. . . "1903-11-19"^^ . "El Hispania Athletic Club fue un club polideportivo espa\u00F1ol, de la ciudad de Barcelona, que existi\u00F3 de 1900 a 1903. Contaba con secciones de tenis, atletismo y f\u00FAtbol. Pese a su corta existencia es recordado en el f\u00FAtbol espa\u00F1ol por ser el primer club en organizar, y conquistar, un campeonato en el pa\u00EDs, el Torneo del Hispania Athletic Club\u2013Copa Alfonso Macaya, posteriormente reconocido como antecedente del Campeonato de Catalu\u00F1a."@es . . "1903-11-19"^^ . . "Hispania AC"@en . . "15551"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "FFFFFF"@en . "Team Rojo"@en . . . . . . "L'Hisp\u00E0nia Athletic Club fou un club catal\u00E0 de futbol nascut a la ciutat de Barcelona el darrer any del segle xix. Fou el primer guanyador de la primera competici\u00F3 futbol\u00EDstica organitzada a l'Estat espanyol per\u00F2 desapareix\u00E9 tres anys despr\u00E9s."@ca . . . "Hispania Athletic Club"@en . . "Team Rojo"@en . . . "0"^^ . "Hisp\u00E0nia FC"@nl . "The Hisp\u00E0nia Athletic Club was a football team based in Barcelona, Spain, which existed during the years 1900 and 1903. It was one of the first football clubs in the city and in 1901, Hispania was the fundamental head behind the organization of the inaugural edition of the Copa Macaya, which was the first football competition played in the Iberian Peninsula, and they won the tournament after beating FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol for the title, thus becoming the very first Spanish club to win an official title. The Copa Macaya was later recognized as the first edition of the Catalan championship, hence they were the first Catalan champion in history."@en . . . . . "1122503024"^^ . "200"^^ . . . "Hispania Athletic Club"@en . . . . . . . . . "L'Hisp\u00E0nia Athletic Club fou un club catal\u00E0 de futbol nascut a la ciutat de Barcelona el darrer any del segle xix. Fou el primer guanyador de la primera competici\u00F3 futbol\u00EDstica organitzada a l'Estat espanyol per\u00F2 desapareix\u00E9 tres anys despr\u00E9s."@ca . "_old"@en . . . "Muntaner"@en . . . . . "April 1900"@en . "Hispania Athletic Club"@en . . . "El Hispania Athletic Club fue un club polideportivo espa\u00F1ol, de la ciudad de Barcelona, que existi\u00F3 de 1900 a 1903. Contaba con secciones de tenis, atletismo y f\u00FAtbol. Pese a su corta existencia es recordado en el f\u00FAtbol espa\u00F1ol por ser el primer club en organizar, y conquistar, un campeonato en el pa\u00EDs, el Torneo del Hispania Athletic Club\u2013Copa Alfonso Macaya, posteriormente reconocido como antecedente del Campeonato de Catalu\u00F1a."@es . . . "E00000"@en . . . . "Hisp\u00E0nia Football Club, ook Hisp\u00E0nia Athletic Club genoemd, is een voormalige Spaanse voetbalclub uit de Catalaanse stad Barcelona. De club speelde in het stadion Muntaner, het latere stadion van FC Barcelona."@nl . . "71394121"^^ . . . . . . . . "E00000"@en . "Hispania Athletic Club"@en . "_socks"@en . . "Hisp\u00E0nia Athletic Club"@ca . . . . "E00000"@en . "Hispania Athletic Club"@es . . . "The Hisp\u00E0nia Athletic Club was a football team based in Barcelona, Spain, which existed during the years 1900 and 1903. It was one of the first football clubs in the city and in 1901, Hispania was the fundamental head behind the organization of the inaugural edition of the Copa Macaya, which was the first football competition played in the Iberian Peninsula, and they won the tournament after beating FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol for the title, thus becoming the very first Spanish club to win an official title. The Copa Macaya was later recognized as the first edition of the Catalan championship, hence they were the first Catalan champion in history."@en . . . "Hisp\u00E0nia Football Club, ook Hisp\u00E0nia Athletic Club genoemd, is een voormalige Spaanse voetbalclub uit de Catalaanse stad Barcelona. De club speelde in het stadion Muntaner, het latere stadion van FC Barcelona."@nl . . .