"Jwibul nori"@it . . "1097703736"^^ . . "7858"^^ . . "Jwibulnori (\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774) \u00E4r en traditionell koreansk lek som ofta f\u00F6rknippas med ritualen Dalmaji (\uB2EC\uB9DE\uC774) och h\u00F6gtiden Daeboreum (\uB300\uBCF4\uB984). N\u00E4r man spelar Jwibulnori stoppar man halm i burkar som sitter fast i ett sn\u00F6re och t\u00E4nder eld p\u00E5 dem. D\u00E4refter snurrar man burkarna runt och runt innan man sedan kastar iv\u00E4g dem ut p\u00E5 ett f\u00E4lt med ogr\u00E4s. Detta fattar d\u00E5 eld och kan sedan anv\u00E4ndas som g\u00F6dsel f\u00F6r v\u00E5rodlingen. Namnet \"Jwibulnori\" (\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774) betyder \"liten eldlek\" och kommer fr\u00E5n tre ord. \"Jwi\" (\uC950) betyder i detta sammanhang \"liten\", \"Bul\" (\uBD88) betyder \"eld\" och \"Nori\" (\uB180\uC774) betyder \"lek\"."@sv . . . . . . "Jwibulnori"@en . . . . . . "\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774\uB294 \uB17C\uC774\uB098 \uBC2D\uB450\uB801\uC5D0 \uBD88\uC744 \uBD99\uC774\uB294 \uC815\uC6D4\uC758 \uBBFC\uC18D\uB180\uC774\uB85C \uC74C\uB825 \uC815\uC6D4 \uCCAB \uC950\uB0A0(\u4E0A\u5B50\u65E5), \uBC24\uC5D0 \uB18D\uAC00\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC8C\uC774\uB294 \uD48D\uC18D\uC774\uB2E4. \uD574\uAC00 \uC800\uBB3C\uBA74 \uB9C8\uC744\uB9C8\uB2E4 \uB4E4\uB85C \uB098\uAC00 \uBC2D\uB451\uC774\uB098 \uB17C\uB451\uC758 \uB9C8\uB978 \uD480\uC5D0 \uC77C\uC81C\uD788 \uBD88\uC744 \uB193\uC544 \uD0DC\uC6B4\uB2E4. \uC774\uB807\uAC8C \uD558\uBA74 1\uB144 \uB0B4\uB0B4 \uBCD1\uC774 \uC5C6\uACE0 \uC7AC\uC559\uC744 \uBB3C\uB9AC\uCE60 \uC218 \uC788\uB2E4\uACE0 \uBBFF\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uC774\uB0A0 \uC950\uBD88\uC744 \uB193\uB294 \uAE4C\uB2ED\uB3C4, \uC7A1\uCD08\uB97C \uD0DC\uC6C0\uC73C\uB85C\uC368 \uD574\uCDA9\uC758 \uC54C\uC774\uB098 \uC950\uB97C \uBC15\uBA78\uD558\uC5EC \uD48D\uC791\uC744 \uC774\uB8E8\uB824\uB294 \uB73B\uC774 \uB2F4\uACA8 \uC788\uB2E4. \uC774 \uC950\uBD88\uC758 \uD06C\uAE30\uC5D0 \uB530\uB77C \uD48D\uB144\uC774\uB098 \uD749\uB144, \uB9C8\uC744\uC758 \uAE38\uD749\uD654\uBCF5\uC744 \uC810\uCE58\uAE30\uB3C4 \uD558\uB294\uB370, \uBD88\uC758 \uAE30\uC138\uAC00 \uD06C\uBA74 \uC88B\uB2E4\uACE0 \uD55C\uB2E4. \uC790\uC815\uC774 \uB418\uBA74 \uAC01\uC790 \uB9C8\uC744\uB85C \uB418\uB3CC\uC544\uAC00\uB294\uB370 \uC9C8\uB7EC \uB193\uC740 \uBD88\uC740 \uB044\uC9C0 \uC54A\uB294\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . "Il Jwibul nori (\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774?, letteralmente \"gioco del topo in fiamme\") \u00E8 un gioco coreano legato alla tradizione di dare fuoco alle estremit\u00E0 delle risaie e dei campi di coltura asciutti. Questo gioco viene anche chiamato seohwahui (\uC11C\uD654\uD76C?, \u9F20\u706B\u6231?) o hunseohwa (\uD6C8\uC11C\uD654?, \u71FB\u9F20\u706B?) che vogliono dire \"baldoria del topo in fiamme\"."