. . "Friedelind Wagner (29 March 1918 \u2013 8 May 1991) was the elder daughter of German opera composer Siegfried Wagner and his English wife, Winifred Williams and the granddaughter of the composer Richard Wagner. She was also the great-granddaughter of the composer Franz Liszt. Born in Bayreuth, she was known by the nickname \"Die Maus\" or \"Mausi\". Along with other members of her family, from early in life Friedelind Wagner was involved with the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. In 1936, Friedelind Wagner began work as an assistant to Heinz Tietjen but her outspoken criticism of close family friend Adolf Hitler \u2014 her mother, the English-born Winifred Williams, was a fanatical admirer of Hitler \u2014 and the policies of the Third Reich led to her leaving Germany in 1939. She lived for a short time in Switzerland before emigrating first to England, where she had been interned on the Isle of Man from 27 May 1940 till 15 February 1941. Later she began writing anti-Nazi columns for the Daily Sketch newspaper. With the help of Arturo Toscanini, in 1941 Friedelind Wagner moved to the United States where she became involved with radio broadcasts of anti-Nazi propaganda and became an American citizen. She also helped Professor Henry A. Murray, Director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic plus psychoanalyst Walter C. Langer and other experts to create a 1943 report for the OSS designated as the Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler. With writer , in 1945 Friedelind Wagner wrote her memoirs \"Heritage of Fire.\" Published in English in New York City by Harper & brothers, it was released in London in 1948 as \"The Royal Family of Bayreuth.\" In 1953, Friedelind Wagner eventually returned to work at the Bayreuth Festival, occupying the top floor of the gardener\u2019s cottage at Haus Wahnfried, the Wagner home, that became later a museum. At Bayreuth, she directed master classes for young singers, conductors and directors. In 1976, she was part of the team that made the documentary film \"Wagner:The Making of the Ring\" which was filmed during the creation of the Pierre Boulez/Patrice Ch\u00E9reau Ring. The Times wrote: \"This (Boulez/Ch\u00E9reau) Ring is the most important single event in the democratization of opera and will put opera back at the center of all the arts, where it belongs.\" As her student, American conductor Michael Tilson Thomas was a Musical Assistant and Assistant Conductor at the Bayreuth Festival. In her latter years Friedelind Wagner made her home in Lucerne, Switzerland. Never married, she died in a hospital in Herdecke, Germany, in 1991."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner"@en . . "Friedelind Wagner"@cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner"@en . "1991-05-08"^^ . . . . . . . "Siegfried Wagner and Winifred Wagner"@en . "1918-03-29"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner"@fr . . . "1114155303"^^ . . "6228"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (29. b\u0159ezna 1918 \u2013 8. kv\u011Btna 1991) byla star\u0161\u00ED dcera n\u011Bmeck\u00E9ho hudebn\u00EDho skladatele Siegfrieda Wagnera a jeho anglick\u00E9 man\u017Eelky Winifred Williams. Byla vnu\u010Dkou o n\u011Bco slavn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDho skladatele Richarda Wagnera. P\u0159es babi\u010Dku Cosimu byla pravnu\u010Dkou dirigenta France Liszta. Narodila se v Bayreuthu a byla zn\u00E1m\u00E1 pod p\u0159ezd\u00EDvkou Die Maus nebo Mausi (my\u0161ka). Spolu s ostatn\u00EDmi \u010Dleny rodiny se od \u00FAtl\u00E9ho v\u011Bku \u00FA\u010Dastnila ka\u017Edoro\u010Dn\u00EDch slavnost\u00ED. V roce 1936 za\u010Dala Fiedelind pracovat jako sekret\u00E1\u0159ka Heinze Tietjena. Jej\u00ED matka Winifred byla fanatickou obdivovatelkou Adolfa Hitlera, zat\u00EDmco Friedelind jeho re\u017Eim kritizovala, co\u017E ji nakonec v roce 1939 donutilo opustit N\u011Bmecko. Kr\u00E1tkou dobu \u017Eila ve \u0160v\u00FDcarsku, odkud se p\u0159esunula na ostrov Man, kde \u017Eila od kv\u011Btna 1940 do \u00FAnora 1941. Pozd\u011Bji za\u010Dala ps\u00E1t antinacistick\u00E9 \u010Dl\u00E1nky pro noviny Daily Sketch. With the help of Arturo Toscanini, in 1941 Friedelind Wagner moved to the United States where she became involved with radio broadcasts of anti-Nazi propaganda and became an American citizen. She also helped Professor Henry A. Murray, Director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic plus psychoanalyst Walter C. Langer and other experts to create a 1943 report for the OSS designated as the Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler. With writer Page Cooper, in 1945 Friedelind Wagner wrote her memoirs \"Heritage of Fire.