"Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "7703414"^^ . . . . . . . . "Satellite photo of a hurricane approaching Newfoundland"@en . . . "2000-10-20"^^ . . . "--10-19"^^ . "hurricane"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2000"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "18188"^^ . . . . . . . . "2000"^^ . . . . . . "None reported"@en . . . . . "Hurricane Michael of the 2000 Atlantic hurricane season caused widespread, but relatively minor damage in Atlantic Canada. The seventeenth tropical cyclone, thirteenth named storm, and eighth hurricane of the season, Michael developed from a non-tropical system to the southwest of Bermuda on October 15. The system was initially subtropical, but rapidly acquired tropical characteristics by October 17. Michael quickly strengthened into a hurricane later that day. By October 20, Michael peaked as a Category 2 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale at a relatively high latitude of 44\u00B0N. The storm weakened slightly to a Category 1 hurricane and became extratropical shortly before making landfall in Newfoundland on October 20. As the intensity of Michael was equivalent to a Category 1 hurricane during landfall, high winds were reported throughout Atlantic Canada, especially in Newfoundland. Winds from the storm peaked at 172 km/h (107 mph) in St. Lawrence, Newfoundland; other locations across the island reported winds of 128 to 150 km/h (80 to 93 mph). High winds caused minor structure damage across Newfoundland, confined to vinyl siding peeled off, shattered windows, and unroofed houses. In addition, sporadic power outages were also reported from Corner Brook to St. John's. Michael also dropped rainfall across Atlantic Canada and in Maine. The rainfall was generally light, with much of the region reporting between 25 to 51 mm (0.98 to 2.01 in) of precipitation. Michael also produced high tides, accompanied by waves reported as high as 16.9 m (55 ft) by a buoy well offshore of Newfoundland."@en . . . "Hurik\u00E1n Michael byl 17. bou\u0159e, 13. pojmenovan\u00E1 bou\u0159e a 8. hurik\u00E1n atlantick\u00E9 hurik\u00E1nov\u00E9 sez\u00F3ny 2000."@cs . . . "--10-18"^^ . . . "Hurricane Michael (2000)"@en . . . . . . "Hurricane Michael of the 2000 Atlantic hurricane season caused widespread, but relatively minor damage in Atlantic Canada. The seventeenth tropical cyclone, thirteenth named storm, and eighth hurricane of the season, Michael developed from a non-tropical system to the southwest of Bermuda on October 15. The system was initially subtropical, but rapidly acquired tropical characteristics by October 17. Michael quickly strengthened into a hurricane later that day. By October 20, Michael peaked as a Category 2 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale at a relatively high latitude of 44\u00B0N. The storm weakened slightly to a Category 1 hurricane and became extratropical shortly before making landfall in Newfoundland on October 20."@en . . . . . "965"^^ . . . . . . . "1120604464"^^ . . . "Ouragan Michael (2000)"@fr . "Atl"@en . . . . . "85"^^ . . "Hurricane Michael"@en . . . . "Hurik\u00E1n Michael (2000)"@cs . "Hurik\u00E1n Michael byl 17. bou\u0159e, 13. pojmenovan\u00E1 bou\u0159e a 8. hurik\u00E1n atlantick\u00E9 hurik\u00E1nov\u00E9 sez\u00F3ny 2000."@cs . . . . . "L\u2019ouragan Michael fut le dix-septi\u00E8me syst\u00E8me tropical, le treizi\u00E8me \u00E0 recevoir un nom et le huiti\u00E8me ouragan de la saison cyclonique 2000 dans l'oc\u00E9an Atlantique nord. Il se d\u00E9veloppa en tant que d\u00E9pression subtropicale le 15 octobre au sud-ouest des Bermudes et atteignit la cat\u00E9gorie 2 de l'\u00E9chelle de Saffir-Simpson le 19 octobre alors qu'il \u00E9tait en mer \u00E0 une latitude relativement peu commune, soit 44\u00B0N."@fr . . . "2000-10-15"^^ . . . . . . . . "L\u2019ouragan Michael fut le dix-septi\u00E8me syst\u00E8me tropical, le treizi\u00E8me \u00E0 recevoir un nom et le huiti\u00E8me ouragan de la saison cyclonique 2000 dans l'oc\u00E9an Atlantique nord. Il se d\u00E9veloppa en tant que d\u00E9pression subtropicale le 15 octobre au sud-ouest des Bermudes et atteignit la cat\u00E9gorie 2 de l'\u00E9chelle de Saffir-Simpson le 19 octobre alors qu'il \u00E9tait en mer \u00E0 une latitude relativement peu commune, soit 44\u00B0N. Michael frappa Terre-Neuve le 20 octobre, une fois qu'il se fut transform\u00E9 en cyclone extratropical. Il traversa celle-ci en son centre avant d'\u00EAtre absorb\u00E9 dans la circulation d'altitude. Les vents not\u00E9s \u00E0 diverses stations atteignirent jusqu'\u00E0 172 km/h \u00E0 St. Lawrence. Ces vents caus\u00E8rent des d\u00E9g\u00E2ts mineurs aux arbres, maisons et au r\u00E9seau de distribution \u00E9lectrique. Le syst\u00E8me affecta \u00E9galement une bonne partie des provinces maritimes du Canada et de l'\u00C9tat du Maine aux \u00C9tats-Unis, y laissant des accumulations de pluie entre 25 et 50 mm. La hauteur maximale des vagues fut de 16,9 m\u00E8tres selon une bou\u00E9e m\u00E9t\u00E9orologique au large de Terre-Neuve."@fr . . "Michael 2000-10-19 1520Z.jpg"@en . . . . . .