. . . . . "Stitching"@es . "150"^^ . . . . . . "right"@en . . . . . "El stitching o foto stitching es el proceso por el cual se combinan m\u00FAltiples im\u00E1genes para producir una imagen panor\u00E1mica o una imagen de alta resoluci\u00F3n, normalmente mediante un programa de ordenador."@es . . . . . "Lo stitching di immagini \u00E8 un metodo col quale si combinano molteplici immagini fotografiche per produrre un panorama o un'immagine ad alta risoluzione. Comunemente si fa ricorso a dei software, tenendo conto che per un'immagine senza soluzione di continuit\u00E0 \u00E8 necessario che le varie parti siano tagliate in riferimento a dei margini comuni e abbiano la stessa esposizione. Alcune fotocamere digitali possono compiere processi di stitching in automatico. L'isola di Alcatraz vista in un esempio di panorama realizzato mediante stitching."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Artifacts due to parallax error"@en . . "L'assemblage de photos est un proc\u00E9d\u00E9 consistant \u00E0 combiner plusieurs images num\u00E9riques se recouvrant, dans le but de produire un panorama ou une image de haute d\u00E9finition."@fr . . . "La uni\u00F3 d'imatges o uni\u00F3 de fotos \u00E9s el proc\u00E9s de combinar m\u00FAltiples imatges fotogr\u00E0fiques (amb camps de visi\u00F3 que es superposen en els extrems) per produir una imatge d'alta resoluci\u00F3 o panorama segmentat. Comunament es realitza mitjan\u00E7ant l'\u00FAs de programes inform\u00E0tics perqu\u00E8 no es vegin les \"costures\" d'uni\u00F3 aconseguint superposicions gaireb\u00E9 exactes entre les imatges i exposicions id\u00E8ntiques. Algunes c\u00E0meres digitals poden unir les seves fotos internament. La uni\u00F3 d'imatges s'utilitza \u00E0mpliament en el m\u00F3n d'avui en aplicacions com ara:"@ca . . . . . . . "Stitching"@it . . . "2000"^^ . . . "El stitching o foto stitching es el proceso por el cual se combinan m\u00FAltiples im\u00E1genes para producir una imagen panor\u00E1mica o una imagen de alta resoluci\u00F3n, normalmente mediante un programa de ordenador."@es . . "Stitching"@de . . . . . . . . "200"^^ . . . . . . . . "\u5F71\u50CF\u62FC\u63A5"@zh . . . . "Assemblage de photos"@fr . . "1097090920"^^ . . . "Image stitching or photo stitching is the process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping fields of view to produce a segmented panorama or high-resolution image. Commonly performed through the use of computer software, most approaches to image stitching require nearly exact overlaps between images and identical exposures to produce seamless results, although some stitching algorithms actually benefit from differently exposed images by doing high-dynamic-range imaging in regions of overlap. Some digital cameras can stitch their photos internally."