\" Published in English in New York City by Harper & brothers, it was released in London in 1948 as \"The Royal Family of Bayreuth.\" V roce 1953 se Friedelind vr\u00E1tila k pr\u00E1ci na Bayreuthsk\u00FD festival. \u017Dila zde v nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00EDm pat\u0159e zahradn\u00EDho domu u Wahnfried, p\u016Fvodn\u00EDho Wagnerova domu, kter\u00FD se pozd\u011Bji stal muzeem. V Bayreuthu \u0159\u00EDdila kurzy pro mlad\u00E9 zp\u011Bv\u00E1ky, dirigenty a re\u017Eis\u00E9ry. V roce 1976 se stala sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED t\u00FDmu, kter\u00FD tvo\u0159il dokument Wagner:The Making of the Ring. Americk\u00FD dirigent Michael Tilson, kter\u00FD byl jej\u00EDm \u017E\u00E1kem, se pozd\u011Bji stal hudebn\u00EDm a dirigentsk\u00FDm asistentem na Bayreuthsk\u00E9m festivalu. V pozd\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch letech si Friedelind po\u0159\u00EDdila vlastn\u00ED d\u016Fm v Lucernu ve \u0160v\u00FDcarsku. Nikdy se nevdala a zem\u0159ela v nemocnici ve m\u011Bst\u011B v N\u011Bmecku v roce 1991."@cs . . . "4298631"^^ . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (29 March 1918 \u2013 8 May 1991) was the elder daughter of German opera composer Siegfried Wagner and his English wife, Winifred Williams and the granddaughter of the composer Richard Wagner. She was also the great-granddaughter of the composer Franz Liszt. As her student, American conductor Michael Tilson Thomas was a Musical Assistant and Assistant Conductor at the Bayreuth Festival. In her latter years Friedelind Wagner made her home in Lucerne, Switzerland. Never married, she died in a hospital in Herdecke, Germany, in 1991."@en . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner"@ca . . . . "1991-05-08"^^ . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (Bayreuth, 29 de marzo de 1918 \u2013 Herdecke, 8 de mayo de 1991) fue la hija de Siegfried Wagner y Winifred Wagner (nacida Williams), nieta del compositor Richard Wagner y Cosima Liszt y por ende, bisnieta de Franz Liszt. Fue considerada la \u00ABoveja blanca\u00BB de la familia por haber rechazado la fervorosa adhesi\u00F3n de su madre a Hitler, que transform\u00F3 el festival musical fundado por su abuelo en un templo del r\u00E9gimen. De acuerdo a su sobrino, el escritor Gottfried Wagner fue la \u00FAnica en denunciar los v\u00EDnculos entre la Alemania nazi y la elitista familia Wagner.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u30D5\u30EA\u30FC\u30C7\u30EA\u30F3\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\uFF08Friedelind Wagner, 1918\u5E743\u670829\u65E5 - 1991\u5E745\u67088\u65E5\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30C9\u30A4\u30C4\u306E\u4F5C\u66F2\u5BB6\u30B8\u30FC\u30AF\u30D5\u30EA\u30FC\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\u3068\u59BB\u30F4\u30A3\u30CB\u30D5\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\u306E\u5A18\u3067\u3001\u30EA\u30D2\u30E3\u30EB\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\u306E\u5B6B\u5A18\u3002"@ja . "Friedelind Wagner"@en . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (Bayreuth, Alemanya, 29 de mar\u00E7 de 1918 - , 8 de maig de 1991) va ser una compositora alemanya. Va ser el segon fill (despr\u00E9s de Wieland Wagner, 1917-1966) i la filla gran de Siegfried Wagner i Winifred Wagner."