"Come diventare ricchi sfondati nell'Asia emergente"@it . . . "Com fer-se fastigosament ric a l'\u00C0sia emergent (originalment i en angl\u00E8s How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia) \u00E9s la tercera novel\u00B7la de Mohsin Hamid, un escriptor pakistan\u00E8s. La novel\u00B7la utilitza una perspectiva de la segona persona del singular, en refer\u00E8ncia al protagonista nom\u00E9s com a tu. La hist\u00F2ria t\u00E9 lloc en un pa\u00EDs sense nom que s'assembla al pa\u00EDs d'origen Hamid, el Pakistan. S'hi detallen els inicis de la vida del protagonista com un nen pobre, i com la recerca de la riquesa el trasllada a la gran ciutat, on funda un negoci d'aigua embotellada."@ca . "Com fer-se fastigosament ric a l'\u00C0sia emergent"@ca . "1117078720"^^ . . . "How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia is Mohsin Hamid's third novel, published in 2013 by Hamish Hamilton in the United Kingdom and Riverhead Books in the United States. The novel uses a second-person perspective, referring to the protagonist only as \"you.\" The story takes place in an unnamed country that resembles Hamid's home country of Pakistan. It details the protagonist's beginnings as a poor boy, and quest for wealth and love as he moves to the city and enters the bottled water business."@en . . . . . . . . "How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia"@en . . "978-1-59448-729-3" . . "Come diventare ricchi sfondati nell'Asia emergente (How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia) \u00E8 un romanzo di Mohsin Hamid del 2013, scritto in forma di manuale d'autoaiuto dal tono drammaticamente ironico."@it . . . . . . . . . . "Hamish Hamilton(UK)" . "Riverhead Books(US)" . . . "Come diventare ricchi sfondati nell'Asia emergente (How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia) \u00E8 un romanzo di Mohsin Hamid del 2013, scritto in forma di manuale d'autoaiuto dal tono drammaticamente ironico."@it . "978"^^ . . . . "6577"^^ . "How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia is Mohsin Hamid's third novel, published in 2013 by Hamish Hamilton in the United Kingdom and Riverhead Books in the United States. The novel uses a second-person perspective, referring to the protagonist only as \"you.\" The story takes place in an unnamed country that resembles Hamid's home country of Pakistan. It details the protagonist's beginnings as a poor boy, and quest for wealth and love as he moves to the city and enters the bottled water business."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "41584883"^^ . . . . "2013"^^ . . . . . . . . "How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia"@en . . . . . . . "Com fer-se fastigosament ric a l'\u00C0sia emergent (originalment i en angl\u00E8s How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia) \u00E9s la tercera novel\u00B7la de Mohsin Hamid, un escriptor pakistan\u00E8s. La novel\u00B7la utilitza una perspectiva de la segona persona del singular, en refer\u00E8ncia al protagonista nom\u00E9s com a tu. La hist\u00F2ria t\u00E9 lloc en un pa\u00EDs sense nom que s'assembla al pa\u00EDs d'origen Hamid, el Pakistan. S'hi detallen els inicis de la vida del protagonista com un nen pobre, i com la recerca de la riquesa el trasllada a la gran ciutat, on funda un negoci d'aigua embotellada."@ca . . "Mohsin Hamid"@en . . . . . "First edition"@en . "How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia"@en . . . .