr\u00E8s de la c\u00F4te pour \u00E9viter d'\u00EAtre encercl\u00E9. En 1821, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 transform\u00E9 en fr\u00E9gate et rebaptis\u00E9 Guerri\u00E8re. Il \u00E9tait command\u00E9e par le commandant Jean-L\u00E9on \u00C9meric."@fr . . "14.9"^^ . . . . . . "2007-10-12"^^ . . . . . "1812"^^ . . . . "French ship Romulus (1812)"@en . . "14345283"^^ . .