. . . . . "1904-10-27"^^ . "James Henry Cyriax (27 October 1904 \u2013 17 June 1985) was a British medical doctor known as the \"father of orthopedic medicine.\" His work is influential in the areas of sports medicine and physical therapy. The son of two doctors, he qualified for membership and licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1929 and was appointed house surgeon of orthopedic surgery at St. Thomas' Hospital in London, where he worked for 40 years. He went on to develop a system of clinical exams to diagnose and treat soft tissue lesions, indicated by assessing body movements; this was his most well-known contribution to medicine. In 1943, he earned the for his essay on the pathology and treatment of elbow sprains. He founded the and later the Cyriax Foundation, which has since shut down, to promote orthopedic medical education. He was appointed a Member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1954. Later in his career, he was a visiting professor at the University of Rochester in the United States. He was considered a controversial figure during his lifetime both for his personality and his views on medicine. Cyriax developed a series of simple objective clinical exams that would effectively diagnose soft tissue musculoskeletal lesions. His collected results, after many years of trial and error, coalesced into a set of systematic simple clinical exams for each joint and a treatment system for the soft tissue lesions around each joint. Cyriax's Rule states that pain with both active range of motion and passive range of motion in the same direction points to inert tissue dysfunction (ligament, capsular, cartilage). Pain with active range of motion in one direction and pain with passive range of motion in the opposite direction signal contractile tissue dysfunction. Cyriax's papers are held at the Wellcome Library."@en . . "Dr. James Cyriax, date unknown"@en . . . . . . "James Cyriax"@fr . . "James Cyriax"@en . . . . . "James H. Cyriax, n\u00E9 en 1904 et mort en 1985, est un m\u00E9decin britannique."@fr . "James Cyriax"@es . . . . . . . "1904"^^ . "1985"^^ . . "Doctor"@en . . . . "James Cyriax"@en . . "James Cyriax"@en . . "57715542"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1085297097"^^ . "James Henry Cyriax (27 October 1904 \u2013 17 June 1985) was a British medical doctor known as the \"father of orthopedic medicine.\" His work is influential in the areas of sports medicine and physical therapy. He was appointed a Member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1954. Later in his career, he was a visiting professor at the University of Rochester in the United States. He was considered a controversial figure during his lifetime both for his personality and his views on medicine. Cyriax's papers are held at the Wellcome Library."@en . . . . . . . . "Orthopedic Medicine"@en . . . . . "1985-06-17"^^ . . "4197"^^ . . "1985-06-17"^^ . "1904-10-27"^^ . . "James Cyriax (1904 - 1985) fue un traumat\u00F3logo y ortopeda brit\u00E1nico quien defini\u00F3 algunos de los puntos claves del diagn\u00F3stico y tratamiento moderno en el campo de la ortopedia. Bas\u00F3 su trabajo en tres fundamentos: \n* Todo dolor proviene de una lesi\u00F3n. \n* Todo tratamiento debe llegar a la lesi\u00F3n. \n* Todo tratamiento debe producir un efecto beneficioso sobre la lesi\u00F3n. Realiz\u00F3 esta labor en el St.Thomas\u00B4s Hospital y en el St.Andrew\u00B4s de Londres. Destac\u00F3 principalmente por su concepci\u00F3n de la valoraci\u00F3n cl\u00EDnica basada en un exhaustivo estudio de la anatom\u00EDa y la fisiopatolog\u00EDa, lo que supuso una aut\u00E9ntica revoluci\u00F3n en este campo, que hasta la d\u00E9cada de 1930-1940 se hab\u00EDa limitado en gran parte a enfocar los tratamientos de una manera emp\u00EDrica y tradicionalista. En el \u00E1mbito de la terap\u00E9utica, sus escritos a\u00FAn perduran en nuestros d\u00EDas en concreto por sus aportaciones sobre la infiltraci\u00F3n, la manipulaci\u00F3n y el masaje transverso profundo (t\u00E9cnica que se conoce hoy en todo el mundo como \"Cyriax\", en honor a su creador). Su obra m\u00E1s importante es \"Ortopedia Cl\u00EDnica\" y en ella, entre otras cosas, defiende el rol de la fisioterapia y el fisioterapeuta en el tratamiento conservador de patolog\u00EDa m\u00FAsculo-esquel\u00E9tica, sobre todo en el campo del masaje y las manipulaciones. su difundido estudio constituy\u00F3 en su momento uno de los principales valedores para la aceptaci\u00F3n y generalizaci\u00F3n de la pr\u00E1ctica de la fisioterapia en el campo de la ortopedia en el mundo occidental."@es . . "British"@en . . . "James Cyriax"@en . . "James H. Cyriax, n\u00E9 en 1904 et mort en 1985, est un m\u00E9decin britannique."@fr . "James Cyriax (1904 - 1985) fue un traumat\u00F3logo y ortopeda brit\u00E1nico quien defini\u00F3 algunos de los puntos claves del diagn\u00F3stico y tratamiento moderno en el campo de la ortopedia. Bas\u00F3 su trabajo en tres fundamentos: \n* Todo dolor proviene de una lesi\u00F3n. \n* Todo tratamiento debe llegar a la lesi\u00F3n. \n* Todo tratamiento debe producir un efecto beneficioso sobre la lesi\u00F3n. Realiz\u00F3 esta labor en el St.Thomas\u00B4s Hospital y en el St.Andrew\u00B4s de Londres."@es .