. . . "Pteropus griseus es una especie de murci\u00E9lago de la familia Pteropodidae."@es . "Gray Flying Fox area.png"@en . . . . . "The gray flying fox (Pteropus griseus) is a species of flying fox in the family Pteropodidae. It is not to be confused with the grey flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). It is found in Indonesia, but not in the Philippines, despite occasional reference to such. Very little is known about this species. The gray flying fox has small size and neutral coloration with a brownish head and an orange abdomen. It probably roosts individually or in small groups. It was listed on appendix II of CITES, and is classified as \"Data Deficient\" by the IUCN. This species has been decimated by hunting for bushmeat in Indonesia.The hunters use fishing hooks, ropes, and other supplies to hunt the bats. The ropes and hooks are placed along their flight paths, tearing and ensnaring the bats' wings when are flyin"@en . . "Gray flying fox"@en . . . . "Pteropus griseus"@nl . "12539032"^^ . "Pteropus griseus \u00E4r en d\u00E4ggdjursart som f\u00F6rst beskrevs av E. Geoffroy 1810. Pteropus griseus ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet Pteropus och familjen flyghundar. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som otillr\u00E4ckligt studerad. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan tre underarter. Denna flyghund f\u00F6rekommer p\u00E5 Sulawesi, p\u00E5 Timor och p\u00E5 mindre sydostasiatiska \u00F6ar. Habitatet utg\u00F6rs av skogar. Individerna vilar ensam eller i sm\u00E5 flockar i v\u00E4xtligheten."@sv . . . . . . . . "Gray flying fox range"@en . . "IUCN3.1"@en . "\uD68C\uC0C9\uB0A0\uC5EC\uC6B0\uBC15\uC950(Pteropus griseus)\uB294 \uD070\uBC15\uC950\uACFC\uC5D0 \uC18D\uD558\uB294 \uBC15\uC950\uC758 \uC77C\uC885\uC774\uB2E4. \uC778\uB3C4\uB124\uC2DC\uC544\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uACAC\uB418\uC9C0\uB9CC \uD544\uB9AC\uD540\uC5D0\uC11C\uB294 \uAD00\uCC30\uB418\uC9C0 \uC54A\uC74C\uC5D0\uB3C4 \uBD88\uAD6C\uD558\uACE0 \uC77C\uBD80 \uCD9C\uCC98\uC5D0\uC11C\uB294 \uD544\uB9AC\uD540\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uACAC\uB418\uB294 \uAC83\uC73C\uB85C \uAE30\uC220\uD558\uAE30\uB3C4 \uD55C\uB2E4. \uC54C\uB824\uC9C4 \uC815\uBCF4\uAC00 \uADF9\uD788 \uC801\uB2E4. \uAC1C\uBCC4\uC801\uC73C\uB85C \uB610\uB294 \uC791\uC740 \uBB34\uB9AC\uB97C \uC774\uB8E8\uC5B4 \uB465\uC9C0 \uC0DD\uD65C\uC744 \uD558\uB294 \uAC83\uC73C\uB85C \uCD94\uC815\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4. \uBA78\uC885\uC704\uAE30\uC5D0 \uCC98\uD55C \uC57C\uC0DD\uB3D9\uC2DD\uBB3C\uC885\uC758 \uAD6D\uC81C\uAC70\uB798\uC5D0 \uAD00\uD55C \uD611\uC57D(CITES) \uBD80\uC18D\uC11C II\uC5D0 \uB4F1\uC7AC\uB418\uC5C8\uACE0, \uAD6D\uC81C \uC790\uC5F0 \uBCF4\uC804 \uC5F0\uB9F9(IUCN)\uC774 \"\uC815\uBCF4\uBD80\uC871\uC885\"\uC73C\uB85C \uC9C0\uC815\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . . "Pteropus griseus \u00E4r en d\u00E4ggdjursart som f\u00F6rst beskrevs av E. Geoffroy 1810. Pteropus griseus ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet Pteropus och familjen flyghundar. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som otillr\u00E4ckligt studerad. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan tre underarter. Denna flyghund f\u00F6rekommer p\u00E5 Sulawesi, p\u00E5 Timor och p\u00E5 mindre sydostasiatiska \u00F6ar. Habitatet utg\u00F6rs av skogar. Individerna vilar ensam eller i sm\u00E5 flockar i v\u00E4xtligheten."@sv . "Gray flying fox"@en . "Pteropus griseus (\u043A\u0440\u0438\u043B\u0430\u043D \u0441\u0456\u0440\u0438\u0439) \u2014 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0440\u0443\u043A\u043E\u043A\u0440\u0438\u043B\u0438\u0445, \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 \u041A\u0440\u0438\u043B\u0430\u043D\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0445."@uk . . "Pteropus griseus is een zoogdier uit de familie van de vleerhonden (Pteropodidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door \u00C9. Geoffroy in 1810."