. "Isle of Innisfree"@en . . . "The \"Isle of Innisfree\" is a song composed by Dick Farrelly (Irish songwriter, policeman and poet, born Richard Farrelly), who wrote both the music and lyrics. Farrelly got the inspiration for \"Isle of Innisfree\", the song for which he is best remembered, while on a bus journey from his native Kells, County Meath to Dublin. The song was published in 1950 by the Peter Maurice Music Publishing Co. Farrelly\u2019s \"Isle of Innisfree\" is a haunting melody with lyrics expressing the longing of an Irish emigrant for his native land. When film director John Ford heard the song, he loved it so much that he chose it as the principal theme of his film The Quiet Man. The composition received no mention in the screen credits. \"The Isle of Innisfree\" became a worldwide hit for Bing Crosby in 1952 and continues to feature in the repertoires of many artists. There is a common misconception that the song and the famous poem by W. B. Yeats, \"Lake Isle of Innisfree\", were written about the same place. Yeats' Innisfree was an uninhabited island in Sligo's Lough Gill, whereas Farrelly's Innisfree represented all of Ireland. The song remains popular and has been recorded by hundreds of artists around the world."@en . . . . . "Isle of Innisfree (euskaraz Inishfree uhartea) Irlandako abesti herrikoi bat da. irlandar kantautore, abeslari eta olerkariak konposatu zuen, abestia 1950an argitaratu zelarik. Halere, abesti hau mundu osoan ospetsu bilakatu baldin bada, 1952an John Ford zinema zuzendariaren zuzendu eta John Wayne eta Maureen O'Harak antzeztutako The Quiet Man filmaren soinu bandako doinu nagusi eta unkigarria izan zelako da. Bestalde, Bing Crosby estatubatuar abeslariak ere maiz abestu izan zuen."@eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The \"Isle of Innisfree\" is a song composed by Dick Farrelly (Irish songwriter, policeman and poet, born Richard Farrelly), who wrote both the music and lyrics. Farrelly got the inspiration for \"Isle of Innisfree\", the song for which he is best remembered, while on a bus journey from his native Kells, County Meath to Dublin. The song was published in 1950 by the Peter Maurice Music Publishing Co. The song remains popular and has been recorded by hundreds of artists around the world."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Isle of Innisfree (euskaraz Inishfree uhartea) Irlandako abesti herrikoi bat da. irlandar kantautore, abeslari eta olerkariak konposatu zuen, abestia 1950an argitaratu zelarik. Halere, abesti hau mundu osoan ospetsu bilakatu baldin bada, 1952an John Ford zinema zuzendariaren zuzendu eta John Wayne eta Maureen O'Harak antzeztutako The Quiet Man filmaren soinu bandako doinu nagusi eta unkigarria izan zelako da. Bestalde, Bing Crosby estatubatuar abeslariak ere maiz abestu izan zuen. Abesti honen izenburua dela eta, maiz William Butler Yeats olerkariaren olerkiarekin nahastu ohi da, olerki horretako uhartea Sligo konderriko Gill aintzirako izen berdineko biztanlerik gabeko uhartetxo batean oinarriturik dagoen bitartean, abesti honek Irlandako uharte osoan oinarritzen da, irlanderaz Inis hitzak \"uharte\" esan nahi baitu, eta ingelesez free hitzak \"askea\", hotz, Irlanda \"uharte askea\" dela narbamendu asmoz."@eu . . "6689"^^ . . . . . . . . "1065596277"^^ . . "26020758"^^ . . . . . . . . "Isle of Innisfree"@eu .