. . "Survival, tracking, swimming"@en . . "28196574"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Jack Miller"@en . "Janu the Jungle Boy"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "1105607134"^^ . "Janu, el chico de la selva,\u200B (en ingl\u00E9s, Janu, the Jungle Boy) es un personaje ficticio, creado para las p\u00E1ginas de la historieta Action Comics Vol. 1 #191 (abril de 1954)\u200B propiedad de la editorial DC Comics. Janu, era un ni\u00F1o que fue criado en la selva, despu\u00E9s de que su padre hab\u00EDa muerto a causa de un ataque de un tigre, el personaje estuvo por mucho tiempo, con Congo Bill como su compa\u00F1ero de aventuras, y a qui\u00E9n adopt\u00F3 como su pupilo. janu apareci\u00F3 por primera vez en una historia escrita por su creador, y el dibujante .\u200B"@es . . . "Janu the Jungle Boy is a fictional character published by DC Comics. He is a young boy brought up in the jungle after his father has been killed by a tiger, and who appears as a sidekick to Congo Bill, who adopts him as his ward. Janu first appears in Action Comics #191 (April 1954), in a story written by Jack Miller and drawn by Ed Smalle. Once Congo Bill became Congorilla, Janu's main job was to keep Congo Bill's human body protected while Bill's brain was transferred into that of the Golden Gorilla. After a time, Janu left Congo Bill for formal education in America. When he later returned to Africa, he convinced Congo Bill that Africa's destiny was industrialization. The two became business partners and built a successful conglomerate. Bill eventually came to see this life as a betrayal of his former life. So he rejected Janu's new philosophy, packed in the corporate life, and returned to adventuring as Congorilla. In the 1994 Congorilla mini-series Janu has now grown up and betrays Congo Bill, usurping the Congorilla identity, and forces Congo Bill to fight him to death."@en . . . "Congorilla"@en . . . . . . . . "Human"@en . "2584"^^ . . . "Janu the Jungle Boy is a fictional character published by DC Comics. He is a young boy brought up in the jungle after his father has been killed by a tiger, and who appears as a sidekick to Congo Bill, who adopts him as his ward. Janu first appears in Action Comics #191 (April 1954), in a story written by Jack Miller and drawn by Ed Smalle. Once Congo Bill became Congorilla, Janu's main job was to keep Congo Bill's human body protected while Bill's brain was transferred into that of the Golden Gorilla."@en . "Janu the Jungle Boy"@en . "Janu the Jungle Boy"@en . "character"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "9622"^^ . "Janu, el chico de la Selva"@es . . . "Action Comics #191"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Janu, el chico de la selva,\u200B (en ingl\u00E9s, Janu, the Jungle Boy) es un personaje ficticio, creado para las p\u00E1ginas de la historieta Action Comics Vol. 1 #191 (abril de 1954)\u200B propiedad de la editorial DC Comics. Janu, era un ni\u00F1o que fue criado en la selva, despu\u00E9s de que su padre hab\u00EDa muerto a causa de un ataque de un tigre, el personaje estuvo por mucho tiempo, con Congo Bill como su compa\u00F1ero de aventuras, y a qui\u00E9n adopt\u00F3 como su pupilo. janu apareci\u00F3 por primera vez en una historia escrita por su creador, y el dibujante .\u200B"@es . . . . "Janu the Jungle Boy"@en . . . . . "Ed Smalle"@en .