@en . . "Stitching (englisch stitch \u201En\u00E4hen\u201C, \u201Eheften\u201C) bezeichnet in der Fotografie das Erstellen einer gro\u00DFen Fotografie aus verschiedenen kleineren Einzelaufnahmen, die (in der Regel \u00FCberlappende) Ausschnitte des Motivs zeigen. Stitching wird genutzt, wenn eine Einzelaufnahme nicht den gew\u00FCnschten Bildwinkel erfassen w\u00FCrde, also als Ersatz f\u00FCr ein Weitwinkelobjektiv oder gar zur Herstellung eines 360\u00B0-Panoramas, oder um f\u00FCr gro\u00DFformatige Bilder eine gr\u00F6\u00DFere Aufl\u00F6sung (Pixelzahl) zu erzielen, als es mit einer Einzelaufnahme aufgrund der beschr\u00E4nkten Aufl\u00F6sung der Kamera m\u00F6glich w\u00E4re. Anwendungsbeispiele sind Panoramabilder von Landschaften oder Gesamtansichten ausgedehnter Objekte (zum Beispiel Architekturaufnahmen). vergr\u00F6\u00DFern und Informationen zum Bild anzeigenPanoramabild von Marburg, zusammengesetzt aus 175 Einzelaufnahmen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1350"^^ . . . "La uni\u00F3 d'imatges o uni\u00F3 de fotos \u00E9s el proc\u00E9s de combinar m\u00FAltiples imatges fotogr\u00E0fiques (amb camps de visi\u00F3 que es superposen en els extrems) per produir una imatge d'alta resoluci\u00F3 o panorama segmentat. Comunament es realitza mitjan\u00E7ant l'\u00FAs de programes inform\u00E0tics perqu\u00E8 no es vegin les \"costures\" d'uni\u00F3 aconseguint superposicions gaireb\u00E9 exactes entre les imatges i exposicions id\u00E8ntiques. Algunes c\u00E0meres digitals poden unir les seves fotos internament. La uni\u00F3 d'imatges s'utilitza \u00E0mpliament en el m\u00F3n d'avui en aplicacions com ara: \n* La funci\u00F3 d'\"estabilitzaci\u00F3 d'imatge\" de les videoc\u00E0meres que utilitzen l'alineaci\u00F3 de la imatge, segons els fotogrames per segon. \n* Mosaics d'alta resoluci\u00F3 de fotos en mapes digitals i fotos de sat\u00E8l\u00B7lit. \n* Imatges m\u00E8diques. \n* Imatges m\u00FAltiples de super-resoluci\u00F3. \n* Uni\u00F3 de v\u00EDdeo. \n* Inserci\u00F3 d'objectes."@ca . . . "22540"^^ . "Image stitching"@en . . . "\u5F71\u50CF\u62FC\u63A5\uFF08image stitching\uFF09\u662F\u6307\u5C07\u5169\u5F35\u6216\u66F4\u591A\u7684\u6709\u91CD\u758A\u90E8\u5206\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\uFF0C\u62FC\u63A5\u6210\u4E00\u5F35\u5168\u666F\u5716\u6216\u662F\u9AD8\u89E3\u6790\u5EA6\u5F71\u50CF\u7684\u6280\u8853\u3002\u5F71\u50CF\u62FC\u63A5\u6709\u5169\u5927\u6B65\u9A5F\uFF1A\u5F71\u50CF\u5C0D\u6E96\uFF08image alignment\uFF09\u548C\u5F71\u50CF\u6DF7\u5408\uFF08blending\uFF09\uFF0C\u76F8\u95DC\u7684\u61C9\u7528\u6709\uFF1A \n* \u5F71\u50CF\u7A69\u5B9A\uFF08image stabilization\uFF09 \n* \u5F71\u7247\u6458\u8981\uFF08video summarization\uFF09 \n* \u80CC\u666F\u64F7\u53D6 \n* \u5168\u666F\u5716\u88FD\u4F5C \u4F46\u4E26\u4E0D\u662F\u4EFB\u610F\u5169\u5F35\u6709\u91CD\u758A\u90E8\u5206\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\u90FD\u80FD\u5920\u88AB\u62FC\u63A5\uFF0C\u88AB\u62FC\u63A5\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\u5FC5\u9808\uFF1A \n* \u6709\u540C\u6A23\u7684\u6295\u5F71\u4E2D\u5FC3 \n* \u5F71\u50CF\u7684\u5167\u5BB9\u70BA\u5E73\u9762\uFF0C\u6C92\u6709\u524D\u5F8C\u666F\u7684\u5206\u5225 \n* \u5F71\u50CF\u70BA\u8DB3\u5920\u9060\u7684\u9060\u666F\uFF0C\u53EF\u4EE5\u8996\u70BA\u5E73\u9762 \u5BE6\u4F5C\u4E0A\uFF0C\u901A\u5E38\u6703\u56FA\u5B9A\u76F8\u6A5F\uFF0C\u8B93\u5F71\u50CF\u80FD\u6709\u76F8\u540C\u7684\u6295\u5F71\u4E2D\u5FC3\u4EE5\u5229\u5F8C\u7E8C\u8655\u7406\u3002\u53E6\u5916\u5F71\u50CF\u4E4B\u9593\u91CD\u758A\u90E8\u5206\u4E0D\u5B9C\u592A\u5C11\u6216\u592A\u591A\uFF0C\u91CD\u758A\u592A\u5C11\u6703\u8B93\u5C0D\u6E96\u8B8A\u5F97\u56F0\u96E3\uFF0C\u91CD\u758A\u592A\u591A\u5247\u6703\u8B93\u6DF7\u5408\u4E4B\u5F8C\u7684\u7455\u75B5\u548C\u5931\u771F\u66F4\u591A\uFF0C\u9069\u7576\u7684\u91CD\u758A\u7BC4\u570D\u70BA15-30\u5EA6\u3002\u53E6\u5916\uFF0C\u70BA\u4E86\u8B93\u62FC\u63A5\u5F8C\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\u66F4\u7B26\u5408\u4EBA\u985E\u8996\u89BA\uFF0C\u5728\u9032\u884C\u5F71\u50CF\u62FC\u63A5\u4E4B\u524D\uFF0C\u6703\u5148\u5C07\u5F71\u50CF\u6295\u5F71\u5230\u5713\u67F1\u5EA7\u6A19\u6216\u7403\u9AD4\u5EA7\u6A19\u4E0A\uFF0C"@zh . . . "2889768"^^ . . . "L'assemblage de photos est un proc\u00E9d\u00E9 consistant \u00E0 combiner plusieurs images num\u00E9riques se recouvrant, dans le but de produire un panorama ou une image de haute d\u00E9finition."@fr . . "Image stitching or photo stitching is the process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping fields of view to produce a segmented panorama or high-resolution image. Commonly performed through the use of computer software, most approaches to image stitching require nearly exact overlaps between images and identical exposures to produce seamless results, although some stitching algorithms actually benefit from differently exposed images by doing high-dynamic-range imaging in regions of overlap. Some digital cameras can stitch their photos internally."@en . . . . . . "Lo stitching di immagini \u00E8 un metodo col quale si combinano molteplici immagini fotografiche per produrre un panorama o un'immagine ad alta risoluzione. Comunemente si fa ricorso a dei software, tenendo conto che per un'immagine senza soluzione di continuit\u00E0 \u00E8 necessario che le varie parti siano tagliate in riferimento a dei margini comuni e abbiano la stessa esposizione. Alcune fotocamere digitali possono compiere processi di stitching in automatico. L'isola di Alcatraz vista in un esempio di panorama realizzato mediante stitching."