. . . . . . . "27989233"^^ . "Germany (GER) participated in the inaugural Paralympic Games in 1960 in Rome, where it sent a delegation of nine athletes. The country, since 1949 officially the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), was until 1990 also called West Germany while the separate East German Democratic Republic (GDR) existed, which was recognized by the IOC only after 1964. East German athletes, however, participated in the Paralympics for the first and last time in 1984. Following the reunification of Germany in 1990, athletes from all of Germany compete simply as Germany (GER) again. Germany has participated in every edition of the Summer Paralympics, and has also taken part in every edition of the Winter Paralympics, from the first in 1976. Germany was the host country of the 1972 Summer Paralympics, in Heidelberg. East Germany, West Germany and Germany have won a total of 1915 Paralympic medals, of which 658 gold, 649 silver and 609 bronze. This is more than any country other than the United States and Great Britain. The International Paralympic Committee, however, maintains separate records for \"West Germany\" (1960\u201388) and \"Germany\" (1992\u2013present), due to their separate IPC codes, giving West Germany a total of 938 medals (354 golds), and Germany a total of 973 (304 golds). This places the \"two countries\" seventh and eighth, respectively, on the all-time Paralympic Games medal table - behind the United States, Great Britain, China, Canada, Australia, and France. Germany has consistently been one of the world's strongest nations at the Paralympics. Prior to 2008, at the Summer Games, it had always been among the top ten on the medal tables, and was within the top three on six occasions. In 2008,they finished in the 11th place. At the Winter Games, Germany has always been among the top three, except in 1980 (7th), 1984 (4th) and 2018 (5th). It topped the medal table at the 1972 Summer Paralympics (which it hosted), and the 1976, 2002 and 2010 Winter Games. Among Germany's most successful Paralympians are \n* Reinhild M\u00F6ller, winner of 19 medals (of which 16 gold) in alpine skiing, and 4 medals (of which 3 are gold) in athletics \n* Claudia Hengst: 25 medals (of which 13 gold) in swimming \n* Gerd Sch\u00F6nfelder: 17 medals (of which 12 gold) in alpine skiing \n* Frank H\u00F6fle: 17 medals (of which 10 gold) in cross-country skiing."@en . . "Alemanha nos Jogos Paral\u00EDmpicos"@pt . . . "L\u2019Allemagne participe aux Jeux paralympiques depuis les Jeux d'\u00E9t\u00E9 de 1992 \u00E0 Barcelone, en Espagne. Le pays a particip\u00E9 \u00E0 tous les Jeux d'\u00E9t\u00E9 depuis cette date. Avant cela, l'Allemagne, divis\u00E9e en deux, \u00E9tait repr\u00E9sent\u00E9e par l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, qui a particip\u00E9 \u00E0 toutes les \u00E9ditions depuis 1960, ainsi que par l'Allemagne de l'Est, qui n'a particip\u00E9 qu'\u00E0 une seule \u00E9dition, en 1984. Parmi les grands champions allemands, plusieurs ont remport\u00E9 plus de 10 m\u00E9dailles :"@fr . "649"^^ . "Germany (GER) participated in the inaugural Paralympic Games in 1960 in Rome, where it sent a delegation of nine athletes. The country, since 1949 officially the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), was until 1990 also called West Germany while the separate East German Democratic Republic (GDR) existed, which was recognized by the IOC only after 1964. East German athletes, however, participated in the Paralympics for the first and last time in 1984. Following the reunification of Germany in 1990, athletes from all of Germany compete simply as Germany (GER) again."@en . . . . . . . "Alemania en los Juegos Paral\u00EDmpicos est\u00E1 representada por el Comit\u00E9 Paral\u00EDmpico Nacional de Alemania, miembro del Comit\u00E9 Paral\u00EDmpico Internacional.\u200B Antes de la Reunificaci\u00F3n en 1990, los deportistas alemanes compitieron bajo diferentes c\u00F3digos paral\u00EDmpicos: 1960 a 1988 como Alemania Occidental (FRG) y en 1984 como Alemania Oriental (GDR), correspondientes a los dos pa\u00EDses soberanos de ese entonces."