@ca . . "Herdecke, Germany"@en . . . . . "\u30D5\u30EA\u30FC\u30C7\u30EA\u30F3\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\uFF08Friedelind Wagner, 1918\u5E743\u670829\u65E5 - 1991\u5E745\u67088\u65E5\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30C9\u30A4\u30C4\u306E\u4F5C\u66F2\u5BB6\u30B8\u30FC\u30AF\u30D5\u30EA\u30FC\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\u3068\u59BB\u30F4\u30A3\u30CB\u30D5\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\u306E\u5A18\u3067\u3001\u30EA\u30D2\u30E3\u30EB\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC\u306E\u5B6B\u5A18\u3002"@ja . . . "1991"^^ . . . . . "Member of Wagner family and outspoken critic of German dictator Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich"@en . . "Friedelind Wagner"@de . "\u30D5\u30EA\u30FC\u30C7\u30EA\u30F3\u30C8\u30FB\u30EF\u30FC\u30B0\u30CA\u30FC"@ja . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (n\u00E9e le 29 mars 1918 \u00E0 Bayreuth, morte le 8 mai 1991 \u00E0 Herdecke en Allemagne) est la petite-fille du compositeur allemand Richard Wagner, arri\u00E8re petite-fille de Franz Liszt, connue comme \u00E9tant la seule de la famille Wagner \u00E0 s'\u00EAtre oppos\u00E9e au r\u00E9gime nazi. Second enfant et fille a\u00EEn\u00E9e de Siegfried Wagner, le fils du compositeur, et de Winifred Wagner, elle quitte l'Allemagne en 1939 \u00E0 cause de la situation politique ; aux \u00C9tats-Unis, elle enregistre une d\u00E9claration radiophonique o\u00F9 elle s'oppose au r\u00E9gime nazi tout en estimant que son grand-p\u00E8re Richard ne s'en serait pas accommod\u00E9 lui non plus. Elle retourne en 1953 en Allemagne ; elle tient pendant quelques ann\u00E9es des masterclasses de musique au festival de Bayreuth ; elle assure une mise en sc\u00E8ne de Lohengrin en 1967 \u00E0 Bielefeld."@fr . "1918"^^ . . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (* 29. M\u00E4rz 1918 in Bayreuth; \u2020 8. Mai 1991 in Herdecke) war das zweite Kind (nach Wieland Wagner, 1917\u20131966) von Siegfried Wagner und Winifred Wagner."@de . "Friedelind Wagner (n\u00E9e le 29 mars 1918 \u00E0 Bayreuth, morte le 8 mai 1991 \u00E0 Herdecke en Allemagne) est la petite-fille du compositeur allemand Richard Wagner, arri\u00E8re petite-fille de Franz Liszt, connue comme \u00E9tant la seule de la famille Wagner \u00E0 s'\u00EAtre oppos\u00E9e au r\u00E9gime nazi. Elle retourne en 1953 en Allemagne ; elle tient pendant quelques ann\u00E9es des masterclasses de musique au festival de Bayreuth ; elle assure une mise en sc\u00E8ne de Lohengrin en 1967 \u00E0 Bielefeld."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner"@es . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (Bayreuth, Alemanya, 29 de mar\u00E7 de 1918 - , 8 de maig de 1991) va ser una compositora alemanya. Va ser el segon fill (despr\u00E9s de Wieland Wagner, 1917-1966) i la filla gran de Siegfried Wagner i Winifred Wagner."@ca . . . . . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (Bayreuth, 29 de marzo de 1918 \u2013 Herdecke, 8 de mayo de 1991) fue la hija de Siegfried Wagner y Winifred Wagner (nacida Williams), nieta del compositor Richard Wagner y Cosima Liszt y por ende, bisnieta de Franz Liszt. Fue considerada la \u00ABoveja blanca\u00BB de la familia por haber rechazado la fervorosa adhesi\u00F3n de su madre a Hitler, que transform\u00F3 el festival musical fundado por su abuelo en un templo del r\u00E9gimen. De acuerdo a su sobrino, el escritor Gottfried Wagner fue la \u00FAnica en denunciar los v\u00EDnculos entre la Alemania nazi y la elitista familia Wagner.\u200B"@es . . . . "Friedelind Wagner (* 29. M\u00E4rz 1918 in Bayreuth; \u2020 8. Mai 1991 in Herdecke) war das zweite Kind (nach Wieland Wagner, 1917\u20131966) von Siegfried Wagner und Winifred Wagner."@de . . . "1918-03-29"^^ . . "Friedelind Wagner (29. b\u0159ezna 1918 \u2013 8. kv\u011Btna 1991) byla star\u0161\u00ED dcera n\u011Bmeck\u00E9ho hudebn\u00EDho skladatele Siegfrieda Wagnera a jeho anglick\u00E9 man\u017Eelky Winifred Williams. Byla vnu\u010Dkou o n\u011Bco slavn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDho skladatele Richarda Wagnera. P\u0159es babi\u010Dku Cosimu byla pravnu\u010Dkou dirigenta France Liszta. Americk\u00FD dirigent Michael Tilson, kter\u00FD byl jej\u00EDm \u017E\u00E1kem, se pozd\u011Bji stal hudebn\u00EDm a dirigentsk\u00FDm asistentem na Bayreuthsk\u00E9m festivalu. V pozd\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch letech si Friedelind po\u0159\u00EDdila vlastn\u00ED d\u016Fm v Lucernu ve \u0160v\u00FDcarsku. Nikdy se nevdala a zem\u0159ela v nemocnici ve m\u011Bst\u011B v N\u011Bmecku v roce 1991."@cs . . .