@it . . "\u5F71\u50CF\u62FC\u63A5\uFF08image stitching\uFF09\u662F\u6307\u5C07\u5169\u5F35\u6216\u66F4\u591A\u7684\u6709\u91CD\u758A\u90E8\u5206\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\uFF0C\u62FC\u63A5\u6210\u4E00\u5F35\u5168\u666F\u5716\u6216\u662F\u9AD8\u89E3\u6790\u5EA6\u5F71\u50CF\u7684\u6280\u8853\u3002\u5F71\u50CF\u62FC\u63A5\u6709\u5169\u5927\u6B65\u9A5F\uFF1A\u5F71\u50CF\u5C0D\u6E96\uFF08image alignment\uFF09\u548C\u5F71\u50CF\u6DF7\u5408\uFF08blending\uFF09\uFF0C\u76F8\u95DC\u7684\u61C9\u7528\u6709\uFF1A \n* \u5F71\u50CF\u7A69\u5B9A\uFF08image stabilization\uFF09 \n* \u5F71\u7247\u6458\u8981\uFF08video summarization\uFF09 \n* \u80CC\u666F\u64F7\u53D6 \n* \u5168\u666F\u5716\u88FD\u4F5C \u4F46\u4E26\u4E0D\u662F\u4EFB\u610F\u5169\u5F35\u6709\u91CD\u758A\u90E8\u5206\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\u90FD\u80FD\u5920\u88AB\u62FC\u63A5\uFF0C\u88AB\u62FC\u63A5\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\u5FC5\u9808\uFF1A \n* \u6709\u540C\u6A23\u7684\u6295\u5F71\u4E2D\u5FC3 \n* \u5F71\u50CF\u7684\u5167\u5BB9\u70BA\u5E73\u9762\uFF0C\u6C92\u6709\u524D\u5F8C\u666F\u7684\u5206\u5225 \n* \u5F71\u50CF\u70BA\u8DB3\u5920\u9060\u7684\u9060\u666F\uFF0C\u53EF\u4EE5\u8996\u70BA\u5E73\u9762 \u5BE6\u4F5C\u4E0A\uFF0C\u901A\u5E38\u6703\u56FA\u5B9A\u76F8\u6A5F\uFF0C\u8B93\u5F71\u50CF\u80FD\u6709\u76F8\u540C\u7684\u6295\u5F71\u4E2D\u5FC3\u4EE5\u5229\u5F8C\u7E8C\u8655\u7406\u3002\u53E6\u5916\u5F71\u50CF\u4E4B\u9593\u91CD\u758A\u90E8\u5206\u4E0D\u5B9C\u592A\u5C11\u6216\u592A\u591A\uFF0C\u91CD\u758A\u592A\u5C11\u6703\u8B93\u5C0D\u6E96\u8B8A\u5F97\u56F0\u96E3\uFF0C\u91CD\u758A\u592A\u591A\u5247\u6703\u8B93\u6DF7\u5408\u4E4B\u5F8C\u7684\u7455\u75B5\u548C\u5931\u771F\u66F4\u591A\uFF0C\u9069\u7576\u7684\u91CD\u758A\u7BC4\u570D\u70BA15-30\u5EA6\u3002\u53E6\u5916\uFF0C\u70BA\u4E86\u8B93\u62FC\u63A5\u5F8C\u7684\u5F71\u50CF\u66F4\u7B26\u5408\u4EBA\u985E\u8996\u89BA\uFF0C\u5728\u9032\u884C\u5F71\u50CF\u62FC\u63A5\u4E4B\u524D\uFF0C\u6703\u5148\u5C07\u5F71\u50CF\u6295\u5F71\u5230\u5713\u67F1\u5EA7\u6A19\u6216\u7403\u9AD4\u5EA7\u6A19\u4E0A\uFF0C"@zh . "900"^^ . "421"^^ . . . . . "Artifacts due to subject movement"@en . . . "Stitching (englisch stitch \u201En\u00E4hen\u201C, \u201Eheften\u201C) bezeichnet in der Fotografie das Erstellen einer gro\u00DFen Fotografie aus verschiedenen kleineren Einzelaufnahmen, die (in der Regel \u00FCberlappende) Ausschnitte des Motivs zeigen. Stitching wird genutzt, wenn eine Einzelaufnahme nicht den gew\u00FCnschten Bildwinkel erfassen w\u00FCrde, also als Ersatz f\u00FCr ein Weitwinkelobjektiv oder gar zur Herstellung eines 360\u00B0-Panoramas, oder um f\u00FCr gro\u00DFformatige Bilder eine gr\u00F6\u00DFere Aufl\u00F6sung (Pixelzahl) zu erzielen, als es mit einer Einzelaufnahme aufgrund der beschr\u00E4nkten Aufl\u00F6sung der Kamera m\u00F6glich w\u00E4re."@de . . . . "Uni\u00F3 d'imatges"@ca . . . . . .