. . . . "J\u00F8rgen Jensen Sadolin (c. 1490 \u2013 29 December 1559 in Odense) was a Danish reformer, the son of Jens Christensen, a curate and subsequently a canon of Viborg Cathedral, and consequently, in all probability, born c.\u20091499 out of wedlock, as his Catholic opponents frequently took care to remind him. He himself never used the name Sadolin, which seems to have been invented subsequently by his son Hans, and points to the fact that the family were originally saddle-makers. We first hear of him on 1 December 1525, when Frederick I permitted him to settle at Viborg to teach young persons of the poorer classes \"whatever might be profitable.\" On this occasion he is described as \"magister\" and no doubt got his degree abroad, where he seems to have been won for the Reformation. He sided with Hans Tausen when the latter first began to preach the gospel at Viborg and Tausen, though himself only in priest's orders, shortly before he left the place, ordained Sadolin (1529). Amongst \"the free priests\" who attended the herredag of Copenhagen in 1530 Sadolin occupied a prominent place. Frederick subsequently transferred him to Funen, where he acted, according to his own expression, as \"adjutor in verbo\" to the Bishop of Odense. At the diocesan council on 27 May 1532, during the absence of the bishop, he presented to the assembled priests a translation of Luther's catechism, with Luther's name omitted, preceded earnestly in favour of a better system of education and a more practical application of the Christian life, which occupies a conspicuous place in the literature of the Danish Reformation. In the following year Sadolin published the first Danish translation of the Confession of Augsburg. On 2 September 1537 he was consecrated by the German reformer, Johann Bugenhagen, who himself only had priest's orders, superintendent, or first evangelical bishop, of Funen. As bishop he was remarkable for the success with which he provided the necessary means for the support of churches, schools and hospitals in his widespread diocese, which had been deprived of its usual sources of income by the wholesale confiscation of church property. Towards the Catholics he adopted a firm, but moderate and reasonable, tone, and his indulgence towards the monks in St Knud's cloister drew down upon him a fierce attack from the Puritan clergyman of Odense, who absurdly accused him of being a crypto-Catholic. He gave the funeral oration over Christian III in St John's Church at Odense in February 1559, though now very infirm and blind, and died at the end of the same year."@en . . . . . . . . "994"^^ . . . . . "Robert Nisbet"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bain"@en . . . . . . . "3241"^^ . "J\u00F8rgen Jensen Sadolin (latinisering av \"sadelmakare\"), f\u00F6dd omkring 1500 i Viborg, d\u00F6d den 19 december 1559, var en dansk biskop, far till Hans J\u00F8rgensen Sadolin. Sadolin hade sannolikt studerat i Tyskland och d\u00E4r slutit sig till reformationen, innan han 1526 med Fredrik I:s samtycke uppr\u00E4ttade en evangelisk-luthersk i sin f\u00F6delsestad. \u00C5r 1529 blev han pr\u00E4stvigd av sin blivande sv\u00E5ger Hans Tausen och av borgerskapet vald till kyrkoherde. P\u00E5 herredagen i K\u00F6penhamn 1530 var han en av reformationens yppersta f\u00F6rk\u00E4mpar, och han f\u00F6rfattade en m\u00E4rklig skildring av f\u00F6rhandlingarna d\u00E4r (tryckt 1530)."@sv . . . "J\u00F8rgen Jensen Sadolin"@sv . "Robert Nisbet Bain"@en . "2641554"^^ . . . "J\u00F8rgen Jensen Sadolin (latinisering av \"sadelmakare\"), f\u00F6dd omkring 1500 i Viborg, d\u00F6d den 19 december 1559, var en dansk biskop, far till Hans J\u00F8rgensen Sadolin. Sadolin hade sannolikt studerat i Tyskland och d\u00E4r slutit sig till reformationen, innan han 1526 med Fredrik I:s samtycke uppr\u00E4ttade en evangelisk-luthersk i sin f\u00F6delsestad. \u00C5r 1529 blev han pr\u00E4stvigd av sin blivande sv\u00E5ger Hans Tausen och av borgerskapet vald till kyrkoherde. P\u00E5 herredagen i K\u00F6penhamn 1530 var han en av reformationens yppersta f\u00F6rk\u00E4mpar, och han f\u00F6rfattade en m\u00E4rklig skildring av f\u00F6rhandlingarna d\u00E4r (tryckt 1530). \u00C5r 1532 blev han den romersk-katolske biskopen p\u00E5 Fyn medhj\u00E4lpare, \u00F6versatte Luthers lilla katekes och framlade den f\u00F6r pr\u00E4sterna i biskopens namn, \u00F6versatte 1533 Augustana och fr\u00E4mjade i h\u00F6g grad den evangelisk-lutherska l\u00E4rans spridning. \u00C5r 1536 blev han kyrkoherde i K\u00F6penhamn och 1537 den f\u00F6rste lutherske superintendenten i Fyns stift, d\u00E4r han sansat och m\u00E5ttfullt genomf\u00F6rde reformationen."@sv . . . . . . . . . . "1097964119"^^ . "J\u00F8rgen Jensen Sadolin (c. 1490 \u2013 29 December 1559 in Odense) was a Danish reformer, the son of Jens Christensen, a curate and subsequently a canon of Viborg Cathedral, and consequently, in all probability, born c.\u20091499 out of wedlock, as his Catholic opponents frequently took care to remind him. He himself never used the name Sadolin, which seems to have been invented subsequently by his son Hans, and points to the fact that the family were originally saddle-makers."@en . . . . . . "J\u00F8rgen Sadolin"@en . "Sadolin, J\u00F6rgen"@en . "23"^^ . "1"^^ . . .