@it . . . . . . . . "\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774"@ko . . . . . . . "Il Jwibul nori (\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774?, letteralmente \"gioco del topo in fiamme\") \u00E8 un gioco coreano legato alla tradizione di dare fuoco alle estremit\u00E0 delle risaie e dei campi di coltura asciutti. Questo gioco viene anche chiamato seohwahui (\uC11C\uD654\uD76C?, \u9F20\u706B\u6231?) o hunseohwa (\uD6C8\uC11C\uD654?, \u71FB\u9F20\u706B?) che vogliono dire \"baldoria del topo in fiamme\". Lo scopo di incendiare i contorni dei campi \u00E8 quello di bruciare le erbacce e quindi ridurre il danno provocato dagli insetti al raccolto. Dopo aver bruciato una pila di rami di pino conosciuta come daljip taeugi (\uB2EC\uC9D1\uD0DC\uC6B0\uAE30?, letteralmente \"bruciare la casa del topo\") nel giorno della grande luna piena (il quindicesimo giorno del primo mese lunare) le persone si recano nei campi e danno fuoco alle estremit\u00E0 di questi con delle torce. Questa tradizione di solito si inizia a celebrarla gi\u00E0 dalla sera prima del giorno della grande luna piena, quindi il quattordicesimo giorno del primo mese lunare, oppure durante il primo giorno dell'anno del topo (\uC0C1\uC790\uC77C?, \u4E0A\u5B50\u65E5?. Questa pratica promuove una crescita salutare del raccolto, messa in pericolo dai buchi creati dai topi, nidi per cavallette e altri insetti pericolosi che si nascondono nell'erba, bruciando le loro uova. In pi\u00F9, la cenere provocata dall'incendio viene usata come fertilizzante per le piante. Questi fuochi quindi, proteggono i campi e permettono una crescita rigogliosa di erba non infestata attorno ad essi. Un altro vantaggio importante di questa pratica \u00E8 che costringe i topi di campagna, portatori di malattie, a fuggire. Il Jwibul nori \u00E8 un gioco competitivo in cui gli abitanti del villaggio si dividono in due squadre e l'una prova ad appiccare un fuoco pi\u00F9 grande e vigoroso dell'altra. In passato questo gioco svolgeva anche un ruolo di divinazione indiretta, in quanto era credenza comune che i componenti della squadra vincitrice sarebbero stati in grado di evitare la sfortuna dell'anno che sarebbe venuto e quindi godere di un raccolto pi\u00F9 fruttuoso. In pi\u00F9, oltre ai vantaggi pratici dei fuochi nei campi, come il disfarsi di topi di campagna, suini selvatici e prevenire danni causati da insetti, serviva anche per esprimere il desiderio della comunit\u00E0 agricola di avere un buon raccolto e aumentare la propria ricchezza."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jwibulnori"@sv . . . . . . "31832446"^^ . . . . "Jwibulnori (Korean: \uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774) is a Korean game in which participants create streaks of light by swinging cans filled with burning items. The game is played during the first full moon of the year in the lunar calendar, which is a national holiday in Korea. It is played during the time when fires are started on farmlands to exterminate harmful insects and rats by burning away their habitat. Another purpose of the game is to wish for good health."@en . "\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774\uB294 \uB17C\uC774\uB098 \uBC2D\uB450\uB801\uC5D0 \uBD88\uC744 \uBD99\uC774\uB294 \uC815\uC6D4\uC758 \uBBFC\uC18D\uB180\uC774\uB85C \uC74C\uB825 \uC815\uC6D4 \uCCAB \uC950\uB0A0(\u4E0A\u5B50\u65E5), \uBC24\uC5D0 \uB18D\uAC00\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC8C\uC774\uB294 \uD48D\uC18D\uC774\uB2E4. \uD574\uAC00 \uC800\uBB3C\uBA74 \uB9C8\uC744\uB9C8\uB2E4 \uB4E4\uB85C \uB098\uAC00 \uBC2D\uB451\uC774\uB098 \uB17C\uB451\uC758 \uB9C8\uB978 \uD480\uC5D0 \uC77C\uC81C\uD788 \uBD88\uC744 \uB193\uC544 \uD0DC\uC6B4\uB2E4. \uC774\uB807\uAC8C \uD558\uBA74 1\uB144 \uB0B4\uB0B4 \uBCD1\uC774 \uC5C6\uACE0 \uC7AC\uC559\uC744 \uBB3C\uB9AC\uCE60 \uC218 \uC788\uB2E4\uACE0 \uBBFF\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uC774\uB0A0 \uC950\uBD88\uC744 \uB193\uB294 \uAE4C\uB2ED\uB3C4, \uC7A1\uCD08\uB97C \uD0DC\uC6C0\uC73C\uB85C\uC368 \uD574\uCDA9\uC758 \uC54C\uC774\uB098 \uC950\uB97C \uBC15\uBA78\uD558\uC5EC \uD48D\uC791\uC744 \uC774\uB8E8\uB824\uB294 \uB73B\uC774 \uB2F4\uACA8 \uC788\uB2E4. \uC774 \uC950\uBD88\uC758 \uD06C\uAE30\uC5D0 \uB530\uB77C \uD48D\uB144\uC774\uB098 \uD749\uB144, \uB9C8\uC744\uC758 \uAE38\uD749\uD654\uBCF5\uC744 \uC810\uCE58\uAE30\uB3C4 \uD558\uB294\uB370, \uBD88\uC758 \uAE30\uC138\uAC00 \uD06C\uBA74 \uC88B\uB2E4\uACE0 \uD55C\uB2E4. \uC790\uC815\uC774 \uB418\uBA74 \uAC01\uC790 \uB9C8\uC744\uB85C \uB418\uB3CC\uC544\uAC00\uB294\uB370 \uC9C8\uB7EC \uB193\uC740 \uBD88\uC740 \uB044\uC9C0 \uC54A\uB294\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . . . . "Jwibulnori (Korean: \uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774) is a Korean game in which participants create streaks of light by swinging cans filled with burning items. The game is played during the first full moon of the year in the lunar calendar, which is a national holiday in Korea. It is played during the time when fires are started on farmlands to exterminate harmful insects and rats by burning away their habitat. Another purpose of the game is to wish for good health. People make a torchlight with a basket or container tied with a strong string. The game is often played by twirling the string. There can also be fights between other village members. They play the game until midnight and, after enjoying the game, the fire is set on the farmland."@en . . . "Jwibulnori (\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774) \u00E4r en traditionell koreansk lek som ofta f\u00F6rknippas med ritualen Dalmaji (\uB2EC\uB9DE\uC774) och h\u00F6gtiden Daeboreum (\uB300\uBCF4\uB984). N\u00E4r man spelar Jwibulnori stoppar man halm i burkar som sitter fast i ett sn\u00F6re och t\u00E4nder eld p\u00E5 dem. D\u00E4refter snurrar man burkarna runt och runt innan man sedan kastar iv\u00E4g dem ut p\u00E5 ett f\u00E4lt med ogr\u00E4s. Detta fattar d\u00E5 eld och kan sedan anv\u00E4ndas som g\u00F6dsel f\u00F6r v\u00E5rodlingen. Namnet \"Jwibulnori\" (\uC950\uBD88\uB180\uC774) betyder \"liten eldlek\" och kommer fr\u00E5n tre ord. \"Jwi\" (\uC950) betyder i detta sammanhang \"liten\", \"Bul\" (\uBD88) betyder \"eld\" och \"Nori\" (\uB180\uC774) betyder \"lek\"."@sv . . .