@es . . . . . . . . . . "609"^^ . . . . . "GER"@en . . . . . . . . . "A Alemanha participou dos Jogos Paral\u00EDmpicos inaugurais em 1960, em Roma, onde enviou uma delega\u00E7\u00E3o de nove atletas. O pa\u00EDs, desde 1949 oficialmente a Rep\u00FAblica Federal da Alemanha, era at\u00E9 1990 tamb\u00E9m chamado Alemanha Ocidental, enquanto a Rep\u00FAblica Democr\u00E1tica da Alemanha foi reconhecida pelo COI somente ap\u00F3s 1964. Atletas da Alemanha Oriental, no entanto, Participaram nos Jogos Paraol\u00EDmpicos pela primeira e \u00FAltima vez em 1984. Ap\u00F3s a reunifica\u00E7\u00E3o da Alemanha em 1990, atletas de toda a Alemanha competiram apenas como Alemanha novamente. A Alemanha participou de todas as edi\u00E7\u00F5es dos Paraol\u00EDmpicos de Ver\u00E3o e tamb\u00E9m participou de todas as edi\u00E7\u00F5es da Paralimp\u00EDada de Inverno, desde a primeira edi\u00E7\u00E3o em 1976."@pt . . . . . . "17023"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Alemania en los Juegos Paral\u00EDmpicos est\u00E1 representada por el Comit\u00E9 Paral\u00EDmpico Nacional de Alemania, miembro del Comit\u00E9 Paral\u00EDmpico Internacional.\u200B Antes de la Reunificaci\u00F3n en 1990, los deportistas alemanes compitieron bajo diferentes c\u00F3digos paral\u00EDmpicos: 1960 a 1988 como Alemania Occidental (FRG) y en 1984 como Alemania Oriental (GDR), correspondientes a los dos pa\u00EDses soberanos de ese entonces. Ha participado en ocho ediciones de los Juegos Paral\u00EDmpicos de Verano, su primera presencia tuvo lugar en Barcelona 1992. El pa\u00EDs ha obtenido un total de 718 medallas en las ediciones de verano: 199 de oro, 266 de plata y 253 de bronce.\u200B En los Juegos Paral\u00EDmpicos de Invierno ha participado en nueve ediciones, siendo Albertville 1992 su primera aparici\u00F3n en estos Juegos. El pa\u00EDs ha conseguido un total de 274 medallas en las ediciones de invierno: 109 de oro, 87 de plata y 78 de bronce.\u200B"@es . . . . . . "A Alemanha participou dos Jogos Paral\u00EDmpicos inaugurais em 1960, em Roma, onde enviou uma delega\u00E7\u00E3o de nove atletas. O pa\u00EDs, desde 1949 oficialmente a Rep\u00FAblica Federal da Alemanha, era at\u00E9 1990 tamb\u00E9m chamado Alemanha Ocidental, enquanto a Rep\u00FAblica Democr\u00E1tica da Alemanha foi reconhecida pelo COI somente ap\u00F3s 1964. Atletas da Alemanha Oriental, no entanto, Participaram nos Jogos Paraol\u00EDmpicos pela primeira e \u00FAltima vez em 1984. Ap\u00F3s a reunifica\u00E7\u00E3o da Alemanha em 1990, atletas de toda a Alemanha competiram apenas como Alemanha novamente."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Duitsland is een van de landen die deelneemt aan de Paralympische Spelen. Het land debuteerde op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 1960. Tot en met de Spelen van 1988 vertegenwoordigde Duitsland alleen de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland en nam buurland de Duitse Democratische Republiek afzonderlijk deel, of niet."@nl . . . . . . . . "Duitsland op de Paralympische Spelen"@nl . . . . "Allemagne aux Jeux paralympiques"@fr . . "1121429047"^^ . . . . . "L\u2019Allemagne participe aux Jeux paralympiques depuis les Jeux d'\u00E9t\u00E9 de 1992 \u00E0 Barcelone, en Espagne. Le pays a particip\u00E9 \u00E0 tous les Jeux d'\u00E9t\u00E9 depuis cette date. Avant cela, l'Allemagne, divis\u00E9e en deux, \u00E9tait repr\u00E9sent\u00E9e par l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, qui a particip\u00E9 \u00E0 toutes les \u00E9ditions depuis 1960, ainsi que par l'Allemagne de l'Est, qui n'a particip\u00E9 qu'\u00E0 une seule \u00E9dition, en 1984. En incluant la p\u00E9riode ouest-allemande et est-allemande, les Allemands ont remport\u00E9 \u00E0 ce jour 1788 m\u00E9dailles dont 617 en or, int\u00E9gralement aux Jeux d'\u00E9t\u00E9, ce qui en fait la deuxi\u00E8me nation quant au nombre de m\u00E9dailles ainsi que de m\u00E9dailles d'or. Parmi les grands champions allemands, plusieurs ont remport\u00E9 plus de 10 m\u00E9dailles : \n* , 19 m\u00E9dailles dont 16 d'or en ski alpin, et 4 m\u00E9dailles dont 3 d'or en athl\u00E9tisme \n* , 25 m\u00E9dailles dont 13 en or en natation \n* Gerd Sch\u00F6nfelder, 22 m\u00E9dailles dont 16 d'or en ski alpin \n* , 17 m\u00E9dailles dont 10 d'or en ski cross"@fr . . . "Alemania en los Juegos Paral\u00EDmpicos"@es . . "Germany at the Paralympics"@en . . . . . . . . "Paralympics"@en . "658"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Duitsland is een van de landen die deelneemt aan de Paralympische Spelen. Het land debuteerde op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 1960. Tot en met de Spelen van 1988 vertegenwoordigde Duitsland alleen de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland en nam buurland de Duitse Democratische Republiek afzonderlijk deel, of niet."@nl . .