. . "Gaston Hamelin (27 mai 1884 - 8 septembre 1951) est un clarinettiste fran\u00E7ais et professeur."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "3627"^^ . . . . . . . . "37264051"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Gaston Hamelin (27 mai 1884 - 8 septembre 1951) est un clarinettiste fran\u00E7ais et professeur."@fr . . . "Gaston Hamelin (Saint-Georges-sur-Baulche, 27 de maig de 1884 - 8 de setembre de 1951) va ser un clarinetista i professor franc\u00E8s. Hamelin va guanyar el primer premi de clarinet al Conservatori de Par\u00EDs el 1904 amb el professor Charles Turban. Va ser un destacat solista, convertint-se en el primer a interpretar la Premi\u00E8re rhapsodie per a clarinet de Claude Debussy el 1919; tamb\u00E9 es creu que va ser el primer a enregistrar aquest treball. Hamelin es va traslladar als Estats Units el 1926 per assumir el seient de clarinetista principal de lOrquestra Simf\u00F2nica de Boston. Va actuar amb aquest grup del 1926 al 1932, per\u00F2 no se li va oferir una renovaci\u00F3 del contracte perqu\u00E8 el director va desaprovar la seva pr\u00E0ctica de tocar en un instrument de metall Selmer en lloc d'un de fusta de granadilla"@ca . "Gaston Hamelin (27 May 1884 \u2013 8 September 1951) was a French clarinetist and teacher. Born in Saint-Georges-sur-Baulche, Hamelin won the first prize for clarinet at the Paris Conservatory in 1904 under professor . He was a noted soloist, becoming the first to perform the Premi\u00E8re rhapsodie for clarinet by Claude Debussy in 1919; he is also believed to be the first to record that work. Hamelin moved to the United States in 1926 to assume the seat of principal clarinetist for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He performed with that group from 1926 to 1932, but was reportedly not offered a contract renewal because conductor Serge Koussevitzky disapproved of his practice of playing on a metal Selmer instrument instead of one made of the more traditional grenadilla wood. One anecdote about his dis"@en . . "1070637985"^^ . "Gaston Hamelin"@fr . . . . "Gaston Hamelin (27 May 1884 \u2013 8 September 1951) was a French clarinetist and teacher. Born in Saint-Georges-sur-Baulche, Hamelin won the first prize for clarinet at the Paris Conservatory in 1904 under professor . He was a noted soloist, becoming the first to perform the Premi\u00E8re rhapsodie for clarinet by Claude Debussy in 1919; he is also believed to be the first to record that work. Hamelin moved to the United States in 1926 to assume the seat of principal clarinetist for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He performed with that group from 1926 to 1932, but was reportedly not offered a contract renewal because conductor Serge Koussevitzky disapproved of his practice of playing on a metal Selmer instrument instead of one made of the more traditional grenadilla wood. One anecdote about his dismissal records that he responded to praise on his performance in a rehearsal by waving his instrument in the air, which \"enraged\" Koussevitzky. In the early 1930s Hamelin returned to France, where he was active as a soloist and private teacher. He published his Scale and Exercise Book in Paris. His pedagogical approach was notable for advocating a double-lip embouchure, which was less common than the single-lip variety but was credited with reduced and increased fluidity of tone. His students included Rosario Mazzeo, Joseph Allard and Ralph McLane. He is known as a founder of the \"American\" school of clarinet and is credited with having a significant influence on the development of performance practice in the United States. His son Armand Hamelin, born 1907, played bass clarinet in the Boston Symphony for the last two years of his father's tenure there."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gaston Hamelin (Saint-Georges-sur-Baulche, 27 de maig de 1884 - 8 de setembre de 1951) va ser un clarinetista i professor franc\u00E8s. Hamelin va guanyar el primer premi de clarinet al Conservatori de Par\u00EDs el 1904 amb el professor Charles Turban. Va ser un destacat solista, convertint-se en el primer a interpretar la Premi\u00E8re rhapsodie per a clarinet de Claude Debussy el 1919; tamb\u00E9 es creu que va ser el primer a enregistrar aquest treball. Hamelin es va traslladar als Estats Units el 1926 per assumir el seient de clarinetista principal de lOrquestra Simf\u00F2nica de Boston. Va actuar amb aquest grup del 1926 al 1932, per\u00F2 no se li va oferir una renovaci\u00F3 del contracte perqu\u00E8 el director va desaprovar la seva pr\u00E0ctica de tocar en un instrument de metall Selmer en lloc d'un de fusta de granadilla m\u00E9s tradicional. Una an\u00E8cdota sobre els seus registres d'acomiadament que va respondre als elogis de la seva actuaci\u00F3 en un assaig agitant el seu instrument en l'aire, cosa que \"va enfurismar\" a Koussevitzky. A Boston tingu\u00E9 diversos alumnes de clarinet, entre ells a Ralph McLane el qual rest\u00E0 tan entusiasmat amb el seu estil d'ensenyament que quan Hamelin torn\u00E0 al seu pa\u00EDs ell el segu\u00ED a Par\u00EDs per prendre lli\u00E7ons. A principis dels anys trenta Hamelin va tornar a Fran\u00E7a, on va exercir com a solista i com a professor particular. Va publicar la seva escala i quadern d'exercicis a Par\u00EDs. El seu enfocament pedag\u00F2gic va ser notable per defensar un emb\u00FAt de doble llavi, que era menys freq\u00FCent que la varietat d'un sol llavi, per\u00F2 se li atribu\u00EFa una picada redu\u00EFda i una flu\u00EFdesa del to augmentada. Entre els seus alumnes es trobaven , i el mencionat Ralph McLane. \u00C9s conegut com a fundador de l'escola de clarinet \"nord-americana\" i se li atribueix una influ\u00E8ncia significativa en el desenvolupament de la pr\u00E0ctica d'actuaci\u00F3 als Estats Units. El seu fill Armand Hamelin, nascut el 1907, va tocar el clarinet baix a la Simf\u00F2nica de Boston durant els \u00FAltims dos anys del mandat del seu pare all\u00E0."@ca . "Gaston Hamelin"@en . . . . . "Gaston Hamelin"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .