. . . . . . . . . . "Kenneth \"Ken\" J. George o Ken George \u00E9s un ocean\u00F2graf, ling\u00FCista i poeta brit\u00E0nic resident al sud-oest de Cornualla. \u00C9s conegut principalment per ser el creador del , un sistema de pronunciaci\u00F3 del c\u00F2rnic que intenta ser m\u00E9s fidel al c\u00F2rnic mitj\u00E0 que el seu precursor, el c\u00F2rnic unificat de Robert Morton Nance. El Kernewek Kemmyn esdevingu\u00E9 molt popular despr\u00E9s de la seva publicaci\u00F3, a finals de 1980, malgrat les cr\u00EDtiques de Nicholas Williams i altres acad\u00E8mics. A m\u00E9s a m\u00E9s de c\u00F2rnic, parla bret\u00F3, angl\u00E8s i franc\u00E8s."@ca . . . . . . . "3352"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Kenneth \"Ken\" J. George (...) \u00E8 un oceanografo, poeta e linguista britannico, tra i massimi esperti della lingua cornica e della letteratura cornica moderna."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kenneth \"Ken\" J. George es un ocean\u00F3grafo, poeta y ling\u00FCista, considerado como el creador del Kernewek Kemmyn, una variante de la ortograf\u00EDa y otros aspectos del c\u00F3rnico.\u200B Ha publicado varios diccionarios de c\u00F3rnico y otros libros sobre Ling\u00FC\u00EDstica y Oceanograf\u00EDa, incluyendo varios diccionarios de c\u00F3rnico. Su edici\u00F3n de la obra teatral fue publicada en mayo de 2006 por el .\u200B Reside en Cornualles y habla bret\u00F3n, ingl\u00E9s y franc\u00E9s, adem\u00E1s del c\u00F3rnico. Fue tambi\u00E9n el principal profesor de ciencias oce\u00E1nicas en el Institute of Marine Studies de la ."@es . . . . "Kenneth \"Ken\" J. George (...) \u00E8 un oceanografo, poeta e linguista britannico, tra i massimi esperti della lingua cornica e della letteratura cornica moderna."@it . . . . "Ken George"@ca . . . . . . . . "Kenneth \"Ken\" J. George o Ken George \u00E9s un ocean\u00F2graf, ling\u00FCista i poeta brit\u00E0nic resident al sud-oest de Cornualla. \u00C9s conegut principalment per ser el creador del , un sistema de pronunciaci\u00F3 del c\u00F2rnic que intenta ser m\u00E9s fidel al c\u00F2rnic mitj\u00E0 que el seu precursor, el c\u00F2rnic unificat de Robert Morton Nance. El Kernewek Kemmyn esdevingu\u00E9 molt popular despr\u00E9s de la seva publicaci\u00F3, a finals de 1980, malgrat les cr\u00EDtiques de Nicholas Williams i altres acad\u00E8mics. Ha publicat diversos diccionaris, obres de ling\u00FC\u00EDstica, poes\u00EDa, i una edici\u00F3 de la pe\u00E7a c\u00F2rnica medieval , publicada pel Kesva an Taves Kernewek en maig de 2006. George va rebre una encomana pel seu treball en els premis Holyer an Gof de 2007. Ha tradu\u00EFt al c\u00F2rnic nombrosos himnes i can\u00E7ons, aix\u00ED com la lletra de Die Zauberfl\u00F6te. Ha compost nombroses peces en c\u00F2rnic, inclosa el Flogholeth Krist, en l'estil de la pe\u00E7a cl\u00E0ssica c\u00F2rnida . Ingress\u00E0 al Gorseth Kernow el 1979, amb el nom b\u00E0rdic Profus an Mortyd (en catal\u00E0: predictor de marees). Aquest nom reflecteix la seva activitat com a investigador ocean\u00F2graf. Tamb\u00E9 representa al Gorseth Kernow com a membre del comit\u00E8 del Kesva an Taves Kernewek, cos promotor de la llengua c\u00F2rnica. A m\u00E9s a m\u00E9s de c\u00F2rnic, parla bret\u00F3, angl\u00E8s i franc\u00E8s."@ca . . . "Kenneth John George is a British oceanographer, poet, and linguist. He is noted as being the originator of Kernewek Kemmyn, an orthography for the revived Cornish language which he claims is more faithful to Middle Cornish phonology than its precursor, (Unified Cornish). George has published over eighty items relating to Celtic linguistics, including several dictionaries of Cornish. His edition of the newly discovered Middle Cornish play Bewnans Ke was published by the Cornish Language Board in May 2006. George received a Commendation for this work in the 2007 Holyer an Gof awards. He has translated numerous hymns and songs into Cornish, and also the lyrics of The Magic Flute. He has composed a substantial amount of poetry in Cornish, including the full-length play Flogholeth Krist, in the style of the Ordinalia. George lives in Cornwall. As well as English, he speaks Breton, French and Cornish. George was formerly Principal Lecturer in Ocean Science in the Institute of Marine Studies at the University of Plymouth. George was made a Bard of Gorsedh Kernow in 1979, taking the Bardic name Profus an Mortyd ('Tide Predictor'). This reflected one of his research interests in oceanography, the other being numerical modelling. He has over fifty publications in the oceanographic field, including the textbook Tides for Marine Studies, which has sold over 1000 copies. George is a Gorsedh Kernow representative committee member of the Kesva an Taves Kernewek (Cornish Language Board) which is a body promoting the Cornish language. George took early retirement in 2006, and has since been learning Japanese."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ken George"@it . . . . "1683290"^^ . . . . . "Kenneth John George is a British oceanographer, poet, and linguist. He is noted as being the originator of Kernewek Kemmyn, an orthography for the revived Cornish language which he claims is more faithful to Middle Cornish phonology than its precursor, (Unified Cornish). George lives in Cornwall. As well as English, he speaks Breton, French and Cornish. George was formerly Principal Lecturer in Ocean Science in the Institute of Marine Studies at the University of Plymouth. George took early retirement in 2006, and has since been learning Japanese."@en . . . "Ken George"@en . . . . . "Kenneth \"Ken\" J. George es un ocean\u00F3grafo, poeta y ling\u00FCista, considerado como el creador del Kernewek Kemmyn, una variante de la ortograf\u00EDa y otros aspectos del c\u00F3rnico.\u200B Ha publicado varios diccionarios de c\u00F3rnico y otros libros sobre Ling\u00FC\u00EDstica y Oceanograf\u00EDa, incluyendo varios diccionarios de c\u00F3rnico. Su edici\u00F3n de la obra teatral fue publicada en mayo de 2006 por el .\u200B Reside en Cornualles y habla bret\u00F3n, ingl\u00E9s y franc\u00E9s, adem\u00E1s del c\u00F3rnico. Fue tambi\u00E9n el principal profesor de ciencias oce\u00E1nicas en el Institute of Marine Studies de la ."@es . . . . . . . . . . "1124413735"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ken George"@es .