"Ag 8.30pm, ar 14 Aibre\u00E1n 1984, th\u00E1ngthas ar chorp linbh, 5 l\u00E1 d\u2019aois, ar an Tr\u00E1 Bh\u00E1n, i gCathair Saidhbh\u00EDn. Briseadh droim an linbh \"Baby John\" & s\u00E1dh sa chro\u00ED \u00E9. Cuireadh i leith Joanne Hayes go h\u00E9ag\u00F3rach gur mharaigh bean as Co Chiarra\u00ED, Joanne Hayes, an leanbh nuabheirthe."@ga . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . "The Kerry Babies case (Irish: Leana\u00ED Chiarra\u00ED) was a 1984 investigation by the Garda S\u00EDoch\u00E1na in County Kerry, Ireland, into the killing of one newborn baby and the alleged killing of another. The mother who concealed the second baby, Joanne Hayes, was arrested and charged with the murder of the first baby, of which she was erroneously thought to be the mother. The Garda\u00ED were forced to drop the charges four years later and a tribunal of inquiry (the \"Kerry Babies Tribunal\") was launched. Its report was critical of the Garda conduct of the investigations, and it also concluded that Hayes had precipitated the death of her baby. Hayes has disputed this finding, and no charges were pressed. The parents and killer of the first baby have never been identified. In 2020, the Irish State formally "@en . "Abbeydorney"@en . "1121436258"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "-9.683299999999999"^^ . . . . . . . . "L'Affaire des b\u00E9b\u00E9s du Kerry est une enqu\u00EAte men\u00E9e par la Garda S\u00EDoch\u00E1na en 1984 dans le comt\u00E9 de Kerry, en Irlande, sur le meurtre d'un nouveau-n\u00E9 et le meurtre pr\u00E9sum\u00E9 d'un autre b\u00E9b\u00E9. La femme qui a dissimul\u00E9 la naissance du second b\u00E9b\u00E9, Joanne Hayes, a \u00E9t\u00E9 arr\u00EAt\u00E9e et accus\u00E9e du meurtre du premier b\u00E9b\u00E9, duquel on a pens\u00E9 \u00E0 tort qu'elle \u00E9tait la m\u00E8re. Les Garda\u00ED sont forc\u00E9s de lever les charges quatre ans plus tard, et un tribunal d'enqu\u00EAte (le \u00AB Kerry Babies Tribunal \u00BB) est mis en place. Son rapport critique la fa\u00E7on dont la Garda a men\u00E9 l'enqu\u00EAte et conclut que Hayes a provoqu\u00E9 la mort de son b\u00E9b\u00E9. Mais Hayes contestant cette affirmation, aucune charge n'a \u00E9t\u00E9 retenue. Les parents et le meurtrier du premier b\u00E9b\u00E9 n'ont jamais \u00E9t\u00E9 identifi\u00E9s. En 2020, l'\u00C9tat irlandais s'excuse officiellement apr\u00E8s 36 ans aupr\u00E8s de Joanne Hayes de l'avoir accus\u00E9e \u00E0 tort du meurtre et pour \u00AB l'effroyable souffrance et la d\u00E9tresse qu'elle a subies \u00BB."@fr . . . . . . . . "51.948"^^ . "7421881"^^ . "Cahersiveen"@en . . . . . . . "L'Affaire des b\u00E9b\u00E9s du Kerry est une enqu\u00EAte men\u00E9e par la Garda S\u00EDoch\u00E1na en 1984 dans le comt\u00E9 de Kerry, en Irlande, sur le meurtre d'un nouveau-n\u00E9 et le meurtre pr\u00E9sum\u00E9 d'un autre b\u00E9b\u00E9. La femme qui a dissimul\u00E9 la naissance du second b\u00E9b\u00E9, Joanne Hayes, a \u00E9t\u00E9 arr\u00EAt\u00E9e et accus\u00E9e du meurtre du premier b\u00E9b\u00E9, duquel on a pens\u00E9 \u00E0 tort qu'elle \u00E9tait la m\u00E8re. Les Garda\u00ED sont forc\u00E9s de lever les charges quatre ans plus tard, et un tribunal d'enqu\u00EAte (le \u00AB Kerry Babies Tribunal \u00BB) est mis en place. Son rapport critique la fa\u00E7on dont la Garda a men\u00E9 l'enqu\u00EAte et conclut que Hayes a provoqu\u00E9 la mort de son b\u00E9b\u00E9. Mais Hayes contestant cette affirmation, aucune charge n'a \u00E9t\u00E9 retenue. Les parents et le meurtrier du premier b\u00E9b\u00E9 n'ont jamais \u00E9t\u00E9 identifi\u00E9s. En 2020, l'\u00C9tat irlandais s'excuse officielle"@fr . . . . . . . "The Kerry Babies case (Irish: Leana\u00ED Chiarra\u00ED) was a 1984 investigation by the Garda S\u00EDoch\u00E1na in County Kerry, Ireland, into the killing of one newborn baby and the alleged killing of another. The mother who concealed the second baby, Joanne Hayes, was arrested and charged with the murder of the first baby, of which she was erroneously thought to be the mother. The Garda\u00ED were forced to drop the charges four years later and a tribunal of inquiry (the \"Kerry Babies Tribunal\") was launched. Its report was critical of the Garda conduct of the investigations, and it also concluded that Hayes had precipitated the death of her baby. Hayes has disputed this finding, and no charges were pressed. The parents and killer of the first baby have never been identified. In 2020, the Irish State formally apologised after 36 years to Joanne Hayes for wrongly accusing her of the murder and for the \"appalling hurt and distress caused.\""@en . . "Affaire des b\u00E9b\u00E9s du Kerry"@fr . "Ag 8.30pm, ar 14 Aibre\u00E1n 1984, th\u00E1ngthas ar chorp linbh, 5 l\u00E1 d\u2019aois, ar an Tr\u00E1 Bh\u00E1n, i gCathair Saidhbh\u00EDn. Briseadh droim an linbh \"Baby John\" & s\u00E1dh sa chro\u00ED \u00E9. Cuireadh i leith Joanne Hayes go h\u00E9ag\u00F3rach gur mharaigh bean as Co Chiarra\u00ED, Joanne Hayes, an leanbh nuabheirthe."@ga . . . . . . . . . . . "18870"^^ . . . . . . . "C\u00E1s Na\u00EDon\u00E1in Chiarra\u00ED"@ga . . "Locations associated with the Kerry Babies case"@en . "-10.224"^^ . . "52.35"^^ . . "Kerry Babies case"@en . . . . . . . . .