@nl . . . . . . "Pteropus griseus"@it . . . . "\uD68C\uC0C9\uB0A0\uC5EC\uC6B0\uBC15\uC950(Pteropus griseus)\uB294 \uD070\uBC15\uC950\uACFC\uC5D0 \uC18D\uD558\uB294 \uBC15\uC950\uC758 \uC77C\uC885\uC774\uB2E4. \uC778\uB3C4\uB124\uC2DC\uC544\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uACAC\uB418\uC9C0\uB9CC \uD544\uB9AC\uD540\uC5D0\uC11C\uB294 \uAD00\uCC30\uB418\uC9C0 \uC54A\uC74C\uC5D0\uB3C4 \uBD88\uAD6C\uD558\uACE0 \uC77C\uBD80 \uCD9C\uCC98\uC5D0\uC11C\uB294 \uD544\uB9AC\uD540\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uACAC\uB418\uB294 \uAC83\uC73C\uB85C \uAE30\uC220\uD558\uAE30\uB3C4 \uD55C\uB2E4. \uC54C\uB824\uC9C4 \uC815\uBCF4\uAC00 \uADF9\uD788 \uC801\uB2E4. \uAC1C\uBCC4\uC801\uC73C\uB85C \uB610\uB294 \uC791\uC740 \uBB34\uB9AC\uB97C \uC774\uB8E8\uC5B4 \uB465\uC9C0 \uC0DD\uD65C\uC744 \uD558\uB294 \uAC83\uC73C\uB85C \uCD94\uC815\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4. \uBA78\uC885\uC704\uAE30\uC5D0 \uCC98\uD55C \uC57C\uC0DD\uB3D9\uC2DD\uBB3C\uC885\uC758 \uAD6D\uC81C\uAC70\uB798\uC5D0 \uAD00\uD55C \uD611\uC57D(CITES) \uBD80\uC18D\uC11C II\uC5D0 \uB4F1\uC7AC\uB418\uC5C8\uACE0, \uAD6D\uC81C \uC790\uC5F0 \uBCF4\uC804 \uC5F0\uB9F9(IUCN)\uC774 \"\uC815\uBCF4\uBD80\uC871\uC885\"\uC73C\uB85C \uC9C0\uC815\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . "\uD68C\uC0C9\uB0A0\uC5EC\uC6B0\uBC15\uC950"@ko . . "La guineu voladora grisa (Pteropus griseus) \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie de ratpenat de la fam\u00EDlia dels pterop\u00F2dids. Viu a Indon\u00E8sia i Timor Oriental. El seu h\u00E0bitat natural s\u00F3n els boscos costaners. Es desconeix si hi ha amenaces significatives per a la superviv\u00E8ncia d'aquesta esp\u00E8cie."@ca . . . . . . "3858"^^ . . . . . . . . "La guineu voladora grisa (Pteropus griseus) \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie de ratpenat de la fam\u00EDlia dels pterop\u00F2dids. Viu a Indon\u00E8sia i Timor Oriental. El seu h\u00E0bitat natural s\u00F3n els boscos costaners. Es desconeix si hi ha amenaces significatives per a la superviv\u00E8ncia d'aquesta esp\u00E8cie."@ca . "Pteropus griseus Pteropus generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Pteropodidae familian sailkatuta dago."@eu . . "\u00C9. Geoffroy, 1810"@en . "Pteropus griseus"@uk . . . "Pteropus griseus (\u043A\u0440\u0438\u043B\u0430\u043D \u0441\u0456\u0440\u0438\u0439) \u2014 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0440\u0443\u043A\u043E\u043A\u0440\u0438\u043B\u0438\u0445, \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 \u041A\u0440\u0438\u043B\u0430\u043D\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0445."@uk . . . "Pteropus griseus"@en . "La volpe volante grigia (Pteropus griseus Geoffroy, 1810) \u00E8 un pipistrello appartenente alla famiglia degli Pteropodidi, endemico delle Isole della Sonda orientali, di alcune isole a sud di Sulawesi e delle Isole Banda."@it . . . "Pteropus griseus es una especie de murci\u00E9lago de la familia Pteropodidae."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "VU"@en . . "1118561540"^^ . . "The gray flying fox (Pteropus griseus) is a species of flying fox in the family Pteropodidae. It is not to be confused with the grey flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). It is found in Indonesia, but not in the Philippines, despite occasional reference to such. Very little is known about this species. The gray flying fox has small size and neutral coloration with a brownish head and an orange abdomen. It probably roosts individually or in small groups. It was listed on appendix II of CITES, and is classified as \"Data Deficient\" by the IUCN. This species has been decimated by hunting for bushmeat in Indonesia.The hunters use fishing hooks, ropes, and other supplies to hunt the bats. The ropes and hooks are placed along their flight paths, tearing and ensnaring the bats' wings when are flying. In the course of a hunting season, entire colonies can be killed."@en . . "Pteropus griseus"@es . "Pteropus griseus Pteropus generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Pteropodidae familian sailkatuta dago."@eu . "La volpe volante grigia (Pteropus griseus Geoffroy, 1810) \u00E8 un pipistrello appartenente alla famiglia degli Pteropodidi, endemico delle Isole della Sonda orientali, di alcune isole a sud di Sulawesi e delle Isole Banda."@it . "Pteropus griseus"@sv . . "Pteropus griseus is een zoogdier uit de familie van de vleerhonden (Pteropodidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door \u00C9. Geoffroy in 1810."@nl . . . . . . . . "Guineu voladora grisa"@ca . . "Pteropus griseus"@eu . .