. . . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog (Danish for 'Krak's Blue Book') is a Danish biographical dictionary. According to the publisher, it only contains autobiographies provided by the subjects themselves. The first edition was published in 1910 by Ove Krak and included 3,000 \"life stories\", while the 2009\u20132010 centennial edition contains life stories of 8,127 living Danish, Faroe Island and Greenland women and men. Including the 280 new life stories in the 2009/2010 edition, altogether 19,874 people have been listed since the first edition. The centennial edition includes a list of all present and previous names listed. According to the publisher, the mission of Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog remains the same through all editions: to \"Include [...] men and women, whose life story could have an interest for a wider public.\" Selection is for life, except for people who commit certain crimes, which may lead to their deletion at the discretion of the publisher. People can also have their life stories \"retired\" if they become increasingly invisible in public life. In that case the life story is shortened to a few lines with a reference to the last edition with a full life story. The preface to the first edition included a direct reference to the British edition of Who's Who and notes that the concept had been copied in a number of other countries. It also stresses that the publisher prefers the term \"Life stories\" to \"Biographies\" \u2014 which, according to the publisher, is more subjective. The members of the selection committee are not publicly known, there is no obligation to buy the book in order to be included, and there is no way to pay to be included. Still, anyone is welcome to write the publisher and suggest people to be included. A main criterion has always been that the people included should have the potential to make \"lasting\" contributions to Danish society. For many years this excluded people such as sports stars, while holders of certain public positions such as generals and ambassadors were always included. This has gradually changed, and there are very few positions \u2014 such as members of the royal family (which are included in a separate chapter) \u2014 that automatically qualify for a \"life story\". Men have dominated the listings since the first edition. In the 2004 edition 12% were women; however, 24% of all new life stories published were of women. As in many other countries, the concept of having a book with a strong focus on the ruling elite has led to many controversies. Besides the low number of women listed, these include people who do not want to be included or who demand to be included, people removed from the listings because of certain criminal acts, and the difficulties of publishing during and after the Second World War period of German occupation of Denmark."@en . . . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog (d\u00E4nisch: \u201EKraks Blaues Buch\u201C) ist ein d\u00E4nisches Personenlexikon, das beim Gads F\u00F6rlag in Kopenhagen erscheint. Die erste Ausgabe wurde 1910 nach dem Vorbild von Who\u2019s Who von Ove Krak (1862\u20131923) herausgegeben und umfasste ungef\u00E4hr 3000 Biografien. Die 103. Ausgabe von 2012/2013 umfasst 8.229 der \u201Ewichtigsten\u201C Personen aus D\u00E4nemark, von den F\u00E4r\u00F6er und aus Gr\u00F6nland. In Gr\u00F6nland erschien zwischen 1988 und 2001 zus\u00E4tzlich das unabh\u00E4ngige, aber von Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog inspirierte Gr\u00F8nlands Gr\u00F8nne Bog. Die Jubil\u00E4umsausgabe zum hundertj\u00E4hrigen Bestehen von 2009/2010 enthielt ein Register aller 19.874 Personen, die bis dato in Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog dargestellt wurden. Bis 2007 erschien die Enzyklop\u00E4die im , seit der Jubil\u00E4umsausgabe 2009/2010 im . \u00DCber die Aufnahme entscheidet eine Redaktionskommission, die von etwa 30 externen Beratern unterst\u00FCtzt wird, deren Namen nicht ver\u00F6ffentlicht werden. Aufnahmekriterium ist nicht nur Bekanntheit und Anerkennung der Leistungen, sondern auch ein \u201Epositiver Einfluss\u201C der besprochenen Person auf die d\u00E4nische Gesellschaft."@de . . . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog"@sv . . . . . . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog \u00E4r en dansk handbok med biografier \u00F6ver nu levande personer. Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog utgavs av i K\u00F6penhamn till 2007. Efter att detta s\u00E5lts till Eniro blev denna f\u00F6rlagsdel s\u00E5ld vidare till , som stod f\u00F6r jubileumsutg\u00E5van 2009/10. Boken utkom f\u00F6rsta g\u00E5ngen p\u00E5 initiativ av 1910 med omkring 3 000 biografier, Ove Krak utgav \u00E4ven Kraks Vejsviser, en adresskalender grundad 1862 av hans far, stadskondukt\u00F6r Thorvald Krak. En ny utg\u00E5va utkommer varje \u00E5r (dock inte under Andra v\u00E4rldskriget). \u00C5r 2005 inneh\u00F6ll den knappt 8 000 biografier och 2009/10 hade antalet vuxit till 8 127."@sv . . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog (Danish for 'Krak's Blue Book') is a Danish biographical dictionary. According to the publisher, it only contains autobiographies provided by the subjects themselves. The first edition was published in 1910 by Ove Krak and included 3,000 \"life stories\", while the 2009\u20132010 centennial edition contains life stories of 8,127 living Danish, Faroe Island and Greenland women and men. Including the 280 new life stories in the 2009/2010 edition, altogether 19,874 people have been listed since the first edition. The centennial edition includes a list of all present and previous names listed."@en . . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog"@en . . . . . . . . . "3893"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog"@de . . . . "1048975341"^^ . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog \u00E4r en dansk handbok med biografier \u00F6ver nu levande personer. Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog utgavs av i K\u00F6penhamn till 2007. Efter att detta s\u00E5lts till Eniro blev denna f\u00F6rlagsdel s\u00E5ld vidare till , som stod f\u00F6r jubileumsutg\u00E5van 2009/10. Boken utkom f\u00F6rsta g\u00E5ngen p\u00E5 initiativ av 1910 med omkring 3 000 biografier, Ove Krak utgav \u00E4ven Kraks Vejsviser, en adresskalender grundad 1862 av hans far, stadskondukt\u00F6r Thorvald Krak. En ny utg\u00E5va utkommer varje \u00E5r (dock inte under Andra v\u00E4rldskriget). \u00C5r 2005 inneh\u00F6ll den knappt 8 000 biografier och 2009/10 hade antalet vuxit till 8 127. I boken tas betydande personer inom dansk konst, n\u00E4ringsliv, administration med mera upp. Regeln var l\u00E4nge, att de upptagna f\u00F6rblev i Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog resten av livet, med undantaget att de utgick efter en f\u00E4llande dom. Detta f\u00F6r\u00E4ndrades 2009, s\u00E5 att en person kan utg\u00E5, om vederb\u00F6rande inte l\u00E4ngre anses intressant, och att den som blivit d\u00F6md kan st\u00E5 kvar, om vederb\u00F6rande alltj\u00E4mt anses vara intressant. N\u00E4r en upptagen person \u00E4r d\u00F6d, saknas biografien i f\u00F6ljande \u00E5rs utg\u00E5va och d\u00F6dsdatumet finns med i ett efterf\u00F6ljande register. Inspirationen till den bl\u00E5 boken fick Krak fr\u00E5n den engelska Who's Who, som 1849 b\u00F6rjade utkomma \u00E5rligen, och den tyska fr\u00E5n 1905 (sedan 1951 heter den Wer ist wer?). I \u00F6vriga Skandinavien kom utgivningen av Hvem er Hvem? (Norge) och Vem \u00E4r det (Sverige) ig\u00E5ng vid samma tid."@sv . "Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog (d\u00E4nisch: \u201EKraks Blaues Buch\u201C) ist ein d\u00E4nisches Personenlexikon, das beim Gads F\u00F6rlag in Kopenhagen erscheint. Die erste Ausgabe wurde 1910 nach dem Vorbild von Who\u2019s Who von Ove Krak (1862\u20131923) herausgegeben und umfasste ungef\u00E4hr 3000 Biografien. Die 103. Ausgabe von 2012/2013 umfasst 8.229 der \u201Ewichtigsten\u201C Personen aus D\u00E4nemark, von den F\u00E4r\u00F6er und aus Gr\u00F6nland. In Gr\u00F6nland erschien zwischen 1988 und 2001 zus\u00E4tzlich das unabh\u00E4ngige, aber von Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog inspirierte Gr\u00F8nlands Gr\u00F8nne Bog. Die Jubil\u00E4umsausgabe zum hundertj\u00E4hrigen Bestehen von 2009/2010 enthielt ein Register aller 19.874 Personen, die bis dato in Kraks Bl\u00E5 Bog dargestellt wurden."@de . . "26984952"^^ . .