"1898-01-14"^^ . . . "1967-03-15"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Realengo Military School"@en . "1932-12-22"^^ . . "1898-01-14"^^ . . . . "1094239935"^^ . "Bina Machado"@en . "1975-07-18"^^ . . "1934-07-24"^^ . "8231"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Minister of Transport and Public Works" . . . . . "Vice-rei do Norte (Viceroy of the North)"@en . . "Juarez T\u00E1vora"@en . . "1975-07-18"^^ . "Juarez do Nascimento Fernandes T\u00E1vora (Jaguaribemirim, 14 January 1898 \u2013 Rio de Janeiro, 18 July 1975) was a Brazilian general and politician active during the Brazilian Revolution of 1930 that put an end to the oligarchic First Brazilian Republic by deposing the president Washington Lu\u00EDs and preventing his elected successor J\u00FAlio Prestes from taking office. The revolutionaries handed power over to Get\u00FAlio Vargas. Most active during the revolutionary cycle that swept Brazil from 1922 to 1930, he got to know the country's bowels and its problems by participating in the Coluna Prestes. With this experience, he associated what he saw with the studies of Alberto Torres and Euclides da Cunha, of whom he was an admirer. Hence his deep interest in Brazilian problems and how the State and government should structure themselves to solve them. He came to be known as the Vice-rei do Norte (Viceroy of the North) during the 1930 Revolution, since he was commander of the troops that took over most of Brazil's northeastern states (at that time these states were referred simply as \"the north\")."@en . . . "Juarez T\u00E1vora autograph.jpg"@en . . . "Juarez do Nascimento Fernandes T\u00E1vora (Jaguaribemirim, 14 de janeiro de 1898 \u2014 Rio de Janeiro, 18 de julho de 1975) foi um militar e pol\u00EDtico brasileiro."@pt . . . . . . . "1964-04-15"^^ . . . . . . "Juarez do Nascimento Fernandes T\u00E1vora (Jaguaribemirim, 14 de janeiro de 1898 \u2014 Rio de Janeiro, 18 de julho de 1975) foi um militar e pol\u00EDtico brasileiro."@pt . "1932-12-22"^^ . . "Chief Minister of the Military Cabinet" . . "Military officer, politician"@en . "1955-04-14"^^ . . . "Vice-rei do Norte"@en . "1975"^^ . "1954-08-24"^^ . . . "Morais Barros"@en . "Juarez do Nascimento Fernandes T\u00E1vora (Jaguaribemirim, actual , Cear\u00E1, 14 de enero de 1898 - R\u00EDo de Janeiro, 18 de julio de 1975) fue un militar y pol\u00EDtico brasile\u00F1o. Particip\u00F3 de la revuelta militar ocurrida en el Estado de la Guanabara el 5 de julio de 1922. Preso y condenado, abandon\u00F3 el ej\u00E9rcito y particip\u00F3 en la rebeli\u00F3n paulista de julio de 1924. Sigui\u00F3 con la columna Prestes, y particip\u00F3 en la Revoluci\u00F3n de 1930. Durante la presidencia de Get\u00FAlio Vargas fue Ministro de Transporte y de Agricultura. Se desempe\u00F1\u00F3 como Jefe del Gabinete Militar de Caf\u00E9 Filho. Su \u00FAltimo cargo p\u00FAblico fue como Ministro de Agricultura de Humberto Castelo Branco. \n* Datos: Q1791383 \n* Multimedia: Juarez T\u00E1vora / Q1791383"@es . . . . . . . "1930-11-05"^^ . . . "M\u00E1rio Andreazza"@en . "18"^^ . . . "Caiado de Castro"@en . . . "1934-07-24"^^ . . . . . . . "1916"^^ . "Navarro de Andrade"@en . . "Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"@en . "Juarez T\u00E1vora"@pt . . . . "1954-08-24"^^ . "1916"^^ . . . . . . "1930-11-05"^^ . . . . "Juarez do Nascimento Fernandes T\u00E1vora (Jaguaribemirim, actual , Cear\u00E1, 14 de enero de 1898 - R\u00EDo de Janeiro, 18 de julio de 1975) fue un militar y pol\u00EDtico brasile\u00F1o. Particip\u00F3 de la revuelta militar ocurrida en el Estado de la Guanabara el 5 de julio de 1922. Preso y condenado, abandon\u00F3 el ej\u00E9rcito y particip\u00F3 en la rebeli\u00F3n paulista de julio de 1924. Sigui\u00F3 con la columna Prestes, y particip\u00F3 en la Revoluci\u00F3n de 1930. \n* Datos: Q1791383 \n* Multimedia: Juarez T\u00E1vora / Q1791383"@es . . . . . "Jaguaribemirim, Cear\u00E1, Brazil"@en . "1930-11-04"^^ . "1967-03-15"^^ . . . . . . . . "69092697"^^ . . "1955-04-14"^^ . "Morais Barros"@en . "Minister of Agriculture" . . . . . "Juarez T\u00E1vora (general)"@en . . . . . "1930-11-04"^^ . . . . "Juarez T\u00E1vora"@en . . "Juarez do Nascimento Fernandes T\u00E1vora (Jaguaribemirim, 14 January 1898 \u2013 Rio de Janeiro, 18 July 1975) was a Brazilian general and politician active during the Brazilian Revolution of 1930 that put an end to the oligarchic First Brazilian Republic by deposing the president Washington Lu\u00EDs and preventing his elected successor J\u00FAlio Prestes from taking office. The revolutionaries handed power over to Get\u00FAlio Vargas."@en . . . . . . . . . . "1964-04-15"^^ . . . "Juarez T\u00E1vora"@es . .