. . . "Heoroweard \u00E8 un personaggio che appare nel Beowulf e che compare anche in alcune leggende norrene, dove \u00E8 chiamato Hj\u00F6rvar\u00F0r o Hiartuar. Se fosse esistito, il suo nome nella lingua del tempo (il proto-norreno) sarebbe stato *Heruwarduz[1]. Nelle fonti norrene, Heoroweard si ribell\u00F2 contro Hro\u00F0ulf/Hr\u00F3lfr Kraki e lo uccise, ma per il resto le fonti variano molto l'una dall'altra. Nella parafrasi del nelle Gesta Danorum di Saxo Grammaticus, il suo esercito consisteva di Sueoni per una linea e di Geati per un'altra. Questa informazione non compare in nessun altro racconto. Diverse fonti sostengono che fosse sposato con Skuld, che secondo il riassunto di Arngr\u00EDmur della perduta Saga degli Skj\u00F6ldungar era la figlia di re A\u00F0ils di Svezia (chiamato Eadgils nel Beowulf). Tuttavia, secondo il Chronicon Lethrense e la Hr\u00F3lfs saga kraka ok kappa hans, lei era figlia di Helgi (Halga), mentre Saxo \u00E8 vago sull'identit\u00E0 del padre di Skuld. La Hr\u00F3lfs saga kraka ok kappa hans non dice da dove venisse, ma secondo Arngr\u00EDmur J\u00F3nsson Heoroweard era re di \u00D6land e, secondo Saxo, divenne jarl di Hr\u00F3lfr Kraki in Svezia, mentre per il Chronicon Lethrense era tedesco e jarl di Scania. Nel Beowulf egli \u00E8 figlio di Heorogar, il fratello maggiore di Hro\u00F0gar (Hr\u00F3ar) e Halga (Helgi); di conseguenza aveva pi\u00F9 diritti di Hr\u00F3lfr Kraki (Hro\u00F0ulf) di ascendere al trono di Danimarca, e infatti fu proprio lui ad ucciderlo secondo altre fonti. Nel Beowulf \u00E8 citato solo una volta, ai versi 2160-2161. Beowulf, nel dare al suo signore Hygelac l'armatura di Heorogar (che Hro\u00F0gar gli aveva dato come ricompensa), ripet\u00E9 ci\u00F2 che Hro\u00F0gar aveva detto a lui: \"Giammai Heorogar l'avrebbe data a suo figlio, il valente Heoroweard, sebben fosse sincero con lui...\". Heoroweard non sopravvisse a lungo dopo la morte di Hr\u00F3lfr. Secondo il riassunto di Arngr\u00EDmur J\u00F3nsson della Saga degli Skj\u00F6ldungar, la Hr\u00F3lfs saga kraka ok kappa hans e il Chronicon Lethrense fu ucciso poco dopo. Secondo la Hr\u00F3lfs saga kraka ok kappa hans fu ucciso durante la battaglia, e secondo le altre fonti divenne re ma fu ucciso lo stesso giorno."@it . . . "5271"^^ . . . . . . "Heoroweard"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Heoroweard"@it . . . . "Heoroweard \u00E8 un personaggio che appare nel Beowulf e che compare anche in alcune leggende norrene, dove \u00E8 chiamato Hj\u00F6rvar\u00F0r o Hiartuar. Se fosse esistito, il suo nome nella lingua del tempo (il proto-norreno) sarebbe stato *Heruwarduz[1]. Nelle fonti norrene, Heoroweard si ribell\u00F2 contro Hro\u00F0ulf/Hr\u00F3lfr Kraki e lo uccise, ma per il resto le fonti variano molto l'una dall'altra. Nella parafrasi del nelle Gesta Danorum di Saxo Grammaticus, il suo esercito consisteva di Sueoni per una linea e di Geati per un'altra. Questa informazione non compare in nessun altro racconto."