. . . . . . . . . . . . . "Il matrimonio ind\u00F9 si chiama Vivaha (in lingua sanscrita \u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0939) e la cerimonia nuziale vivaah sanskar nell'India del nord e kalyanam (generalmente) nel sud dell'India. Gli induisti attribuiscono molta importanza al matrimonio. Le cerimonie sono molto colorate e le celebrazioni possono durare anche diversi giorni. Le case dello sposo e della sposa - ingresso, porte, pareti, pavimenti, tetto - sono talvolta decorate con palloncini colorati e altre decorazioni. I rituali e lo svolgimento di un matrimonio ind\u00F9 possono variare notevolmente. Tuttavia, ci sono alcuni riti fondamentali comuni - Kanyadaan, Panigrahana e Saptapadi, che sono rispettivamente, addio alla figlia da parte del padre, tenere volontariamente la mano vicino al fuoco a significare l'unione e fare sette giri e ad ognuno di essi una promessa vicendevole prima di raggiungere il fuoco. La cerimonia del matrimonio ind\u00F9, nel suo nucleo, \u00E8 essenzialmente un rituale yaj\u00F1a vedica. Il testimone principale di un matrimonio ind\u00F9 \u00E8 il dio fuoco (o il fuoco sacro) Agni, alla presenza di familiari e amici. La cerimonia \u00E8 tradizionalmente del tutto, o almeno in parte, in sanscrito considerato dagli ind\u00F9 come la lingua delle cerimonie sacre. Viene comunque normalmente usata anche la lingua locale della sposa e dello sposo. Questi rituali sono prescritti nel Gruhya sutra composto da vari Rishi: come Baudh\u0101yana e Ashvalayana. I rituali e le celebrazioni pre-matrimonio e post-matrimonio variano da regione a regione, secondo le preferenze o le risorse dello sposo, della sposa e delle loro famiglie. Essi possono durare da uno a pi\u00F9 giorni. Le cerimonie pre-matrimonio includono il fidanzamento (vagdana o fidanzamento e lagna-Patra o dichiarazione scritta), e l'arrivo del seguito dello sposo alla residenza della sposa, spesso sotto forma di corteo con danze e musica. Le cerimonie di post-matrimonio possono includere Abhishek, Anna Prashashan, Aashirvadah e Grihapravesa, l'accoglienza della sposa nella sua nuova casa. Il matrimonio segna l'inizio della fase Grihastha (padrone di casa) nella vita della nuova coppia. In India, per legge e tradizione, nessun matrimonio ind\u00F9 \u00E8 vincolante se non completato dal rituale dei sette giri e dai voti in presenza del fuoco (Saptapadi) con la sposa e lo sposo insieme. Questa prescrizione comunque \u00E8 molto discussa. Un matrimonio ind\u00F9 \u00E8 regionalmente chiamato Thirumanam o kalyaanam(lingua tamil:\u0BA4\u0BBF\u0BB0\u0BC1\u0BAE\u0BA3\u0BAE\u0BCD-\u0B95\u0BB2\u0BCD\u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BA3\u0BAE\u0BCD), Vivaham o kalyaanam(lingua malayalam:\u0D35\u0D3F\u0D35\u0D3E\u0D39\u0D02 - \u0D15\u0D32\u0D4D\u0D2F\u0D3E\u0D23\u0D02), vivaha (lingua hindi: \u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0939), (lingua bengali : \u09AC\u09BF\u09AC\u09BE\u09B9), (lingua kannada: \u0CAE\u0CA6\u0CC1\u0CB5\u0CC6 (Maduve)), (lingua telugu: \u0C2A\u0C46\u0C33\u0C4D\u0C32\u0C3F (pelli), \u0C2E\u0C28\u0C41\u0C35\u0C41 (manuvu), \u0C35\u0C3F\u0C35\u0C3E\u0C39\u0C02 (vivaaham), \u0C15\u0C33\u0C4D\u0C2F\u0C3E\u0C23\u0C02 (kalyaanam))."@it . . . . . . . "A Hindu wedding, also known as Vivaha (Sanskrit: \u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0939; or Vivaaha), Lagna (\u0932\u0917\u094D\u0928), or Kalyanam (\u0915\u0932\u094D\u092F\u093E\u0923\u092E\u094D; Tamil: \u0B95\u0BB2\u0BCD\u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BA3\u0BAE\u0BCD), is the traditional wedding ceremony for Hindus. The wedding ceremonies are very colourful, and celebrations may extend for several days. The bride's and groom's home\u2014entrance, doors, wall, floor, roof\u2014are sometimes decorated with colors, flowers, and other decorations. The word viv\u0101ha originated as a sacred union of people as per Vedic traditions, i.e. what many call marriage, but based on cosmic laws and advanced ancient practices. Under Vedic Hindu traditions, marriage is viewed as one of the sa\u1E41sk\u0101ras, which are lifelong commitments of one wife and one husband. In India, marriage has been looked upon as having been designed by the cosmos and considered as a \"sacred oneness witnessed by fire itself.\" Hindu families have traditionally been patrilocal. The Arya Samaj movement popularized the term Vedic wedding among the Hindu expatriates during the colonial era. The roots of this tradition are found in hymn 10.85 of the Rigveda, which is also called the \"Rigvedic wedding hymn\". The rituals and processes of a Hindu wedding vary widely, by region and community. Nevertheless, the Hindu wedding ceremony at its core is essentially a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi\u2014which are respectively, giving away of his daughter by the father, voluntarily holding hands near the fire to signify union, and taking seven 'steps before fire'. (Each 'step' is a complete circuit of the fire.) At each step, promises are made by (in the long-form\u2014see below) each to the other. The primary witness of a Hindu marriage is the fire-deity (or the Sacred Fire) Agni, in the presence of family and friends. The ceremony is traditionally conducted entirely or at least partially in Sanskrit, considered by Hindus as the language of holy ceremonies. The local language of the bride and groom may also be used. The rituals are prescribed in the Gruhya sutra composed by various rishis such as Baudhayana and Ashvalayana. The pre-wedding and post-wedding rituals and celebrations vary by region, preference and the resources of the groom, bride and their families. They can range from one day to multi-day events. Pre-wedding ceremonies include engagement, which involves vagdana (betrothal) and Lagna-patra (written declaration), and the arrival of the groom's party at the bride's residence, often as a formal procession with dancing and music. The post-wedding ceremonies may include Abhishek, Anna Prashashan, Aashirvadah, and Grihapravesa \u2013 the welcoming of the bride to her new home. The wedding marks the start of the Grihastha (householder) stage of life for the new couple. In India, by law and tradition, no Hindu marriage is binding or complete unless the ritual of seven steps and vows in presence of fire (Saptapadi) is completed by the bride and the groom together. This requirement is under debate, given that several Hindu communities (such as the Nairs of Kerala or Bunts of Tulu Nadu) do not observe these rites."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Una boda hind\u00FA, boda hinduista, tambi\u00E9n conocida como vivaha (s\u00E1nscrito: \u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0939; o vivaaha),\u200B lagna (\u0932\u0917\u094D\u0928) o kalyanam (\u0915\u0932\u094D\u092F\u093E\u0923\u092E\u094D), es la ceremonia tradicional de la boda para los hind\u00FAes. Las ceremonias de la boda son muy coloridas, y las celebraciones pueden extenderse durante varios d\u00EDas. Las entradas a las casas del novio y de la novia, puertas, paredes, pisos o tejados pueden estar decorados con colores, flores y otros ornamentos.\u200B"@es . . . . "28"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "2235585"^^ . "1119022427"^^ . . "Het huwelijk (viv\u0101ha, de bruid wegleiden uit het ouderlijk huis) is in het hindoe\u00EFsme een van de velen samsk\u0101ra's, religieuze riten, die voltrokken wordt in het leven van een hindoe. Door het ritueel wordt iemand geholpen om tot een nieuwe levensfase te komen. Het huwelijk is het begin van de tweede levensfase in het leven, die van gezinshoofd of ."@nl . . . "Boda hind\u00FA"@es . . . . . "November 2018"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Una boda hind\u00FA, boda hinduista, tambi\u00E9n conocida como vivaha (s\u00E1nscrito: \u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0939; o vivaaha),\u200B lagna (\u0932\u0917\u094D\u0928) o kalyanam (\u0915\u0932\u094D\u092F\u093E\u0923\u092E\u094D), es la ceremonia tradicional de la boda para los hind\u00FAes. Las ceremonias de la boda son muy coloridas, y las celebraciones pueden extenderse durante varios d\u00EDas. Las entradas a las casas del novio y de la novia, puertas, paredes, pisos o tejados pueden estar decorados con colores, flores y otros ornamentos.\u200B La palabra viv\u0101ha se origin\u00F3 como una uni\u00F3n sagrada de personas seg\u00FAn las tradiciones v\u00E9dicas, es decir, lo que suele llamarse matrimonio, pero basado en leyes c\u00F3smicas y pr\u00E1cticas antiguas.\u200B Seg\u00FAn las tradiciones hind\u00FAes v\u00E9dicas, el matrimonio es visto como uno de los sa\u1E41sk\u0101ras, que son compromisos de por vida de una esposa y un esposo.\u200B En la India, se ha considerado que el matrimonio fue dise\u00F1ado por el cosmos y considerado como una unidad sagrada atestiguada por el fuego. As\u00ED, la ceremonia del matrimonio se realiza en un templo o sal\u00F3n especial alrededor del fuego sagrado homa.\u200B Las familias hind\u00FAes han sido tradicionalmente patrilocales."@es . . . . . . . . . . . "73906"^^ . . . "Il matrimonio ind\u00F9 si chiama Vivaha (in lingua sanscrita \u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0939) e la cerimonia nuziale vivaah sanskar nell'India del nord e kalyanam (generalmente) nel sud dell'India. Gli induisti attribuiscono molta importanza al matrimonio. Le cerimonie sono molto colorate e le celebrazioni possono durare anche diversi giorni. Le case dello sposo e della sposa - ingresso, porte, pareti, pavimenti, tetto - sono talvolta decorate con palloncini colorati e altre decorazioni."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Matrimonio ind\u00F9"@it . . . . . . "Hindoehuwelijk"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Het huwelijk (viv\u0101ha, de bruid wegleiden uit het ouderlijk huis) is in het hindoe\u00EFsme een van de velen samsk\u0101ra's, religieuze riten, die voltrokken wordt in het leven van een hindoe. Door het ritueel wordt iemand geholpen om tot een nieuwe levensfase te komen. Het huwelijk is het begin van de tweede levensfase in het leven, die van gezinshoofd of . De ceremonie van het huwelijk wordt deels voltrokken in het Sanskriet; de heilige taal van het Hindoe\u00EFsme. De exacte gebruiken en tradities van het huwelijk verschillen per regio, varna/klasse en familie. Hindoes hechten doorgaans veel waarde aan het huwelijk; het gaat dan ook gepaard met uitgebreide ceremoni\u00EBn en feesten die meerdere dagen aanhouden. Hoewel het hedendaagse Hindoe\u00EFsme grotendeels gebaseerd is op de Puja-vorm van bidden, is een hindoehuwelijk in de kern nog meestal een yajna-ceremonie."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Hindu wedding, also known as Vivaha (Sanskrit: \u0935\u093F\u0935\u093E\u0939; or Vivaaha), Lagna (\u0932\u0917\u094D\u0928), or Kalyanam (\u0915\u0932\u094D\u092F\u093E\u0923\u092E\u094D; Tamil: \u0B95\u0BB2\u0BCD\u0BAF\u0BBE\u0BA3\u0BAE\u0BCD), is the traditional wedding ceremony for Hindus. The wedding ceremonies are very colourful, and celebrations may extend for several days. The bride's and groom's home\u2014entrance, doors, wall, floor, roof\u2014are sometimes decorated with colors, flowers, and other decorations."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Hindu wedding"@en . . . .