. "1997"^^ . . . . "53968630"^^ . "Intelsat 801 (ang. International Telecommunications Satellite) \u2013 satelita telekomunikacyjny nale\u017C\u0105cy do operatora Intelsat, mi\u0119dzynarodowego giganta w tej dziedzinie, kt\u00F3ry od 1965 roku wyni\u00F3s\u0142 na orbit\u0119 ponad 80 satelit\u00F3w."@pl . . . "1997-009A" . . . "1997-03-01"^^ . "Intelsat 801"@en . . "24742" . "0.1"^^ . "86166.0"^^ . "Intelsat 801 is a geosynchronous communications spacecraft that was launched on March 01, 1997 by an Ariane 44L rocket from Kourou in French Guiana to provide voice and video communications to the member countries in that consortium after parking at 174\u00B0 E longitude. It carries 38 C Band and 6 Ku Band transponders. It was built for US$76 million, launched for US$86 million and insured for US$27 million."@en . . . . "Intelsat 801"@pt . "Decommissioned"@en . . "24742"^^ . "31.5"^^ . "Intelsat 801"@en . "5844.0"^^ . . . . "Intelsat 801 ist ein Fernsehsatellit der International Telecommunication Satellite (Intelsat). Er wurde gebaut von der Firma Lockheed Martin, die Modellbezeichnung ist GE-7000. Seine angenommene Lebensdauer betr\u00E4gt 13 Jahre. Intelsat 801 wurde am 1. M\u00E4rz 1997 mit der europ\u00E4ischen Tr\u00E4gerrakete Ariane vom Weltraumbahnhof Kourou in Franz\u00F6sisch-Guayana ins All bef\u00F6rdert."@de . . . "Downlink: 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.7-11.95 GHz, 12.5-12.75 GHz and 11.45-11.70 GHz"@en . . "Intelsat 801 is a geosynchronous communications spacecraft that was launched on March 01, 1997 by an Ariane 44L rocket from Kourou in French Guiana to provide voice and video communications to the member countries in that consortium after parking at 174\u00B0 E longitude. It carries 38 C Band and 6 Ku Band transponders. It was built for US$76 million, launched for US$86 million and insured for US$27 million."@en . . . . . "504921600.0"^^ . . . . . . "5.049216E8"^^ . . . . . . "47"^^ . . . . . . . . . "--03-01"^^ . . . . "Intelsat 801"@en . . "Uplink: 14.00-14.50 GHz"@en . . "1997-03-01"^^ . . . . . . "Intelsat 801"@de . . "Intelsat 8"@en . . "O Intelsat 801 foi um sat\u00E9lite de comunica\u00E7\u00E3o geoestacion\u00E1rio constru\u00EDdo pela Lockheed Martin. Na maior parte de sua vida ele esteve localizado na posi\u00E7\u00E3o orbital de 31,5 graus de longitude leste e era propriedade da Intelsat, empresa sediada atualmente em Luxemburgo. O sat\u00E9lite foi baseado na plataforma e sua vida \u00FAtil estimada era de 14 anos. O mesmo saiu de servi\u00E7o em outubro de 2013 e foi transferido para a \u00F3rbita cemit\u00E9rio."@pt . . . . . "gee"@en . . "4006"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Intelsat 801 ist ein Fernsehsatellit der International Telecommunication Satellite (Intelsat). Er wurde gebaut von der Firma Lockheed Martin, die Modellbezeichnung ist GE-7000. Seine angenommene Lebensdauer betr\u00E4gt 13 Jahre. Intelsat 801 wurde am 1. M\u00E4rz 1997 mit der europ\u00E4ischen Tr\u00E4gerrakete Ariane vom Weltraumbahnhof Kourou in Franz\u00F6sisch-Guayana ins All bef\u00F6rdert."@de . . "Intelsat 801"@pl . . . . . . . "O Intelsat 801 foi um sat\u00E9lite de comunica\u00E7\u00E3o geoestacion\u00E1rio constru\u00EDdo pela Lockheed Martin. Na maior parte de sua vida ele esteve localizado na posi\u00E7\u00E3o orbital de 31,5 graus de longitude leste e era propriedade da Intelsat, empresa sediada atualmente em Luxemburgo. O sat\u00E9lite foi baseado na plataforma e sua vida \u00FAtil estimada era de 14 anos. O mesmo saiu de servi\u00E7o em outubro de 2013 e foi transferido para a \u00F3rbita cemit\u00E9rio."@pt . . . . "1094293300"^^ . . . "Intelsat 801 (ang. International Telecommunications Satellite) \u2013 satelita telekomunikacyjny nale\u017C\u0105cy do operatora Intelsat, mi\u0119dzynarodowego giganta w tej dziedzinie, kt\u00F3ry od 1965 roku wyni\u00F3s\u0142 na orbit\u0119 ponad 80 satelit\u00F3w. Intelsat 801 zosta\u0142 wyniesiony 1 marca 1997. Pracowa\u0142 na orbicie geostacjonarnej (nad r\u00F3wnikiem), na pozycji 31,5 stopnia d\u0142ugo\u015Bci geograficznej zachodniej.Nadawa\u0142 sygna\u0142 stacji telewizyjnych (pasmo C i Ku), przekazy telewizyjne oraz dane (dost\u0119p do Internetu) w kilku s\u0142abych wi\u0105zkach do odbiorc\u00F3w g\u0142\u00F3wnie w Europie oraz Afryce, a nawet (cz\u0119\u015Bciowo) w Azji Zachodniej, Ameryce P\u00F3\u0142nocnej, Po\u0142udniowej i na Karaibach. W 2010 zast\u0105pi\u0142 go na tej pozycji . Intelsat 801 po zako\u0144czeniu pracy zosta\u0142 przemieszczony na orbit\u0119 cmentarn\u0105."@pl . . . "6400.0"^^ .