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Heoroweard is a character who appears in Beowulf and also in Norse legends, where he is named Hj\u00F6rvar\u00F0r or Hiartuar. If he existed in real life, his name would have been Proto-Norse *Heruwarduz[1]. In the Norse sources, Hereoweard rebelled against Hro\u00F0ulf/Hr\u00F3lf Kraki and killed him, but otherwise the sources vary greatly. This is an account of the differences: In the paraphrase of Bjarkam\u00E1l in the Gesta Danorum of Saxo Grammaticus, his army consisted of Swedes in one line and of Geats in another line. This information does not appear in any other sources. Several sources mention that he was married to Skuld, who according to Angrim's summary of the lost Skj\u00F6ldunga saga was the daughter of A\u00F0ils the Swedish king (called Eadgils in Beowulf). However, according to the Chronicon Lethrense and Hr\u00F3lf Kraki's saga, she was the daughter of Helgi (Halga), whereas Saxo is vague whether it was Adils or Helgi who was her father. Hr\u00F3lf Kraki's saga does not mention where he came from, but according to Arngr\u00EDmur J\u00F3nsson, Heoroweard was the king of \u00D6land and according to Saxo, he became Hr\u00F3lf's jarl in Sweden, whereas in the Chronicon Lethrense, he was German and the jarl of Sk\u00E5ne. In Beowulf, he is the son of Heorogar, the elder brother of Halga (Helgi) and Hro\u00F0gar (Hr\u00F3ar). (Consequently, he had greater right to the Danish throne than Hr\u00F3lf Kraki (Hro\u00F0ulf), and it is not surprising that he was the one who slew Hr\u00F3lf.) He is mentioned only once, at lines 2160-2161. Beowulf, in the act of giving to his lord Hygelac the armor of Heorogar (which Hrothgar had given to Beowulf as a reward), repeats what Hrothgar told him: \"No sooner would Heorogar give it to his son, valiant Heoroweard, though he was true to him...\" He did not survive long after Hr\u00F3lfs death. According to Arngr\u00EDmur J\u00F3nsson's epitome of Skj\u00F6ldunga saga, Hr\u00F3lf Kraki's saga and the Chronicon Lethrense, he was killed shortly after. According to Hr\u00F3lf Kraki's saga, he was killed during the battle, and according to the other sources, he became king but was killed the same day."@en . . "Hjartvar, tambi\u00E9n Heoroweard o Hiartuar (n\u00F3rdico antiguo: Hj\u00F6rvar\u00F0r) es un personaje protohist\u00F3rico que aparece en el poema \u00E9pico Beowulf y otros textos de leyendas n\u00F3rdicas, fue un caudillo vikingo en la Era de Vendel (siglo VI) que lleg\u00F3 a ser rey por un d\u00EDa.\u200B"@es . . "Hjartvar, tambi\u00E9n Heoroweard o Hiartuar (n\u00F3rdico antiguo: Hj\u00F6rvar\u00F0r) es un personaje protohist\u00F3rico que aparece en el poema \u00E9pico Beowulf y otros textos de leyendas n\u00F3rdicas, fue un caudillo vikingo en la Era de Vendel (siglo VI) que lleg\u00F3 a ser rey por un d\u00EDa.\u200B"@es . . "Heoroweard is a character who appears in Beowulf and also in Norse legends, where he is named Hj\u00F6rvar\u00F0r or Hiartuar. If he existed in real life, his name would have been Proto-Norse *Heruwarduz[1]. In the Norse sources, Hereoweard rebelled against Hro\u00F0ulf/Hr\u00F3lf Kraki and killed him, but otherwise the sources vary greatly. This is an account of the differences: In the paraphrase of Bjarkam\u00E1l in the Gesta Danorum of Saxo Grammaticus, his army consisted of Swedes in one line and of Geats in another line. This information does not appear in any other sources."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hjartvar"@es . . . . . . "1269725"^^ . . . . . . . "1082441998"^^ . . . .