. . "La Borsa, also known as the Exchange Buildings, is a 19th-century building in Valletta, Malta, which houses The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. The site of La Borsa was originally occupied by a house which belonged to the Priory of Castile. In 1853, the house was handed over to The Malta Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise, which had been formed in 1848. It was demolished to make way for new premises which were designed by the Maltese architect Giuseppe Bonavia. Works were undertaken by the contractor Michelangelo Azzopardi, and the building was inaugurated in March 1857. Some features within the building include the Lewis Farrugia Courtyard, Sir Agostino Portelli Hall, the Aula Conciliaris (Council Room), the Banif Lecture Hall and the BOV Meeting Room."@en . . . "La Borsa, znana te\u017C jako Exchange Buildings \u2013 XIX-wieczny budynek w Valletcie na Malcie, w kt\u00F3rym mie\u015Bci si\u0119 Malta\u0144ska Izba Handlu, Przedsi\u0119biorczo\u015Bci i Przemys\u0142u (The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry). Na miejscu zajmowanym przez La Borsa oryginalnie sta\u0142 budynek nale\u017C\u0105cy do przeoratu Kastylii. W roku 1853 budynek zosta\u0142 przekazany The Malta Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise, utworzonej w roku 1848. Zosta\u0142 zburzony, a na jego miejscu zbudowano nowy, zaprojektowany przez malta\u0144skiego architekta Giuseppe Bonavi\u0119. Praca zosta\u0142a podj\u0119ta przez budowniczego Michelangelo Azzopardiego, i budynek zosta\u0142 oddany do u\u017Cytku w marcu 1857 roku. Znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w nim, mi\u0119dzy innymi, Lewis Farrugia Courtyard, Sir Agostino Portelli Hall, Aula Conciliaris (Sala Rady), Banif Lecture Hall oraz Sala Zebra\u0144 . Budynek zaliczony jest przez Malta Environment and Planning Authority do narodowych pomnik\u00F3w stopnia 1."@pl . "35.89937777777778 14.514572222222222" . . . . . . . . "4938"^^ . . "La Borsa, znana te\u017C jako Exchange Buildings \u2013 XIX-wieczny budynek w Valletcie na Malcie, w kt\u00F3rym mie\u015Bci si\u0119 Malta\u0144ska Izba Handlu, Przedsi\u0119biorczo\u015Bci i Przemys\u0142u (The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry). Budynek zaliczony jest przez Malta Environment and Planning Authority do narodowych pomnik\u00F3w stopnia 1."@pl . "View of La Borsa"@en . "La Borsa"@en . "Neoclassical and rococo"@en . . . . . . . . "La Borsa, tambi\u00E9n conocida como Exchange Buildings, es un edificio del siglo XIX en La Valeta, la capital de Malta. Alberga la C\u00E1mara de Comercio, Empresa e Industria de Malta.\u200B Est\u00E1 situado en la calle de la Rep\u00FAblica, a unos pasos de la plaza del Palacio del Gran Maestre. Est\u00E1 programado como monumento nacional de Grado 1 por la .\u200B"@es . . "March 1857" . . . . . . . "La Borsa"@pl . . . "La Borsa"@en . . "La Borsa, also known as the Exchange Buildings, is a 19th-century building in Valletta, Malta, which houses The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. The site of La Borsa was originally occupied by a house which belonged to the Priory of Castile. In 1853, the house was handed over to The Malta Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise, which had been formed in 1848. It was demolished to make way for new premises which were designed by the Maltese architect Giuseppe Bonavia. Works were undertaken by the contractor Michelangelo Azzopardi, and the building was inaugurated in March 1857. Some features within the building include the Lewis Farrugia Courtyard, Sir Agostino Portelli Hall, the Aula Conciliaris (Council Room), the Banif Lecture Hall and the BOV Meeting Room. It is scheduled as a Grade 1 national monument by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority."@en . "14.51457214355469"^^ . "La Borsa"@es . "Exchange Buildings"@en . "La Borsa, tambi\u00E9n conocida como Exchange Buildings, es un edificio del siglo XIX en La Valeta, la capital de Malta. Alberga la C\u00E1mara de Comercio, Empresa e Industria de Malta.\u200B Est\u00E1 situado en la calle de la Rep\u00FAblica, a unos pasos de la plaza del Palacio del Gran Maestre. El solar de La Borsa estuvo originalmente ocupado por una casa que perteneci\u00F3 al Priorato de Castilla. En 1853, la casa fue entregada a la C\u00E1mara de Comercio y Empresas de Malta, que se hab\u00EDa formado en 1848. Fue demolido para dar paso a un nuevo local dise\u00F1ado por el arquitecto malt\u00E9s .\u200B Las obras fueron realizadas por el contratista Michelangelo Azzopardi, y el edificio fue inaugurado en marzo de 1857.\u200B Algunas caracter\u00EDsticas dentro del edificio incluyen el Patio Lewis Farrugia, el Sal\u00F3n Sir Agostino Portelli, el Aula Conciliaris (Sala del Consejo), el Sal\u00F3n de Actos Banif y la Sala de Reuniones .\u200B Est\u00E1 programado como monumento nacional de Grado 1 por la .\u200B"@es . . . . "La Borsa"@it . . "La Borsa, conosciuta anche come Exchange Buildings, \u00E8 un edificio del XIX secolo che si trova a La Valletta nell'isola di Malta e che ospita la Camera di commercio, dell'impresa e dell'industria di Malta. Il sito dove sorge La Borsa era originariamente occupato da una casa appartenuta al Priorato di Castiglia. Nel 1853, la casa venne ceduta alla Camera di commercio e dell'impresa di Malta, che era stata costituita nel 1848, e venne demolita per far posto ai nuovi locali progettati dall'architetto maltese Giuseppe Bonavia. L'edificio fu inaugurato nel marzo 1857 ed \u00E8 classificato come monumento nazionale di primo grado dal Malta Environment and Planning Authority."@it . "Valletta, Malta"@en . "Exchange Buildings"@en . "35.89937591552734"^^ . "March 1857"@en . . . "47679305"^^ . . . "1046808972"^^ . . . . "POINT(14.514572143555 35.899375915527)"^^ . . "La Borsa, conosciuta anche come Exchange Buildings, \u00E8 un edificio del XIX secolo che si trova a La Valletta nell'isola di Malta e che ospita la Camera di commercio, dell'impresa e dell'industria di Malta. Il sito dove sorge La Borsa era originariamente occupato da una casa appartenuta al Priorato di Castiglia. Nel 1853, la casa venne ceduta alla Camera di commercio e dell'impresa di Malta, che era stata costituita nel 1848, e venne demolita per far posto ai nuovi locali progettati dall'architetto maltese Giuseppe Bonavia."@it . . . . . . . "La Borsa"@en . .