"Jeffrey G. Madrick (15 de julio de 1947 - ) es un periodista, consultor y analista experto en econom\u00EDa. Madrick es editor de , profesor visitante de humanidades de y director del centro de investigaci\u00F3n . En su juventud estudi\u00F3 en las universidades de Nueva York y Harvard. En esta \u00FAltima disfrut\u00F3 de la beca Joan Shorestein.\u200B Madrick tambi\u00E9n ha trabajado como columnista del Harper's Magazine y publica regularmente en The New York Review of Books, as\u00ED como de columnista experto en asuntos econ\u00F3micos para The New York Times. Tambi\u00E9n ha realizado contribuciones para la prensa en l\u00EDnea, entre las que destacan las realizadas para The Daily Beast\u200B y el Huffington Post\u200B. Jeff es autor de un gran n\u00FAmero de libros sobre econom\u00EDa pol\u00EDtica, entre los que destacan Taking America y The End of Affluence, ambos incluidos por The New York Times en la categor\u00EDa de libros m\u00E1s destacados del a\u00F1o. Taking America tambi\u00E9n fue elegido por Business Week como uno de los diez mejores libros del a\u00F1o. Adem\u00E1s su libro The Case for Big Government fue finalista del en la categor\u00EDa de no ficci\u00F3n. Tanto en las obras anteriores como en otras no tan premiadas como Why Economies Grow. The Forces that Shape Prosperity and How We Can Get Them Working Again del a\u00F1os 2002 o Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present del a\u00F1o 2012, el autor critica la desregulaci\u00F3n de los mercados financieros como una de las causas principales del hundimiento de la econom\u00EDa estadounidense y, en la primera obra propone como alternativa la expansi\u00F3n de la demanda p\u00FAblica, como base no s\u00F3lo del crecimiento econ\u00F3mico, sino tambi\u00E9n de la reducci\u00F3n de las desigualdades. Estas ideas est\u00E1n en la base de toda su obra econ\u00F3mica.\u200B\u200B Madrick compagina su papel como acad\u00E9mico y divulgador de su pensamiento econ\u00F3mico, cercano a posturas neokeynesianas, en medios tan diversos como , The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, , The Nation, , The Boston Globe, Newsday, a lo que hay que a\u00F1adir su ya citada columna en el The New York Times y sus aportaciones en The Daily Beast y el Huffinton Post. Tambi\u00E9n ha aparecido en populares programas de la televisi\u00F3n estadounidense defendiendo sus tesis econ\u00F3micas, tales como Charlie Rose, , NOW With Bill Moyers y . En el pasado fue editor de temas econ\u00F3micos en el Business Week Magazine y comentarista en la NBC News. Entre los diversos premios que ha acumulado a lo largo de su dilatada carrera profesional destacan un Emmy y un . En el plano pol\u00EDtico destacan sus colaboraciones como asesor de importantes pol\u00EDticos estadounidenses, entre ellos el senador Edward M. Kennedy."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jeffrey G. Madrick is a journalist, economic policy consultant and analyst. He is editor of Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, visiting professor of humanities at The Cooper Union, and director of policy research at the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School. He was educated at New York University and Harvard University, and was a Shorenstein Fellow at Harvard. His book The Case for Big Government was named a Finalist (runner-up) for the PEN Galbraith General Non-Fiction Award for 2007-2008."@en . "Jeff Madrick"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "1052159420"^^ . "220"^^ . . . . "Jeffrey G. Madrick"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Economic policy"@en . . . . . "Madrick at the 2010 Brooklyn Book Festival"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Jeffrey G. Madrick is a journalist, economic policy consultant and analyst. He is editor of Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, visiting professor of humanities at The Cooper Union, and director of policy research at the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School. He was educated at New York University and Harvard University, and was a Shorenstein Fellow at Harvard. He is a columnist for Harper's Magazine, a regular contributor to The New York Review of Books, and a former economics columnist for The New York Times. He has also contributed to online publications such as the Daily Beast and the Huffington Post. Madrick is the author of several books, including Taking America and The End of Affluence, both of which were New York Times Notable Books of the Year. Taking America was also chosen by Business Week as one of the ten best books of the year. His book The Case for Big Government was named a Finalist (runner-up) for the PEN Galbraith General Non-Fiction Award for 2007-2008. His latest book, Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present, is a history of the American economy since 1970, which argues that deregulation of the financial sector allowed the industry to do tremendous damage to the American economy. He has written for many other publications, including The Boston Review, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Institutional Investor, The Nation, American Prospect, The Boston Globe, Newsday, and the business, op-ed, and magazine sections of The New York Times. He has appeared on Charlie Rose, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, NOW With Bill Moyers, Frontline, CNN, CNBC, CBS, and NPR. He was formerly finance editor of Business Week Magazine and an NBC News reporter and commentator. His awards include an Emmy and a Page One Award. He has served as a policy consultant for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and other U.S. legislators."@en . . "6865"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jeff Madrick"@es . . "Jeff Madrick"@en . . . . "Jeff Madrick"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kim Baker"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Jeffrey G. Madrick (15 de julio de 1947 - ) es un periodista, consultor y analista experto en econom\u00EDa. Madrick es editor de , profesor visitante de humanidades de y director del centro de investigaci\u00F3n . En su juventud estudi\u00F3 en las universidades de Nueva York y Harvard. En esta \u00FAltima disfrut\u00F3 de la beca Joan Shorestein.\u200B En el plano pol\u00EDtico destacan sus colaboraciones como asesor de importantes pol\u00EDticos estadounidenses, entre ellos el senador Edward M. Kennedy."@es . . . . . . . . . "21756247"^^ . .