. . . . . . . "1570"^^ . "Gesca"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gesca"@fr . . . . "Gesca limit\u00E9e es una filial de . Publica siete peri\u00F3dicos en Quebec y Ontario: La Presse, , , , Le Nouvelliste, Le Droit (un peri\u00F3dico de Ottawa publicado en Ontario y Quebec) y . Impone a sus peri\u00F3dicos una pol\u00EDtica federalista, contra la . \n* Datos: Q3104459"@es . . . "Gesca"@en . "Gesca est une filiale de la Power Corporation du Canada. Elle \u00E9tait responsable de la publication du journal La Presse. C'\u00E9tait \u00E9galement l'une des plus grandes entreprises de m\u00E9dias au Canada. Gesca a c\u00E9d\u00E9 ses parts de La Presse durant l'\u00E9t\u00E9 2018 et a laiss\u00E9 le m\u00E9dia se transformer vers une structure sans but lucratif."@fr . . . . "1101458573"^^ . . . . "Gesca Limit\u00E9e is a division of the Power Corporation of Canada, which published French-language daily newspapers in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. GESCA since 2013 has responded to the Internet challenge by expanding its free on-line services, which it supports through advertising. All of the company's publications, including Le Soleil in Quebec City and Le Droit in Ottawa, were sold to in 2015. The only publication which was retained by Gesca at the time, La Presse in Montreal, later became an independent non-profit in 2018."@en . . . . . . . "Gesca est une filiale de la Power Corporation du Canada. Elle \u00E9tait responsable de la publication du journal La Presse. C'\u00E9tait \u00E9galement l'une des plus grandes entreprises de m\u00E9dias au Canada. Gesca a c\u00E9d\u00E9 ses parts de La Presse durant l'\u00E9t\u00E9 2018 et a laiss\u00E9 le m\u00E9dia se transformer vers une structure sans but lucratif."@fr . "2168064"^^ . . . . . "Gesca Limit\u00E9e is a division of the Power Corporation of Canada, which published French-language daily newspapers in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. GESCA since 2013 has responded to the Internet challenge by expanding its free on-line services, which it supports through advertising. All of the company's publications, including Le Soleil in Quebec City and Le Droit in Ottawa, were sold to in 2015. The only publication which was retained by Gesca at the time, La Presse in Montreal, later became an independent non-profit in 2018."@en . "Gesca limit\u00E9e es una filial de . Publica siete peri\u00F3dicos en Quebec y Ontario: La Presse, , , , Le Nouvelliste, Le Droit (un peri\u00F3dico de Ottawa publicado en Ontario y Quebec) y . Impone a sus peri\u00F3dicos una pol\u00EDtica federalista, contra la . \n* Datos: Q3104459"@es . . . . . . . .