. . . "2617"^^ . . . "Ken Whitmore"@en . . . "989654285"^^ . "Ken Whitmore, n\u00E9 \u00E0 Hanley dans le Staffordshire le 22 d\u00E9cembre 1937, est un prolifique auteur britannique de pi\u00E8ces radiophoniques, de pi\u00E8ces pour la sc\u00E8ne, de nouvelles et de po\u00E9sie. Son \u00E9criture est caract\u00E9ris\u00E9e par la com\u00E9die noire et des id\u00E9es fantastiques comme la disparition compl\u00E8te de la maison, de la famille et du chien d'un homme (One of Our Commuters is Missing) et la n\u00E9cessit\u00E9 pour toute l'humanit\u00E9 de sauter en l'air en m\u00EAme temps (Jump! - texte produit \u00E0 la radio, sur sc\u00E8ne, \u00E0 la t\u00E9l\u00E9vision et en livre). Haywire at Humbleford Flag, sa premi\u00E8re pi\u00E8ce pour la radio est diffus\u00E9e en 1974. S'ensuivent rapidement de nombreuses pi\u00E8ces radiophoniques de haute qualit\u00E9, se terminant par The Final Twist (\u00E0 partir d'une pi\u00E8ce pour la sc\u00E8ne \u00E9crite en collaboration avec Alfred Bradley.) Les adaptations de Whitmore pour la radio sont Going Under \u00E0 partir d'un roman de l'\u00E9crivaine russe Lydia Tchoukovska\u00EFa, une adaptation en cinq parties du Rocher de Brighton de Graham Greene et une adaptation en huit parties de Fame is the Spur de (en). Ses textes pour la sc\u00E8ne publi\u00E9s sont Jump for Your Life, Pen Friends, La Bolshie Vita, The Final Twist et The Turn of the Screw, adapt\u00E9 de Le Tour d'\u00E9crou de Henry James.Ken Whitmore died in May 2022 of cancer of the pancreas. He lived in the south west of France and leaves a widow and three children. He was supported for the latter part of his career by the ~Royal Literary Society."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Ken Whitmore, born Hanley, Staffordshire, December 22, 1937, is a prolific author of radio plays, stage plays, short stories and poetry. His writing is characterised by black comedy and fantastic ideas, such as the complete disappearance of a man\u2019s house, family and dog (One of Our Commuters is Missing) and the need for all mankind to jump in the air simultaneously (Jump! - a work which was produced on radio, stage, TV and as a book.) His published stage plays are Jump for Your Life, Pen Friends, La Bolshie Vita, The Final Twist and The Turn of the Screw, adapted from the story by Henry James."@en . . . . . . . "9758173"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ken Whitmore, n\u00E9 \u00E0 Hanley dans le Staffordshire le 22 d\u00E9cembre 1937, est un prolifique auteur britannique de pi\u00E8ces radiophoniques, de pi\u00E8ces pour la sc\u00E8ne, de nouvelles et de po\u00E9sie. Son \u00E9criture est caract\u00E9ris\u00E9e par la com\u00E9die noire et des id\u00E9es fantastiques comme la disparition compl\u00E8te de la maison, de la famille et du chien d'un homme (One of Our Commuters is Missing) et la n\u00E9cessit\u00E9 pour toute l'humanit\u00E9 de sauter en l'air en m\u00EAme temps (Jump! - texte produit \u00E0 la radio, sur sc\u00E8ne, \u00E0 la t\u00E9l\u00E9vision et en livre)."@fr . . . "Ken Whitmore"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ken Whitmore, born Hanley, Staffordshire, December 22, 1937, is a prolific author of radio plays, stage plays, short stories and poetry. His writing is characterised by black comedy and fantastic ideas, such as the complete disappearance of a man\u2019s house, family and dog (One of Our Commuters is Missing) and the need for all mankind to jump in the air simultaneously (Jump! - a work which was produced on radio, stage, TV and as a book.) His first radio play in 1974 was Haywire at Humbleford Flag and there swiftly followed a stream of high-quality radio plays, ending with The Final Twist (from a stage play written in collaboration with Alfred Bradley.) Whitmore\u2019s adaptations for radio are Going Under from the novel by the Russian Lydia Chukovskaya, a five-part adaptation of Brighton Rock by Graham Greene, and an eight-part adaptation of Fame is the Spur by Howard Spring. His published stage plays are Jump for Your Life, Pen Friends, La Bolshie Vita, The Final Twist and The Turn of the Screw, adapted from the story by Henry James. Paul Donovan on TimesOnline quoted Whitmore as saying that his dearest wish was to write a drama that would stop people ironing."@en . .