"960617207"^^ . . . . "Guillaume Brouscon est un cartographe du XVIe si\u00E8cle, un des premiers cartographes bretons du Conquet. On lui doit un manuscrit intitul\u00E9 Trait\u00E9 de navigation datant de 1543, un Manuel de pilotage \u00E0 l'usage des pilotes bretons datant de 1548, ainsi que des Almanachs pour marins."@fr . "2612"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "25043552"^^ . . . . . . . "Guillaume Brouscon (Le Conquet, XVI secolo \u2013 ...) \u00E8 stato un cartografo francese, appartenente alla scuola di Dieppe, in Bretagna. Almanacco di Brouscon raffigurante il Golfo di Biscaglia Pubblic\u00F2 i suoi almanacchi nel 1546. Questi riguardavano soprattutto informazioni sulle maree, raccolte da Brouscon stesso intervistando marinai francesi e inglesi.Gli almanacchi spiegano come calcolare il livello delle maree in base alle fasi della Luna."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Guillaume Brouscon"@it . . . "Guillaume Brouscon was a Breton cartographer of the Dieppe school in the 16th century. He was from the port of Le Conquet, near Brest, which is shown prominently in large red lettering on his 1543 map of the world. On his 1543 map of the world, the northern part of the promontory of the TERRE OSTRALE (Australe) is called terre de Lucac (the Land of Locach), and is separated from La Iave grande and Iave by the R. grande. That is, Brouscon, like Mercator, identified Fine\u2019s Regio Patalis not with Java Major but with Locach. He published his Brouscon's Almanachs in 1546, which were used for their information on tides by English, French and Breton sailors. They allowed to known the direction of tidal currents, and to calculate tide level depending on the phase of the moon."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Guillaume Brouscon"@en . "Guillaume Brouscon"@fr . . . . . . . "Guillaume Brouscon (Le Conquet, XVI secolo \u2013 ...) \u00E8 stato un cartografo francese, appartenente alla scuola di Dieppe, in Bretagna. Almanacco di Brouscon raffigurante il Golfo di Biscaglia Pubblic\u00F2 i suoi almanacchi nel 1546. Questi riguardavano soprattutto informazioni sulle maree, raccolte da Brouscon stesso intervistando marinai francesi e inglesi.Gli almanacchi spiegano come calcolare il livello delle maree in base alle fasi della Luna."@it . . . . "Guillaume Brouscon was a Breton cartographer of the Dieppe school in the 16th century. He was from the port of Le Conquet, near Brest, which is shown prominently in large red lettering on his 1543 map of the world. On his 1543 map of the world, the northern part of the promontory of the TERRE OSTRALE (Australe) is called terre de Lucac (the Land of Locach), and is separated from La Iave grande and Iave by the R. grande. That is, Brouscon, like Mercator, identified Fine\u2019s Regio Patalis not with Java Major but with Locach."@en . . . . . . "Guillaume Brouscon est un cartographe du XVIe si\u00E8cle, un des premiers cartographes bretons du Conquet. On lui doit un manuscrit intitul\u00E9 Trait\u00E9 de navigation datant de 1543, un Manuel de pilotage \u00E0 l'usage des pilotes bretons datant de 1548, ainsi que des Almanachs pour marins."@fr .