. "36"^^ . "A virapulla - traditional Swedish tin for holding gaming counters. The pot for the gaming stakes is in the reversible lid."@en . . "File:Virapulla - IMG 7659.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "3"^^ . "Knack is a Swedish card game, mainly played for money, in which the aim is to win at least one of the three tricks. It is also known as Trekort or Trikort, although that usually refers to a more basic game of Danish origin that is probably its progenitor. Each trick won is rewarded with a third of the pot. A player who has played for the pot but has not taken a trick must pay a full stake to the pot. Knack has been known in Sweden at least since the early 1800s. The names Trekort and Trikort are also used for several other similar card games."@en . . . "Knack is a Swedish card game, mainly played for money, in which the aim is to win at least one of the three tricks. It is also known as Trekort or Trikort, although that usually refers to a more basic game of Danish origin that is probably its progenitor. Each deal begins with the dealer anteing an agreed stake into the pot. The players receive three cards each, and then a card is turned that indicates the trump suit. The remaining cards form a talon. Players who so wish, may exchange up to two cards for cards from the talon. In turn, the players then decide whether they want to play for the pot; if so, they announce this by knocking on the table and possibly also saying \"knock\". Alternatively they may fold without exchanging. Players must follow suit if able. In the first trick, the trump Ace must be led if possible; otherwise any card may be led. In the second trick, a trump must be led if possible. Otherwise a side suit card should be led face down and regarded as the lowest trump; it wins if no-one else is able to trump it. The last trick is played as normal. The highest trump wins or, if none is played, the highest card of the led suit. Each trick won is rewarded with a third of the pot. A player who has played for the pot but has not taken a trick must pay a full stake to the pot. Knack has been known in Sweden at least since the early 1800s. The names Trekort and Trikort are also used for several other similar card games."@en . . . . . "Knack (kortspel)"@sv . . "Clockwise"@en . . "Natural"@en . "RamsK\u00F6pknackSv\u00E4ngknackNorseman's KnockTrekort"@en . . "Plain-trick game"@en . . . . . . "1106655104"^^ . . "Knack (card game)"@en . . . "Modern Swedish pattern, French-suited pack"@en . . . . "Knack \u00E4r ett kortspel som f\u00F6retr\u00E4desvis \u00E4r ett spel om pengar och i vilket det g\u00E4ller att vinna minst ett av de tre stick man spelar om. Ett annat namn p\u00E5 spelet \u00E4r trekort, vilket \u00E4r en ben\u00E4mning som ocks\u00E5 anv\u00E4nds om flera andra liknande kortspel. Varje giv inleds med att den som \u00E4r i tur att dela ut korten l\u00E4gger en \u00F6verenskommen insats i potten. Spelarna erh\u00E5ller tre kort var, och d\u00E4refter l\u00E4ggs ett kort upp som anger trumff\u00E4rg. Resterande kort bildar en talong. De spelare som s\u00E5 \u00F6nskar f\u00E5r tv\u00E5 g\u00E5nger byta ut kort mot nya fr\u00E5n talongen. I tur och ordning ska spelarna sedan best\u00E4mma om de vill vara med och spela om potten, vilket man tillk\u00E4nnager genom att knacka i bordet och eventuellt ocks\u00E5 s\u00E4ga \u201Dknack\u201D. Varje vunnet stick bel\u00F6nas med en tredjedel av potten. En spelare som g\u00E5tt med i spelet om potten men inte tagit n\u00E5got stick m\u00E5ste betala en full insats till potten. Knack \u00E4r k\u00E4nt i Sverige \u00E5tminstone sedan tidigt 1800-tal."@sv . . . . . . . . . "Knack"@en . "Knack \u00E4r ett kortspel som f\u00F6retr\u00E4desvis \u00E4r ett spel om pengar och i vilket det g\u00E4ller att vinna minst ett av de tre stick man spelar om. Ett annat namn p\u00E5 spelet \u00E4r trekort, vilket \u00E4r en ben\u00E4mning som ocks\u00E5 anv\u00E4nds om flera andra liknande kortspel. Varje vunnet stick bel\u00F6nas med en tredjedel av potten. En spelare som g\u00E5tt med i spelet om potten men inte tagit n\u00E5got stick m\u00E5ste betala en full insats till potten. Knack \u00E4r k\u00E4nt i Sverige \u00E5tminstone sedan tidigt 1800-tal."@sv . "Rams group"@en . . . . "64448158"^^ . . . "3519"^^ .