. "1085525061"^^ . "Hoy por hoy es un noticiero radiof\u00F3nico de Espa\u00F1a, que se transmite desde el lunes 22 de septiembre de 1986 en la Cadena SER. Con 36 a\u00F1os en antena ha sido l\u00EDder de la radio matinal en numerosas ocasiones. En 2002, el noticiero se expande internacionalmente, empez\u00E1ndose a transmitir en varios pa\u00EDses latinoamericanos, como Colombia y M\u00E9xico, y tambi\u00E9n a los Estados Unidos, empezando a transmitirse en agosto de ese a\u00F1o."@es . "Hoy por hoy es un noticiero radiof\u00F3nico de Espa\u00F1a, que se transmite desde el lunes 22 de septiembre de 1986 en la Cadena SER. Con 36 a\u00F1os en antena ha sido l\u00EDder de la radio matinal en numerosas ocasiones. En 2002, el noticiero se expande internacionalmente, empez\u00E1ndose a transmitir en varios pa\u00EDses latinoamericanos, como Colombia y M\u00E9xico, y tambi\u00E9n a los Estados Unidos, empezando a transmitirse en agosto de ese a\u00F1o."@es . . . "Hoy por hoy \u00E9s un informatiu radiof\u00F2nic espanyol, que es transmet des del dilluns 22 de setembre de 1986 a la Cadena SER. Amb m\u00E9s de trenta anys de transmissions a l'aire, ha aconseguit situar-se l\u00EDder de la r\u00E0dio matinal en nombroses ocasions. El 2002 el programa es va expandir internacionalment i es va comen\u00E7ar a transmetre a diversos pa\u00EFsos llatinoamericans, com Col\u00F2mbia i M\u00E8xic, i tamb\u00E9 als Estats Units."@ca . . . "Hoy por hoy is a Spanish radio program, produced by the news department of the Cadena SER. It is the most listened-to radio program in Spain with an average of about three and a half million listeners a day and is considered the most listened-to program in Spanish radio history. Directed and presented by the journalist \u00C0ngels Barcel\u00F3, the program is broadcast from Monday to Friday, from 5:59 am to 12:19 pm, with the later 101 minutes (until 2 pm) dedicated to local opt-out broadcast from local studios. The program, on news and current affairs, spends the first 4 hours reviewing Spanish and international general information, especially political matters. It features live interviews with the most relevant figures of the day, including the main political leaders and leaders of government. The last two hours and nineteen minutes of the program are more relaxed with sections on different themes, and humour. Hoy por Hoy began broadcasting on 22 September 1986, directed and presented by I\u00F1aki Gabilondo who stayed until 2005. During its first years on the air it was rivalled by , which was then the leading morning program on Spanish radio. In the mid-1990s Hoy por hoy gained the highest listenership figures of more than three million a day. Today it is the most listened-to radio program in Spain. On 30 August 2005 Gabilondo left the program to take charge of the evening news program of the new television network Cuatro, belonging to the same media group as Cadena SER, the Grupo Prisa. Cadena SER replaced Gabilondo with Carles Francino, who presented and directed Hoy por hoy from 19 September 2005 to June 2012."@en . . . . . . "Hoy por hoy"@ca . . . . . . "4708725"^^ . . . "Hoy por hoy"@es . . . . . . "Hoy por hoy \u00E9s un informatiu radiof\u00F2nic espanyol, que es transmet des del dilluns 22 de setembre de 1986 a la Cadena SER. Amb m\u00E9s de trenta anys de transmissions a l'aire, ha aconseguit situar-se l\u00EDder de la r\u00E0dio matinal en nombroses ocasions. El 2002 el programa es va expandir internacionalment i es va comen\u00E7ar a transmetre a diversos pa\u00EFsos llatinoamericans, com Col\u00F2mbia i M\u00E8xic, i tamb\u00E9 als Estats Units. \u00C9s, amb una mitjana de tres milions d'o\u00EFdors, el programa l\u00EDder de la r\u00E0dio a Espanya. Dirigit i presentat per les periodistes Gemma Nierga i Pepa Bueno, s'emet di\u00E0riament de dilluns a divendres de les 6:00h a les 12:20h. El programa, de marcat car\u00E0cter informatiu, dedica les primeres hores del programa a repassar l'actualitat espanyola i internacional de tots els \u00E0mbits, especialment en el terreny pol\u00EDtic. Destaca per l'emissi\u00F3 en directe d'entrevistes amb els personatges m\u00E9s destacats del dia, incloent-hi els principals l\u00EDders pol\u00EDtics i caps de govern. Aquest tram, entre les 6:00h i les 10:00h hores \u00E9s presentat per Pepa Bueno. Des de les 10:00h i fins a les 12:20h hores el programa adquireix un to m\u00E9s informal donant entrada a diverses seccions de tem\u00E0tica variada, en les quals tamb\u00E9 t\u00E9 cabuda l'humor. Aquest tram \u00E9s presentat per Gemma Nierga."@ca . "Hoy por hoy"@en . . . . . . . "Hoy por hoy is a Spanish radio program, produced by the news department of the Cadena SER. It is the most listened-to radio program in Spain with an average of about three and a half million listeners a day and is considered the most listened-to program in Spanish radio history. Directed and presented by the journalist \u00C0ngels Barcel\u00F3, the program is broadcast from Monday to Friday, from 5:59 am to 12:19 pm, with the later 101 minutes (until 2 pm) dedicated to local opt-out broadcast from local studios. The program, on news and current affairs, spends the first 4 hours reviewing Spanish and international general information, especially political matters. It features live interviews with the most relevant figures of the day, including the main political leaders and leaders of government. The"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "2560"^^ . .